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  1. Hi I’m a student at an art institute in England, I know very little about biology, although I have attempted to research growing mold. I want to end up with an A3 sheet of paper (with printed text) partially covered (about 20%) in mold and presented inside a normal perspex/acrylic glass picture frame. I want to grow the majority of the mold within a week, and the mold needs to last (dead or alive) for at least 2 months inside a picture frame. At the moment I’ve got 2 ideas of how to do this: Either, storing various moist foods (bread, cheese ect…) in a plastic sealed bag with a damp paper towel, in a warm dark boiler room. Then reproducing whichever bag creates the most amount of mold in the quickest time, scrape the mold onto the A3 sheet of paper and seal inside the picture frame. Or, cover part of the A3 sheet of paper in agar (if I can get any) or yogurt and try to grow mold with the doused paper already inside the picture frame. I’m not sure if this will work because the picture frame won’t allow for much air to circulate. If you could help me with any of this, from techniques for growing mold quickly, to storing mold like a pressed flower I would be very appreciative. Thanks in advance. (I hope I posted this in the right forum)
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