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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. evaluation of pi is impossible. what is possible is giving the upper and lower bound for its value to any number of decimal places.
  2. its not that weather forecasters use that phrase here.. i just wanted to know..... thanks for the answer
  3. dont understand the question completely, but most likely the figure is a "right angled triangle"
  4. this has been troubling me for a while.... if its 0 degree centrigrade,, and the weather forecast says it will be twice as cold tomorrow, then how cold will it be?
  5. sky news reportin upto 11500 dead
  6. i leave my laptop on 24/7 as i am usually downloading like 10 gigs through bit torrent.
  7. i thought the cardinality of [math]\mathbb{N}[/math] was defined to be aleph nought. "As we know, 1 is the indivisible atom of N members..." that to me makes no sense whatever.
  8. how can there be a non - complete collection of infinite elements when you were the one who defined a set to be complete only if did not have infitite number of elements
  9. yes nod32 is quite good. if u want i can provide u the user and pass for the download and for the definition updates
  10. i can't believe u left Newton out just like that Jakiri, and what about Mclaurin, and other mathematicians.
  11. im not gooing point the site out, but there is a suprnova mirror, which is took off where suprnova left.
  12. schaums outilne series is not recommended for good reading. its is however very good for worked examples and tons of exercises
  13. avast 4.5 home has a very wide userbase, and has as good as or better virus and trojan detection rate than norton.. yes i know, the gui sucks. but if u right click and go to enhanced mode. then its much better ( but wait!! its only available through proffesional version) avast 4.5 is relatively new, so cracking groups havent had time to release a keygen yet. if u stick with home for a while, and look around sites for keygen then i am sure u wil get the pro key someday. otherwise u can always look around the torrent sites as they always seem to have the key included . [eidt[ home edition should be completely free, it should reregister itself once the 14 months passes.
  14. ur gonna have people knocking on ur doors soon enough now slickinfinit. hehe
  15. most keygens work like that. basically, according to the serial no. u put it, i will give you a phone key, which u must phone norton and tell it to them so that they can give u an activation key.... but instead of doing that, u just plug the phone thingy in the keygen and it will give u an activation key. afraid i can't really tell you anything more than that.
  16. basically u intpu the phone challenge in ur keyegen, and it will generate and activation key for you.
  17. if y =mx + b , then y'=m y'=0 iff y = constant.
  18. its not like norton doesnt know about sites themself. its highly possible that they have a seperate section dedicated just for scouring those sites and blacklisting all the keys available freely on the net.
  19. like i said in the other thread, consistency doesnt seem to be ur forte. U can't just go around changing your own definitions at ur whim [edit] what i mean is that you dont just go around changing definitions just to make them fit in ur "theorem". You must set definitions and axioms, and then build a structure around it[/edit]
  20. highly unlikely , unless you contact norton, and suscribe.
  21. yes i wouldnt want that to happen. But I would welcome jokes about terrorists or something that makes fun out them. Well I guess it depends on person to person
  22. Ive no more to add to what i have already said. but i look to the future. i dont dwell on the past.
  23. i dont rate mcafee that highly either
  24. its not that people dont care about it. but people will eventually forget, and this is just the beginning of the process.
  25. god. Leave the Past be.. and look to the future. There have been many atrocities in the past.
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