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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. I meant, I prefer MY body to be toned rather than MASSIVE
  2. yeah, carry one. what does it mean...... i dont know how the US education system works.
  3. but surely 300 million quid had some sort of strings attached to them
  4. Whats AP. are u at uni? if so , then thats quite a wide range of modules your doing.
  5. tsk tsk.. does it always have to come down to this?
  6. I dont consider Iraq as a waste resources, its just in trouble rite now because of the way the case for war was put together. Unfortunately US forces are way over streched rite now.
  7. And the only country in the world capable of doing something is US (sorry to place the burden on your shoulders once again) 70,000 have died in refugee camps http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041015/ap_on_re_af/un_darfur_2 The thing is, if Bush, Blair made a case for war on basis of Human rights violations, it would have been more legitimate than one based on sketchy, outdated intelligence exptrapolated and wildly spun. What I would Like the US to to is to present of UN resolution for a case on liberating SUDAN, on the basis of the atrocious situation right now. I think i speak for all of us here , that this move would be very welcome. and most of the world would be truly supporting the action because we have SEEN the terrible state of life via news. US needs to lead. (or any other country for example UK) We all know UN is doomed.
  8. thing is, this election has come down to which party is best at character assasination. The Bush party is trying its best to paint Kerry in minds of undecided voters as a flip flopper. while kerry is trying to paint bush as someone who hasnt full filled his campaign promises
  9. Just to make it clear, I have to get up at 7:30 to get ready and get to uni by 9. that means I would have had only 4 hours of sleep
  10. i am hating some of it , as i have 9 o clock starts on some days and i can't manage to wake up anytime before 2 pm. missed loads of lectures and generally vexed.
  11. like sayo said. most pple have been conditioned to think communism = failure. I for example done even know what exactly communism is and how it works. All that propganda has been fed into me by watching Hollywood B movies.
  12. webshots desktops has high res pics of space. except there files comes encrypted which only their webshots software can decode. but however you can get rippers out there which will convert the files and archives into standard formats
  13. You know those ones where they make those faces with big eyes, and shout at each other etc. etc. cos I have watched too much action now, and just saw Naruto ep 101. and i found it hilarious. recommend me some funny anime pls
  14. its a god damn laptop init. it worked perfectly for my last laptop, but due to a defect, toshiba replaced it with a similar spec machine, and now it doesnt work at all.
  15. I did a quick demo , using Knoppix and Suse CD, they both couldnt detect my integrated ac97 audio, and couldnt detect my integrated graphics. graphics still ran through a generic driver, but dont know if it will affect the performance. no hope for audio
  16. with the eulers formula you can get even more amazing results like [math]i^{i}=e^{\frac{-\pi}{2}}[/math] ill leave it as a simple exercise. [edit] OOPS sorry..... didnt read the qeustion properly. thats not what was being asked.. [/edit]
  17. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/showthread.php?t=4263 there is some problem with the Latex rendering. if you follow each step one by one u will get it. otherwise it seems that there is no spaces betweeen the implications [edit]sorted the latex stuff.[/edit]
  18. I wanted to make his hair on fire or something, will try tht l8r maybe
  19. its sad to see the candidates of one of the worlds biggest demcracy stoop so low just to win an election.
  20. http://www.kaspersky.com
  21. i ve read that its one of the most demanding games out there. is it more power hungry than doom3?
  22. rig = fix kiss
  23. i never knew bush owned a Timber Company
  24. it just depends on what ur native resolution is. if ur using tfts , then using anything except the native resolution will give a messed up picture. i find 1024 768 sufficient enough for my purposes
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