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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. hassle installing all the security updates and rebooting all the time. If you are looking for a free AV, the Avast is quite a good one, very functional, like p2p shield, messenger shield, various others.... high virus and trojan detection rate Currently i am running Kaspersky AV personal pro 4.5 which is great cos of its great unpacking engine and fabulous trojan and virus detection rates
  2. yeah thinking the same thing hehe... u probably click yes on some of those pop up boxes that come up. and if u dont have a good AV, then you wont know about all sort of trojan downloaders getting on ur computer...
  3. I think after reading all this i have to side with sayo and phi. Its true and Biological and Chemical weapons ARENT weapons of mass destruction. The thing is , the secutiry pple are prepared enough, to deal with it. At max about 50 people will die. Then everyone will be evacuated. The site will be quarantined. etc. The only true WMD in my opinion is Nuclear weapons. (which come to think of it USA is the only country to have used it. But lets not get into that )
  4. best thing now to do is back up all ur data. then clean install windows. thats what i always do anyway.... about 4 times a month
  5. not that i have seen of... tried googling for it?
  6. Hi ya. I have a toshiba sd-r6112 dvd - r/rw. I wonder if anyone could recommend me any reliable dvd - rw..
  7. I like to keep mine relatively clean, with all my major downloads on the desktop. I have disabled all the effects in windows to maximise performance.
  8. we need something more controversial... check out http://www.tshirthell.com they sell I plane NY tops
  9. it does. cos my fren has it..
  10. there is a bbc news ticker which runs not in a browser but generally on top of everything. my fren uses it. and it rests on the top of the screen.
  11. buy some protien supplements. i have some with me, but i havent taken them for ages. I have a naturally fit boday anway cos of my genes
  12. bloodhound


    yeah same here. hehe. gonna have to get one
  13. what are u on about? dvds are already there, and have started to push the cds to sidelines
  14. for the comparision for the second question , i used . [math]\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{10^{n}x^{n}}{n}[/math]
  15. have to think a lot harder for the second one. its quite easy to show that it does indeed converge for some x . but what i dont know. it does defintely converge if -1/10 < x < 1/10 . but that is the radius of convergence for the comaprision series i used to check if the original series converges.
  16. havent done this for a while . but here goes for the first one. use the ratio test see if the limit as n tends to infinity of [math]|a_{n+1}/a_{n}|[/math] exists. where in this case. [math]a_{n}=x^{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{1}{i}[/math] so we have [math]|a_{n+1}/a_{n}|=|x\frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n+1}1/i}{\sum_{i=1}^{n}1/i}|[/math] which just converges to |x| as n tends to infinity therefore the series converges if |x|<1 i.e -1<x<1. when x = -1 . the series doesnt converge as [math]\sum_{i=1}^{n}1/i[/math] doesnt converge to 0. and if x =1 the seires doesnt converge as it is the standard harmonic series.
  17. no. its "Nerds go Wild #21"
  18. well, thats what they used to do in the prehistoric ages me thinks. didnt someone die , tasting mercury or something?
  19. its a fact that geeks have unnaturraly large penises
  20. overall, Blair has done a pretty good job, except the mess in Iraq. altough some of his domestic policies like tution top up fees for universities arent very popular. I wonder who will get the student protest votes. lib dems ?
  21. From BBC News: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/3696306.stm "Imperial College London researchers in the UK are developing a new way of storing data that could lead to discs capable of holding 1,000 gigabytes. Current discs carry one bit of data per pit. But the researchers say that by using angled ridges in the pits, they can alter the way light behaves. The end result is a way of encoding and detecting up to 10 times more information from one pit."
  22. who know. maybe they have a curfew, or a blackout every night
  23. nothing to worry about. everything is contaminated. thats the problem with pple living in the west. they are so clean that they dont get to build up the natural resistance and immunity.
  24. a big YES .. it seems that there is noone better at this moment.
  25. What I dont like is the way bush has given the impression (while everything he said is true) that iraq is linked with terrorism. and he did nothing to change that view until the last moment.. even then most americans believe that saddam hussein and al qaida (sp??) are linked. What bothers me most is that Iraq is now a breeding group for terrorists, and it seems that both Bush and Blair are out of touch with reality. It may be easy for them to say that they wont negotiate with terrorists and that some people may have to pay the blood price, but if it was their own children threathed with beheading ..... thats another matter
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