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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/ranking.htm there you go. what university are you looking for anyway?
  2. Fire fox ona Powerbook!!!!!
  3. this seems good http://www.fraps.com/ tomshardware uses it to benchmark games..
  4. hehe. aye. RP go go go....
  5. yes indeed. Bath, Warwick, Nottingham are meant to be the crem de la crem (????) of maths teaching in GB..... Lets just Boycott Times and Guardian. DOWN WITH ITTTT
  6. i would go for the second one. most pple from america would probably go for the first or the last one
  7. woo. just had a look at the 2004 uni rankings for maths timeonline puts nottingham at 5th and warwick at 10th cant believe guardian has put nottingham trent infront of nottingham uni!!!! it puts nottingham at 12th and warwick at 18th Nottingham comes 80th in the world in general. dont know about maths.
  8. if u got a good graphics card. just link a video recorder to s- video out port. buts thats just useful for capturing, for editing you will have to transfer it back.. to digital.
  9. i have two semesters
  10. It seems to be most pple teaching chemistry are not qualified enough. Luckily we had only one Brilliant Old Experience Geezer. who could teach Physics and Chemistry and had answers to all of your questions. He could have been a Uni lecturer. so every other chemistry and physics teacher used to run up to him everytime they encountered a hard question
  11. my fav english phrase is. "... and Bob's your uncle"
  12. I am not sure about this. just following on from daves answer If your working in fuctions of more variables [math]f(x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{n})[/math] then the eq point is the point [math](x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{n})[/math] where [math]f_{x_1}=0,f_{x_2}=0,...,f_{x_n}=0[/math] so u just get n simultaneous eq. for n variables.
  13. firefox doest seem to be opening when clicking on the desktop shortcut. anyway my bro tried to install firefox on his powerbook. but it just messed up. but still I will be using it on my laptop. when i get it back from repair.
  14. "I suck blood" by BloodHound
  15. actually one of the computers had issues with firefox. so had to revert back to IE
  16. hurray. changed three of our computers in our house to firefox. It just hit me how good firefox is compared to IE. anyway
  17. u lot say airplane = we lot meant to say Aeroplane, but we dont
  18. _______ __ __ / \ _;;_ || || ____ / \/ 0 0 \ __||___||___/ \ ||_______|| \____/ \ /\_x_x_/ ||__ ||__ \________/ ;; So what exactly is an erg? ... ...An Erg is a Dyne Centimer!
  19. Man walks into a bar. Mans says watch it barstard. bar says f off.
  20. any. not that i am defending IE or anything. I am sure once Firefox gets popular there will be more an more security holes found . once everyone turns their magnifying glasses on the source (its open for god's sake), and then we will have to migrate to another less known but more secure browser. Another baffling thing is that tabbed browsing i think is off by default. which makes having it a bit pointless,
  21. B is certainely not a solutions as you can get f(x)=1 for x=4
  22. why not built reall smooth roads. and cars with very low centre of mass. like 0.5 cm avoe ground. that would stup the cars from rollin over
  23. can someone just lock this thread. this is unfortunately turning into another Reps vs Dems flame war.
  24. thats not that big a number to be honest
  25. u never know. wooods and michelson were 5 up i think at one point yesterday. and they still managaed to lose .
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