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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. so with ur method. and considering any number greater than 26 in mod26. we get this word with backward numbering and reading the message backwards EVKRYPTEU maybe he did it wrong? or maybe he encrypted it twice usuing different methods? who knows
  2. Doesnt seem to work. 32 for example, if u work in mod 26. is in ur case with bacward numbering U
  3. i meant who proved that theorem about groups first.
  4. just making random posts
  5. U never give up , do you sayo?!!! ARRRRR. u know ur wrong though
  6. i dont really understand why someone would want to put their pic up and tell thei whole bleak life history to complete strangers on the net.
  7. bloodhound


    i am not really a programming kind of guy. started java. but couldnt be bothered any more. can do some basic http (i know , i know). but i am very good at graphic design and manipulation!! If u ever see a fake pic of a celebrity nude. Its highly likely that it was touched up be ME!!!
  8. bloodhound


    Ohhhh, thats going into my dictionary of classic statements
  9. thank you phi very much, I cannot believe the success of this thread
  10. bloodhound


    i speak Nepalese English Indian Urdu used to speak Russian and taken two years of French classes. BEAT THAT!!!
  11. viruses carries out tasks , commands and processes at the request of their user. who turns out to be the writer. Its just the different machines the carrying out part takes place. SO SOFTWARE it is.
  12. bloodhound


    well how many languages do u guys speak . used to speak , understand fluently or taken lessons?
  13. US is getting trashed in tech nowdays. Solar sails are absolutely useless for manned missions. and if we send one now. then it will probably get there in 4000 years time.
  14. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten ee- leven twelve thirteen
  15. was the set of points continuous in the first place? was taking light as a wave. it should be. but what happends once that point where the light strikes the moons surface starts moving faster and faster
  16. how do u classigy something under software anwya? viruses execute a command , so yes i think its software.
  17. exactly. thats why i did maths. cos apparently there is a real shortage of qualifies mathematicians in britian. not only yhat. the range of careers was so braodl
  18. the only tablets i ever take is VIAGRA.
  19. Imagine a laser beam shining at the moon. if you move the beam. with enough angular velocity. due to the fact the the points speed at distance r is spped = ang. vel times r. wont that point of light be moving faster than light on the mmooons surface. And if that is true, would we see a discrete set of points like firing a machine gun while moving fast enough.
  20. AHHHHHH< yes i am CLEVAAAAAAAAA. can i do some sort of joke? (if i ever did one)
  21. just bloody use the likes of RSA sounds like a disease. they are sort of unbreakable
  23. mac has a wide array of professional software suites available. even latest games like halo and ut2004 are available fo mac nowdays
  24. HAHA. Sayo thinks viruses are HARDWARE
  25. i used to dual boot my laptop with redhat. will try mandrake soon
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