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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. bloodhound


    of course..... just makes basic sense. most likely you already know the language, otherwise you wouldnt have stayed there for ages
  2. I had my first sip of Bombardier yesterday. Not bad.
  3. hi. i am doing a module called "introduction to quantum mechanics" this year at uni. They provide a substantial lecture note. found here http://www.maths.nottingham.ac.uk/personal/scc/qti/coursenotes.pdf i think it has all the stuff u are looking for like time and time independent solutions. etc cheers
  4. to be honest. I prefer "The economist" to newsweek or time.
  5. definitely go for mathematics. Wider range of career options. Most of them in the rich sector of the market. Thats what i am doing now anway. HAHAHAHAHAHAH. SUCKERS
  6. i dont know. something like showing that a cyclic group with finite order is Abelian. or something like that.
  7. anyway. i have noticed another thing. CNN is starting to call it FOOTBALL instead of soccer. AMAZING. seems like somekind of atlantic crossover.
  8. well i find the tagging easier than looking around a panel for a button.
  9. Oxford Dictionary is the way to do. Cambridge would do well as well
  10. wow. thats a really great idea. how come I didnt think of it??¬¬
  11. bloodhound


    if a function or sequence is not bounded above and is non decreasing. then it tends to infinity. We can find plenty of examples in reality. thus we conclude that the infinity as an abstraction of mental inability to work in higher order does exsist.
  12. it seems more and more likely that Bush will be re-elected with each passing second. I really want him to win. altough i dont like him. Weird HUH? Just wanna see what he does. If someone will get a chance to says "I TOLD YOU SO!!"
  13. try to make your own Viagra by using typical domestic ingredients like vinegar, baking powder, water, bleach, and corriander seeds.
  14. nope. i think an average 7th year can solve a simple problem is group theory,.
  15. bush should be arested for drinking under influence
  16. hotmail will now haave 250MB imbox, which is more than enough for me
  17. a better indication of addiction would be to look at your post count per day. mines about 6.5. 5614's about 11 and daves 4.3 . as a general rule. the longer you been here , the less you post. take blike for example
  18. yes indeed. The Bush has expanded the current government and increased the presidential autority too much. There was a really good article in the Economist if anyone has it.
  19. think its similar to group theory. might look it up on google now.
  20. I have long ago rid myself of forum addiction. There used to be time when I neeedede a hit every 1 min or so.
  21. can someone send me one cheers.
  22. i am doing some quantum mech modules. dont know if i am doing any serious physics. oh well they should at least be an interesting exercise in solving partial differential equations.
  23. what do u classify as a REAL veteran? Someone who lost their arms. Someone who spent more than 10 years in combat? Someone who killed 10000 enemies?
  24. I thought Americans were proud of their war veterans. Now they are just someone to be flushed down the john
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