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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. hang on. is that what u think it is?? Cos in our course, it was called, the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic What I meant by the fundamental theorem of Algebra goes something like this a polynomial of degree n has n roots. or a polynomial of nth degree has n linear factors in C yadda yadda yadda. u know what i mean I still couldnt be bothered proving the prime thingy. maybe do it later
  2. gonna sale all ur adds to spammers HAHAHAHA A MUAHAHAHAHA
  3. google has a different search method. It looks at how many times a site is linked from other sites. thats how google bombing works. some pple just create loads of pages which link "miserable Failure" to GWbushes bio. and when you search for miserable failure. the page comes up first. this strategy works only for a rare combination of words.
  4. maybe you could independently verify Fermats Last Theorem perhaps. or the Fundamental theorem of Algebra
  5. We Are not debating the cause or the seriousness of his injuries. I am just saying that Kerry deserves the respect cos he put his life on line for his country. Who knows what could have happened in vietnam. Would u have respected him more if he lost a arm or a leg?
  6. me thinks that this thread was delibirately started for a barrage of innuendos.
  7. the one dave sent me seems to have been expired.
  8. dave. I sent you a pm asking for the invite.
  9. If you take away 9/11 from bushes presidency, his re-election bid is very weak indeed.
  10. i thought all hurricanes had female names!!! so how come this has a male russian name.
  11. that black viper site is a trusted site and recommended by many system admins that i have talked to over the net. There are many things running that if you turned them off you wouldn't notice. makes the boot up time much faster.
  12. nope thats perfectly normal . mines 31.
  13. bbc tells us that it was somewhere round 190. It still doesnt matter. I can't beleive they havent thought of the worst case scenario where the parachutes fails to deploy.
  14. Can anyone say GLOBAL WARMING!!!!!!!!! I mean we ve had really terrible weather not just in america, but also in UK
  15. did not know this thread would be so popular wow I am amazed
  16. yeah, I was thinking of doing the Markov chain module for the 2nd year. still undecided.
  17. they should instead have put some eccentric guy of french origin
  18. I cannot comprehend some of the american people out there. Whatever may have happened in Vietnam, it is a fact that Kerry willingly laid his life on the line for his country while some chose not to. Kerry should be respected for that and his hearts and medals. I saw some people in the RNC wearing band-aids with purple heart on them. and claiming that they cut themself while shaving and they deserved a purple heart. Found that outstanding. and What I find more outstanding is that Kerry is on the defensive about his war record. Its a fact that he chose to fight in vietnam. Wheter that would make him a good or a bad president is another matter altogether. But Kerry deserves Respect for his war record, and not the mud slinging that is coming from the other side. Its a bit like throwing rocks at people from a glass house.
  19. i dont know. get some utility like cpu - z which gives u the clock speed. or you should be able to see it from the BIOS
  20. MAn. FLorida is getting beat up!!! probably gods punishment for the 2000 elections or something. [edit] atinymonkeys post wasnt there when i click the reply button[/edit]
  21. what do u mean thats not good enough. My previous computer was 400Mhz and 128Mb ram. and ran win98se sweet. Used it for three years with no probs at all. very stable. the specs of that computer were quite pityful 6 gigs hard drive 4MB integrated graphics CD reader floppy. happilly ran office2000 and office xp.
  22. both parties have made the use of 911 for their own political gains. some more than others maybe. The RNC for example.
  23. i voted we spend too much, With the current state of earth.
  24. i dont see anything wrong with it. with all the negative campaining in america now. Kerry has got enough damaged with the swiftboat ads. Maybe this will somehow slap their wrist.
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