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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. cowboy bebop and hellsing are the best of anime i have seen so far. gundam wing isnn't bad either
  2. Having major problems with my home desktop. I can't seem to go to the folder properties by right clicking it and going to properties. so i cant see how big it is. or change its attributes, so the home networking falls apart
  3. just read the article
  4. tomshardware has a video of them overclocking using liquid nitrogen. got up to 5 Ghz video can be found here http://www.tomshardware.com/site/videos/index.html and the related article on here http://www.tomshardware.com/cpu/20031230/index.html
  5. bloodhound


    but whats the irony in saying "up to a point"? i dont get it
  6. u will probably go to the wrong side of the car all the time, or almost get run over while trying to cross a road. well thats what happened to me when i went to paris!!!!!
  7. what about a 200m tsunami.
  8. so i assume u been here before then?
  9. bloodhound


    I have just read an excellent article from "The Economist" about decoding European diplomats. http://www.economist.com/world/europe/PrinterFriendly.cfm?Story_ID=3152907 its asks a question For example, how many non-Brits could decode the irony (and literary allusion) which lies behind the expression “up to a point”, which is used to mean “no, not in the slightest” and I have no idea what the answer is. anyone have a go?
  10. I am sure I dont have to tell him. There is a high chance he will end up going to all of them anyway
  11. there is a high probability that it will. by the way, cell phone are called "mobile" over here, just so that you wont get vexed when u get here. where abouts u staying then? for how long?
  12. my mate who does physics there will probably go. ill ask him what it was all about.
  13. it was just a rare porn movie that i was trying to bid for.
  14. i just like to suck blood.
  15. wh dont use a circular magnet and rotate it to create the EMF. a single spin will last longer than a single shake
  16. too lazy. can't be bothered. got better things to do. etc etc. whs idea was it anwy?
  17. its always the same. is noone willing to put their picture up and tell us your life story?
  18. i am not sure of this. havent done this for a while. but most likely you will have 22 rotational symmetries and 22 reflective symmetries. i am not going to list them all but here are some rotational (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22) (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21)(2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)
  19. its not just defined by that weight. its defined by a weight of a cylinder of certain dimension of a certain compound.
  20. what do u mean you cant say how is it defined. everything is defined. even a standard kg is defined.
  21. how are the categories defined anyway? what is catergory 4 ?
  22. how come its francis. i thought it was frances? hope pple wont blame france for this as well
  23. thats what i usually do in real life anyway. thanks. i havent bidden yet. dont know what to do. think ill just leave it.
  24. its seems that he has no feedback from buyers. must be the first time he sold something. and his feedback from sellers is quite weird. cos its all good. but then there is on some of them added on notes saying that it wasnt them who wrote the feedback it was the buyer who somehow managed to do it. dont get it.
  25. I asked him the same question and he replied saying that "there was a misunderstanding, and that he wanted the payment to be made by bank transfer" Should I go for it? If its genuinine, then its the best bargain I have EVER seen in my life
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