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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. bloodhound


    never listened to evanesance .. but from what i heard its just LP with female vocals, so i wont bother until someone whose musical sense i respect reccommends it to me.
  2. bloodhound


    anyway enough of this. i hate when other pple try to impose music on me, so i will stop bantering on how shit linkin park is
  3. bloodhound


    i am not comparing genres of music. i am talking about about the degrading quality of music in various genres, and the general public not being able to distinguish the quality of their predeccessors and the current bands.
  4. bloodhound


    Dude, I am trained as a classical musician, so I know what i am talking about. Dramatic pitch change didnt make metallica good. It was the quality of their music which made them a good band. Your logic is all wrong. A good piece of music will have all those features your talking about. But having all those features in a piece of music won't make it good. You talking about Linkin park being complex. HAHAHAH. i have never heard more than 4 lines of music in their song at a same time.
  5. bloodhound


    Melodious cresendos alone dont make good music. even their melodies get boring after a while. u talk about pitch change. of course they MUST use pitch change. after all they are playing some "MUSIC". i cannot see where you see classical being melted. i only see bits of classical pieces being ripped off, segwayed into some parts of songs to make their music more "Sensitive"
  6. bloodhound


    yes. i have indeed listenened to them. i am not that ignorant to comment about their "music" without listening to them. their music has no sophistication and creativity. all of their songs are based on the same formula to please their brainwashed fans. they havent made any progress at all to standard of music like other bands in the past have done.
  7. bloodhound


    linkin park is shit. more noise than music. you pple wont notice decent music even if it slapped you across your face and started to rape you.
  8. blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
  9. what are you on phi? You do not seem to make sense. need to buy speaker
  10. dont understand phi; my laptop overheating need to eat pizza
  11. well, new abortion laws over here allowing gals under 16 to have abortions without the knowledge of their parents http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/3941573.stm
  12. oh ya. just in case pple dont know what i am on. its mike tyson getting ko'ed by englands willians in the fourth round. and then i just made a generalisation from there on.
  13. Three Cheers for England.
  14. No says me, bloodhound. Open up, and reveal all: boobs boobs tits hurray
  15. feel really tired; been cleaning up chiken eggs; all day at my work.
  16. man this sucks longtime: you all suck very much long time; suck suck suck suck suck
  17. Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Horse Manuree
  18. haiku is healthy: do not ban it please, sayo. this is a fine thread
  19. anything sucks if u concentrate hard enough. ABSINTH is still LEGAL in UK!!!!!!!
  20. i liked those pics so much, that i saved them to my ftp tehhheeee. ... and thats where i am hotlinking it from
  21. dude. why the EFFFFFF has noone mentioned Stella?????? come on man, Stella Artois is a like teh best out there. it quite funny. i liked it so much, that i ordered one during the england -france match. the barmaid gave me some funny look, but luckily no-one else seemed to have overheard my gaffe
  22. seriously one of the worst movies i seen. really bad acting. very cliched pllot very cliched dialogues. and it didnt make any sense at all. all it is , is a showcase for matrix like special effects. dissapointed
  23. here more hehee
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