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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. is this good enough for u
  2. 1)sofcore pr0n 2)hardcore pr0n 3)boobs and so on
  3. bloodhound


    everything except classical rock and prog rock is nu rock to me. and i dont listen to nu rock at all.
  4. ii know. but hes the ONLY one who regularly takes pictures of "spiderman"
  5. or as bush says. nucular weapons
  6. what the hell is angelellic. does that even exist? angelellic = angel like mountain bike
  7. i quite like it. i find it funny. i crack up when i keep looking at its eye.
  8. well ovbiously everone must know him, cos hes the only one who gets the picture of spidey for the newspaper.
  9. uuummm.... i was just correcting ur statement that they were non fictional. i never questioned the films themselves. ur the one who started all these philosophical nonsense.
  10. the distiction between fiction and non fiction isnt whether the script exists or not. why dont u just admit that u made a mistake quoting all those films to be non fictional
  11. script isnt physical. the paper onto which the script is printed is physical. the script itself exists as a pigment of someones imagination
  12. and what are the likes of ali g based on to make them non fictional
  13. nope. the ones based on true stories arent.
  14. cos theres plenty of them in the other threads. why not leave them alone and do all the cussing and swearing in here. that would be great. we could have the sci vs religion flame war.
  15. lol. somehow that made me laugh jakiri. u could really do with some parodies of some of the threads in pseudoscience
  16. i need to practice my l337 h4x0r 5k11lz.. haha . the first time in my life i ever typed in l337 5p33k
  17. when u mean engline. are u talking about the physics engine. the unreal engine is still the best out there rite now.
  18. u saying ali g is non-fictional?
  19. yeah loved that book. isnt that book the sequel to something called "The flight of eagle " or something similar. cant remember the name.
  20. boob = tit fit
  21. yes i know he would know about it . but is he fast enough to dodge it. he wouldnt be able to dodge if , if he didnt know the shot was fired would he.
  22. think the coolest southpark avatar would be Satan, or miss chokes on dick
  23. but is his reflex that fast? i mean considering thinking time and moving time. i hardly think, he can dodge a supersonic bullet fired from medium range.
  24. first of all, the whole premise of superhero, is built around the secrecy of the hero's identity. i didnt say it makes him more vulnerable. but it probably does anyway. can spidey dodge bullet? i mean the ones like sniper rifles, fired witought him knowing
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