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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. combat at light years distance wont make sense. oh yeah. noone seems to have considered actualy physical combat (a bit like hand to hand) . i mean spaceships can't carry infinite amount of resources. in "outlaw star" (another anime series). the ships have hand like appendages which can be used to physically damage the enemies ship is close quarteers. another anime "Infinite ryvius" also had a remote controlled Robot.
  2. yes i know its a mirror. just wondering why the majorgeeks didnt have reference to safer networking. and neither did the main spybot site have anything about the patch.
  3. scanned through it. most likely rubbish.
  4. ok. but i am sure if the author approved they would have put the patch up for download there as well. oh yeah. how did u know the patch was from safer networking
  5. Safer Networking limited? from what i see its from PepiMK software. Also they dont have that patch, or any reference to it in the main spybot website. i have installed it anyway. just hope that its not somethingy dodgy.
  6. is the irc chat offline as well now?
  7. was this patch approved by the original author of spybot?
  8. do i have to download a patch? reinstall spybot again. or does it come on in the updates? all i see is just definition updates.
  9. why are some letters in bold
  10. BNP hired a black DJ by mistake http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_1200735.html i cannot believe parties like BNP exist and even have support in todays day and age.
  11. yes. i would recommend. as each of them could find stuff that another cannot. usually for general adware, those two should be enough. but for more virulent strains. u will need other tools.
  12. adaware and spybot are programs built to scan your computer for adware and spyware. they do a great job as well. IE lets so much stuff into ur computer without u knowing. adware http://www.download.com/Ad-Aware-SE-Personal-Edition/3000-8022_4-10319876.html?tag=pop spybot http://www.download.com/Spybot-Search-Destroy/3000-8022_4-10289035.html?tag=pop those two are infact the top two most downloaded files in download.com
  13. im having problems now as well. its probably cos the server isnt parsing the latex code.
  14. that definitely means u got some sort of adware. try download adaware and spybot. and scanning ur computer.
  15. oooh nice haiku phi wanna do modern stuff now 0 1 0
  16. whats texnic like
  17. test 3 [math]\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k^2}=\frac{\pi^2}{6}[/math] [math]x^3 - x^2 - x - 1 = 0[/math]
  18. you CAN actually get a third party software specially made to get rid of IE from ur computer. I wouldnt recommend you to do that, as u will need IE for many of the sites out there, the most important being windows update. you can however remove all the shorcuts to it and make it invisible by going to control panel -> windows components and deselecting the IE option
  19. ah. my parents are all the way on the other side of the planet. its not easy to call them up so casually.
  20. blog is short for web log.
  21. setup as in everything.
  22. thanks for that. is topology on a space something to do with metric spaces?
  23. good reccomends ed84c. but i dont agree with 10MB max attachment. thats ridiculous. i would definitely like an option to delete our posts. average location of post counts? whats that?
  24. hmm.. i havent come across topology yet. what is a discrete topology?
  25. In my revision on linear algebra i came across this statement. If a continuous function is invertible then its inverse need not be continuous! except i am having a hard time finding examples. Can someone give me such a function. cheers.
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