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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. I loved Linear algebra. all the vector spaces and subspaces. mind boggling. I havent done much number theory, except introductory group theory.
  2. and u still passed. but probably brought ur average down. but that doesnt matter cos ur first year dont count rite?
  3. yes, and if it takes off, we can do others like Linear Mathematics 101, or Mathematical Analysis 101. etc
  4. hehe, i found stats quite boring, but it was quite easy to revise. you just have to remember all the various hypothesis test and the critical values and such. I basically revised the whole of the stat module the night before the exam cos i didnt go to many lectures as most of them were 11 in the morning. and thats very early by my standards
  5. I am quite well spread next year. Not too much pure. i would love to do them, but you have to think of future as well. So i have plenty of mechanics modules and two or three stats as well. Was about to to Number Theory but left it. can still change my mind if i want to
  6. I get 1/8R. This probably the most obvious way to do it. if u look at the circle, you can write L and H in terms of R and x . we dont have to worry what happens to R cos its constant, and x is the only variable. so we have [math]\frac{L}{2}=Rcosx[/math] [math]L=2Rcosx[/math] and [math]K=Rsinx[/math] therefore [math]H=R-Rsinx[/math] [math]H=R(1-sinx)[/math] so [math]\frac{H}{L^2}=\frac{R(1-sinx)}{4R^{2}\cos^{2}x}[/math] [math]=\frac{(1-sinx)}{4R(1-\sin^{2}x)}[/math] [math]=\frac{(1-sinx)}{4R(1-sinx)(1+sinx)}[/math] [math]=\frac{1}{4R(1+sinx)}[/math] Letting L tend to 0 is the same as letting x tend to Pi/2 therefore limit of [math]=\frac{1}{4R(1+sinx)}[/math] as x tends to Pi/2 , by ALG [math]=\frac{1}{4R(1+1)}[/math] [math]=\frac{1}{8R}[/math]
  7. Taken from my calculus exam The function f satisfies [math]f(2x)=xf(x)+1[/math] 1)Show that [math]f(0)=1[/math] 2)Show using induction that [math]2^{n}f^{n}(2x)=nf^{(n-1)}(x)+xf^{n}(x) \forall x \in R[/math] 3)Hence, derive the first three terms of the Maclaurin series of [math]f[/math] I managed to do it, but because of 1) and 2) if 3) was given by itself I would think i would be completely lost for some time. edit: [math]f^n[/math] denotes the nth derivative of f
  8. or use some kind of encryption.
  9. woooo parteeeeee.
  10. if there is nothing to fix, then break something
  11. it can't be THAT bad!!!!
  12. yeah. It does get a bit confusing at some times. What modules u doing next year?
  13. I did STEP 2 and 3. it was absolutely mad. but now that i am accustomed to style of maths in uni, i think i could do them now.
  14. y not. maths is very good and there is a real shortage of mathematicians in UK. maths has quite a broad career range as well.
  15. finding codes once events have occured has no point at all. just a waste of time. finding a code which would predict something which has not happened yet would be better. but unfortunately that would never happen. all with the light cones and stuff.
  16. All of a sudden Aldo saw a magnificent dark entity,
  17. ripcast will save the shoutcast streams to mp3. there are other programs to rip realmedia and other streams
  18. I am an Musicoholic. I would love to discuss certain aspects of music. such as composition , performance and interpretation. the subtelties of jazz and classical music. It would also be a good place to open your own mind and others mind to different genres. For instance I have quite got into DnB and UK garage lately. we could also talk about our fav pieces of music as well as share our playlists. and if this forum is ok with sharing music, we can put links up to good torrents.
  19. yes. hes not captain material rite now
  20. there are plenty of stuff on the internet. if you go to download.com and go to the audio section and the encoder subsection. easy cd-da extractor is very popular. rips cd very nicely and converts between vairous major audio formats. Audiograbber is the next popular with similar functions
  21. flaming chocolate bars with all the taste of a floating
  22. portugal beat england. very unfair
  23. oh no. 6-5 . and new set of rules comes in.
  24. actually its 4-4
  25. its now 3-4 Go england. if they score the last one . they win!!!!!!1
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