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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. well, raptor maybe "better", but su is for me "better looking" and thats all that counts. Also su being lighter than raptor and on top of that having the thrust vector control, i am sure it will have an advantage in a one on one dogfight.
  2. u still havent defined it. u just gave some examples. edit: i could give u the definition of dimension that i have studied
  3. i dont seem to know DGO either. pls go for it
  4. first of all, can u define what u mean by dimension.
  5. yeah, computers taking over everything. used to be just man and machine and pure skill.
  6. cramer's rule is good for theroretical consideration, but its pretty useless for computation of solutions of a large system of equations. I prefer gauss-jordan elimination , and back substitution. also to find inverses of matices for 3by 3 or larger use row operations as it much quicker and that determinant - adjugate way. Also to find the determinant of a matrix laarger than 3by 3 matrix its generally quicker to use row and column operations of transform the matrix into any diagonal form. then the determinant can be quicked determined by computing the product of the diogonal entries.
  7. theres nothing wrong with old. i used to be fascinated by it when i was a kid living in russia. it looks much better than all the others
  8. i have always used a casio fx 992-s . its very reliable. two way power. therefore battries will proabably last longer that you. very simple to use. plenty of power to do stats like regression and corelation. very slim, has a cool sliding cover. and it looks very good with it on. i am holding it rite now and i am still amazed how slim and light it is
  9. while, i personally like the su-27. They look very nice . and have the "Thrust vector control" thingy. i think it means it can change the nozzle direction, allowing more manuevaring, like vertical stalling and other impossible stuff become possible. does the berkut have that as well? edit:taken the images off
  10. su 47 berkut definitely looks impressive while the raptor looks alil bit more subdeud. I am sure the raptor is the only current plane which can go supersonic witought the need of afterburners. edit: taken the images off
  11. think hal would pass the turing test?
  12. not bad
  13. almost 19/ male / England
  14. i was always fascinated with maths and better at it than most of the other subjects, so i wanted to do something related to it. still dont know what that is
  15. i would doubt that http://www6.tomshardware.com/cpu/20031223/index.html for benchmarks and reviews
  16. oooof,, u pple need something do to anything. I find it more interesting doing it by hand. first of all it gives pratice doing integrals, and then it also gives confidence
  17. oh, no no no. its absolutely not like that. e is just a constant, just like any other constants, eg pi. etc so when u integrate a constant function, ur just basically finding the area of the rectangle the function makes between the two bounds of the definite integral. for example: [math]\int_1^{2}3dx=[3x]_1^{2}=6-3=3[/math] which is the same thing as finding the area of the rectagle with height 3 and length (2-1)=1. while e is not a function of anything. e^x is a function. its quite a nice function as the value of its derivative at a point is equal to the value of the function at that point. i am not really good at explaining stuff. maybe someone will help you better
  18. it seems u forgot to integrate e with respect to x [math]\int_e^{e^2}(\frac{5}{x}+e)dx=[5lnx+ex]_e^{e^2}[/math]
  19. i dont see anything wrong with asking that question.
  20. not that i know off, i am sure it can't have been THAT bad hehe
  21. maybe they did and they just havent told me. hehe. what could they do to me anyway.
  22. check this site out http://www.hollandparkeschool.netfirms.com/whackest_shit_on_the_net.htm that a spoof site taking the piss of the school i used to go to. i recommend u listen to this prank call as well http://www.hollandparkeschool.netfirms.com/prank_calls.htm
  23. u answered urself f= mass times acceleration, so if u dont know the mass, u dont know the force applied on the particle. corrent me if i am wrong
  24. unfortunately i wont be able to use the uni network anymore cos i am moving out from halls.
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