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Everything posted by bloodhound

  1. http://www.adslguide.org.uk has one. for this test this is what i got Communication : - 4.2 Megabits per sec Storage: - 513.6 Kilobytes per sec 1MB download : - 2 sec Subjective rating awesome
  2. i am apparently in the top 10% of my class. woooo.
  3. my first post about solving x^y=y^x for integers x,y with 0<x<y
  4. i will be the first one to do that then.
  5. it doesnt matter how it flips. if it does then i bet it would be like "Day of Triffids"
  6. thats just sick
  7. when it flips i bet it would be just like "Day of the Triffids"
  8. why dont u go to the exam boards website, if its AQA http://www.aqa.org.uk/qual/gcse.html and select which maths ur doing, and then view the specifications. and for edexcel http://www.edexcel.org.uk/qualifications/QualificationSubject.aspx?id=50009 the specs should have everything u need in there. there are should also be some past papers with answers, so if u look at them u should get an idea of which form to use
  9. For de Moivre's, use the Euler's formula to write [math] (\cos x + i\sin x)^n = (e^{ix} )^n [/math] [math] = e^{inx } = e^{i(\alpha )} [/math] where [math]\alpha=nx[/math] Using Euler's Formula again, [math] =\cos\alpha+i\sin\alpha [/math] [math] =\cos(nx)+i\sin(nx) [/math]
  10. oh sorry, if u do maths a levels especially the stats modules then u will understand it. you don need to know this now I had the same problem when doing GCSE cos the course isnt really exact on which formula ur meant to use. Its better to ask you teacher.
  11. my average for the year is 80.8. not bad for doing f**k all eh?
  12. nicked from my stats lectures
  13. the n-1 is for sample of a population, this is because, since you are estimating a statistic, u want it be unbiased, which is E(s^2)=sigma^2 s^2 is called the unbiased esimator of the population variance.
  14. i think it acts just like the /swap partition in linux
  15. u have to rip the .vob files and .ifo files from the disc before u can do anything with them. like i said http://www.doom9.org has all the necessary guides. if u go to nero express , there in the video menu, u will have options to create VCD and SVCD from variety of video files.
  16. http://www.doom9.org for all the guides and necessary software. I personally never converted dvds to vcd. I just use Dr DivX, a simple effective and user friendly software to encode dvds into divx avi. For the DVD ripping i use DVD decrypter, its freeware.
  17. i just watched "Day After Tomorrow" and i have to admit there was some funky special efffects. But is any of the science in the movie any good? does the change in current, affect the weather to such extent? Is it possible for tempreture to change at 15 degrees a second. The bit when it says the cold air is sucked from the stratosphere and is sucked to the ground fast enough for it to not get warm? doesnt that involve the air to travel at immense velocity? Can the air travel that fast?(on earth of course)
  18. what makes the speed of light equal in all the inertial frames? Is it assumed to be true, like an axiom of mathematics
  19. the only calculator i have ever used , is casio fx-992s very slim, powerful. and has a lot of functions. and has over 128 constants!! not that it really matters.
  20. We all know how to diagonalise matrices. But ever since i leanrt how to I was like WTF do u use it for???? Until now, the only really useful application is to write any general quadratic form as a sum of perfect squares. Any of you guys know any?
  21. you can get graphics card reviews at http://www.tomshardware.com , and they go into extreme detail analysing each stuff.
  22. no. it involves more than just the RAM. for example a 32 MB ati radeon will outperform my 64Mb integrated graphics. if u wanna benchmark ur graphics card then download stuff like Aquamark or 3d mark
  23. Nicked from my analysis lecture notes.
  24. I have to admit , the first thing i tried was to rationalise the denominator as well, although that got me nowhere, so i just gave up. I thought if I used L'Hopital's it would just give me weird indices. Limits are used in differentiation, integrals, improper integrals and all sorts of stuff.
  25. Seriously, yesterday , I was pissed. All I remember is some of my frens took me back to my room. I don't even remember who they were. I don't remember what made them take me back. Its seriously freaking me out, cos i just woke up, and dont have any memory of what happened yesterday. I remember only one bit. A rubbish bin on the side of the bed and my frens saying if i needed to puke just roll over to the side. oh yeah, also found a helpful pint of water on my table. Can someone explain this type of memory shutdown or lockdown during extreme alcohol consumption. Is there any way of recovering this data eg. thinking hard enough.....
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