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  1. I had considered working through on my own, but decided i'm more interested in advancing the theory than protecting it. If possible, I would like some feedback or insight on where to look at for the major holes in this before investing the time / resources on the details. Any thoughts? Is there any string research being done on quantum level particles and their movement or transition through dimensions? Theory Summary: The following describes how gravity is unified into relativity at a quantum level. To sum up, the 4th dimension (not considering space/time as the 4th dimension) is scale. It is very simple to understand and visualize 'scale', this should not be confused with relativity though. Relative Scaling states that from Earth I can observe a tiny spec of light in the night sky, but as I move 50 million light years closer, that spec becomes a galaxy, and another 50 million light years close the galaxy is too large to visualize but I see stars (microcosm of the galaxy). Rather than a 3 dimensional universe, we need to consider that we actually feel the effects of this 4 dimensional universe in every day life ~ gravity. The 4th Dimension of scale pertains to particles as they enter this 4-brane state (string theory) on a quantum level. The individual particle's energy is scaled to the Newtonian universe we live in, dissipating to a very weak force. The amount of energy doesn't scale, it spreads out over a very large area (equal to the scaling effect). When the binding energy that holds quantum particles together is scaled out to our Newtonian universe we live in, the same force (albeit very weak) is felt as gravity. It takes many of these 4-brane state particles conglomerated together to form enough force to be felt as gravity. In clusters where more particles exists, there is higher amounts of gravity, due to larger percentage of particles entering this 4-brane state. Black holes have a higher than usual percentage of particles entering this 4-brane state. The Theory Predicts: 1) On a small relative scale, there are fluctuations or irregularities in gravity which become more apparent as you move further away from a large gravity source. This is due to the thinning of particles further away that are entering this 4-brane state. This may be difficult to measure due to the quantum duality nature of the particles, may have to have simultaneous measurements 2) There will be a constant involved as to the scaling effect of the particles. This constant should consider if another force is acting on this effect 3) There is a mathematical link between the number of particles entered into the 4-brane state (nature / density of particles), influences that transition particles into this state, the scaling effects of the particles, and the force of gravity.
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