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Everything posted by Zaeyde

  1. You know those freezer pop things? The ones that are basically plastic tubes of liquid sugar that you stick in your freezer, cut apart, and eat? Mine are behaving strangely I'll put 10-15 of them in the freezer at a time. I don't lay them flat; Instead I bunch them together and stick them whereever there is a spot. Theoretically, they'd all get cold enough to freeze, right? No.. Not quite. Sometimes, no matter how long I leave them in the freezer, the ones in the middle will remain liquid. I dismissed it as them not getting air hitting them, so they won't freeze. Surface area and all that stuff. I hadn't paid much attention to those unfrozen pops. I just threw them back in. Until today. I noticed one of the unfrozen pops had little globs of apparently frozen material floating at the top. About half the size of my pinky nail. Mm. Big deal. I took them out of the freezer... And then something interesting happened. In the open and warm air, those globs expanded from the top down, and in less than a minute had frozen the pop from the top to bottom, leaving me with a smooth, slush like mixture. I could actually watch it freeze downward and crystalize and all that junk. So why? Why'd it do that?
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