I had the opportunity to pick up "How to measure anything with electronic instruments" (John A. Keucken) from the local Half Price Books store. The book consists of circuits, schematics, diagrams, and some basic theoretical explanations.
All pretty neat.
Are there any other resources for making "any" electronic instrument or measuring anything? More recently, my interests have been in figuring out how to do chemical analysis ("do it yourself" chemistry instrumentation), though I would appreciate the help of anybody with some information and links.
- Bryan
BTW, contents of the Keucken book specifically include: zero current voltage measurement, ammeter, resistance measurement (ohm meter), vacuum tubes, emitter-stabilized transistor, balanced amplifier, ideal op amp, (non)inverting amplifier, summing/difference amplifier, voltage-to-current converter, current stabilized zener, current-symmetrical regulator, capacitive effects, phase shift in amplifiers, audio frequency measurements, differentiator, sliding comparator, active filter, quartz oscillator, frequency counter/divider, pulse synchronizer, voltage to frequency, flash converter, ladder netwrok D/A converter, cathode ray oscilloscope, digital oscilloscope, silicon diode thermometer, calorimeter, thermal ammeter, distance counter, linear voltage differential transformer, interferometers, Doppler shift measurements, manomater, diaphragm gauge, ultraprecise gauge, tachometer, and an ignition system.
ISBN 0830600256