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Everything posted by csjonline

  1. 5 times!! why need you read it so many times? are you a teacher?
  2. Were your microbes collected from normal environment? If then, i can't see any danger during your operation. If i were you, i would dare to do the experiment nakedly.
  3. more efficient than what? if it's to learn more knowledge, you're right, but could we say today's scientists are much cleverer than Darwin and needn't learn from him? Darwin's ideation, that's the point
  4. some tiny suggestions: . the protein should be a short peptide, or it can be easily denatured by cooking so that it can do no harm to human . the protein had better have the ability to combine some essential enzymes of humans to make them invalid, or the protein will be very harmful to human's nerve system. I think only these two ways can prevent humans from eating those vegetations (and choose to starve to death, oh my god ) . artificial mutation will maybe do help with your 'evolution'. That is, the human beings on the plate are obliged to mutate their genes frequently (eat pills, shine the sun, whatever), and select those mutants to do the relevant tests. It will accelerate evolutionary procedure, i suppose. i hope my suggestions will be helpful to you
  5. I don't think so. By reading the "old" scientific works, we can learn some basic methods to resovle the problems we met today. Suppose if you were in the era of Darwin's, can you discover the similar rules about living things' evolution (even give you the same data collected by Darwin)? That is, our brains today did not surpass those scientists living hundreds of years ago. Could you just say we don't need to learn from them? In my opinion, we need not learn results from Darwin's book, but his methods that resolved his questions.
  6. The origin of species, the classic book that creates the true modern biology, was nerver introduced to us when we had been studying biology in college (well, in China, at least). Is it too outdated? Or, the so-called modern biologists don't need the old idea any longer? I feel so confused. Could someone here talk about the topic? I think I need more opinions.
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