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Sam Cerulean

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  1. Actually I don't think we have a clear picture at all to the the mechanics and the interations that black holes have with matter. I have two theories to black holes, lets think about a black hole in terms of a computer program. This dimension is almost programed like to present it self in a three dimensional world Which obay or use a few of thefollwing roles or code, which are time and gravity and all the others. Well I think a black hole is our reality or dimension which has collapsed or either its actually another reality which formed under the extreme conditions of a supernova. Either our reality is stoping it from overlapping or growing in to ours or possibly it formed a gateway/worm hole connecting the two realities/dimensions. But there is another possiblity which I thinks is a really good one. A black whole is a section of space or another dimension overlapping ours but unlike ours it lacks the fundemental rules or code. Which means that time or gravity doesn't exist or theres a massive variation in these forces, also with that is possible a black hole for instance could be a four dimensional object or another dimensional object in our universe, which quite possibly follows the rules and laws of that come with that dimension and thats why we are unable to see them. To relate to not being able to see another dimensional object check out a fasinating website http://www.tenthdimension.com/flash2.php I think there could be another possibilty that universes all start some how when a white hole forms. The white feeds our universe with its matter possibly dark matter which follows the laws of that Universe, and our feed other universes through a black hole in ours to a white whole in another universe. I sometimes think people get ahead of them selves and exspect everything to be related to the norm, we've got to relise we only in a tiny section of our solar system, we don't no if the variable and condition change through out the universe. Also we could possibly only have just began our journey into a much complexed reality than we thought, all the better. Please reply with you comments, even if it is abuse or critasism, I'm happy to hear it.
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