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barry salim

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Everything posted by barry salim

  1. Hi I'm new but not new moon
  2. A light is so eternal and so spiral and so growing, so a light in Andromeda differs from a light from milkyway, but dark light itself cannot grow cause it only rided by the ridee (quark). The evolution of dark light and dark matter itself cannot reach by mind, so I try to empiris it: Dark Energy equals Dark Matter mulitply by Dark Matter (2) and multiply again by Dark Matter (2). The evolution of milkyway itself cannot be seen but can be proofed by a form of a new galaxy from a galaxy, the previous life of galaxy before had a genetic which is evolute, right after supernova a galaxies form a new galaxy which is can be more higher evolution or lower evolution or not higher nor lower. A galaxy had a genetic which is evoluted and yet growth which is founded at the Dark Matter itself.
  3. I have a dream that a photon rides a dark matter, which is so intense for two days. I thought why would a photon rides a dark matter, would it be a dark light
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