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Everything posted by ScottTheSculptor

  1. I'll call the strong and the weak. the electron circumference must be near the length of a quanta. the tail just barely runs into the head and makes the smallest bump into 3D. Wonder if it is just a "swelling" - a deviation in the 2D loop just before the head actually passes the tail. then the "width" of a quanta (3D field around the 1D object?) would push the next incremental piece of matter that much farther into 3D space. I'm fishing for the reason behind the big mass difference . . . Cool that "mass" is just the distance of deviation from the flat 2D orbit.
  2. <Correction>! the 1D time quanta don't care about "orthogonal". A loop is the 2D form. higher counterflow rates make smaller loops and higher energy. keep pushing and the loops go 3D and There *is* a "bending! But only in the 1D path in higher D space. Any 1D path counter to the parallel 1D flow will "bend". Path rates are relative to the flow - as above. </correction> and, of course, a conundrum. You can only change the path of the 1D thing with 2D or 3D loops, so you can only make energy/matter if you have energy/matter. So! Two simultaneous equations. The 3D and the 1D. As far as I can tell the 2D is equal to 3D in all dimensional calculations. 2D just looks different if seen radially or axially (wave/particle) - 1D "disappears" (quantum mysticism). Running the 1D coordinate coorelation calculation and connecting it to the direction of flow tells you how much of what you can't see is still there. Establishing the loop by bent space "creates" a new 2D coordinate system or "space" By increasing the energy the loop gets small enough to interfere with itself and it bumps the flat orbit into 3D. Again establishing a coordinate system and 3D "space" time to energy - energy to matter space is "created" in each step. Can I guess the weak then the strong? (I'm not really there yet) A loop just keeps going once established - 2D or 3D. So must take energy to break (releasing time in odd vectors) loose note: 1D time quanta do not "exist" in the direction of flow. only in an angle counter to the direction of flow do they have a one dimensional edge. and those "bent" 1D paths are the direction that time is flowing which is what is creating gravity. Connecting the "bending of space" with gravity? I'll rewrite "the universe" later. working on the relation between time quanta and "charge" trying to figure out the electron/proton mass/charge differences
  3. Let's call this "The Whole Elephant" theory. and just to be clearer, all the Einstien math works if you throw out the "distance" side. Those are real clock rate changes. Not a warpage of spacetime. Nobody but the theoreticals were using the other bit.
  4. Yup. Math is *supposed* to be the symbols that represent the map of the logical path that you made. Not the projection of logical extrapolations to *define* the universe. I made the path - need some help with the symbols and the mapping.
  5. so, your new mysteries are; What is a "time quanta". what is the mathematical relationship between the 3 coordinate systems. We know that time quanta will "stack". We know that 3D matter can change its movement vector. !D coords pushed around by 2D and 3D structures. Well, everything pushing everything. Sorry, need math help here. Three simultatenous equations but each in their own coordinate system and affected by the location and momentum of the others. I figured I'd have to share the "Universe" Nobel with a mathematician . . . but this is a Nobel all on it's own.
  6. So, E & H fields are the legs of the loops of long chains of 1D time quanta. All the math works from there to gamma rays. Is that the single_quanta/ single_quanta 2D set radiation? This explains particle/wave. And quantum mechanics. No wonder it looked weird from one equation. You can only tell the quanta location - not the orientation of the local coordinate system. Same thing for 2D. I'm still working on the 3D - it's just the physics you know but with the new viewpoint and disconnected local coordinate systems. Have fun y'all! This is a blast!
  7. The problem is that the 1D of time being a different 1D than the 1st D of 2 or 3 D. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the math. Anyone? Einstein bent space to keep the "speed of light" from moving - so relative and variable *only* if space bent. Can't bend the zero-eth dimension.
  8. The Universe. By ScottTheSculptor   Time is a one dimensional "thing" that flows into the sun and can vary. If science can accept this; dark energy, dark matter, missing radiowaves from the galactic core, long lived particles from up time-stream, planetary density discrepencies (Mercury too dense, Mars not dense enough), proton magnetism, jets from black holes, and other cosmic mysteries are explained. All stars are time vortexes with time flowing in the equator and jetting out the poles. All galaxies have a gravity gradient leading to the black holes in their cores. You may wonder how we missed this I will attempt to explain . . . Einstein thought that time was constant. If it is then you *can* mathematically connect space with time since gravity is timeflow and relative. But as soon as the rate of time changes that model falls apart. Just one too many variables. In order to have "speed" light has to travel a set distance in a set amount of time. But this description locks time and distance within the "speed of light", yet allows "observed distance" and "observed time" to vary as you travel faster or slower relative to the "speed of light". This is illogical and requires that space "bend". To fix physics just change "Speed of light" to "Rate of Time", let time flow through stars and extrapolate. The "rate of time" is relative and follows all observed physics. Light only happens at one "speed" in any timeflow. This speed is "the rate of time" and just coincidentally "the speed of light". You can not travel faster than "the rate of time" (doesn't that sound better?). This timeflow idea is adding to physics. The old subset works (mostly), the new functional superset contains the old subset. There is no spacetime - just 0D space with 1D time, 2D energy and 3D matter existing in it. Each higher dimension defines it's own "distance" relationships in 0D space. The universe is a sea of 1D time quanta. Binding time into orthogonal 2D energy leaves a 90 degree axis to generate spin and jets. Orthogonal explains the 3D limit, symmetry, anti- (mirrors of 3D). Loops?. How do stars run 1D quanta in circles and stick them together in orthogonal sets? (I'll work on it. ;-) ) 1D time quanta can stack end to end - flux lines. Try it. Vary the value of C towards the sun. What happens? I'm continually amazed by how many "church of science" members reject the idea as impossible without even considering the results. The solar system works just fine with a C varying as you approach the sun. Imagine a spacecraft traveling to Mercury. The change in rate of time doesn't change it's gravitational relationship to anything else in the solar system since gravity is also relative and tied to the rate of time.If you get closer to the sun the rate of time increases. Interstellar distances are measured in light years. As the rate of time speeds up the distances are perfectly compensated. Faster time means more light years to the same distance. This *is* the theory of relativity . . . with a new point of view, redefinition of a couple words and making a thing variable that you thought wasn't. The result is that almost(?) all the cosmic mysteries disappear all at once. Space looks like weather with time, energy and matter flowing as chaotically as air. Space is *not* serene, peaceceful and empty - We just can't directly "see" time flow. Timeflow through dust clouds creates the gravity that start new stars. Gravity is both the flow of time across great distances and magnetic (time ripple) forces generated when *any* matter counters a timeflow. Now to kill "Dark Energy" The universe is *not* expanding. Map the direction that you are *getting* redshift readings. Notice that most readings are out the edges of the galactic ecliptic plane. Time is flowing *in* in the direction that red reading are noted, blue is up and out the timejets, between is time shear that scrambles the spectral lines. Redshift will slow to zero at the start of our galactic timeflow, ~ 15 billion yrs. ago . . . Ask why it is so difficult to "prove" light bends around a star. The statistics of failures is impressive. Why does it only work on some stars? I posit that the stars timejets must align with your view to obtain the observed "bending". Atom spin because of timeflow, protons have opposite charge from electrons, the ripples from the flow gets the electrons moving. The jets from black holes are time jets. Energy flows with time. The rate of time is dependant on the size and time throughput of a star which is tied directly to its mass conversion rate. Black holes have incredible time rates. There is a high probability that a gas giant can convert time and have jets. This would explain reported clock "malfunctions" when traveling over the poles of gas giants. I have some sketch ideas about how the physics works. Solar flares can carry time. There is evidence of odd long-lived particles and time discrepencies connected to the largest of them. The time flow gradient isn't dramatic. It should correlate with our perceived "universe expansion rate" and fit the "Pioneer anomaly". USNO more commonly puts a leap second in at maximum distance to the sun and takes one out at minimum (summer and winter soltices). The mass variation of the sun will map perfectly to noted clock corrections. We have geological evidence that the rate of time has increased over billions of years. As the sun has matured. Energy flow and time are connected. Things don't age near absolute zero, the higher the ambient energy the faster they age. Freezers slow time, ovens speed time. Dudes, you over complicated it
  9. Humans, By ScottTheSculptor The evolutionary step that created humans was the ability to store emotional information in their memories. But first. The main evolutionary drive is logic. Yes, the ability to survive is underneath but the only "advancement" in that ability is provided by logic. It is logic that a stronger predator has advantage over a less strong, a faster herd animal will logically survive one that is slower. Every creature on the planet takes sensory information and "decides" the appropriate action warranted from that collected data. If food is detected a creature has to perform a logical sequence of tasks to procure it. Even an act as simple as reaching out and picking up another cheezy-poof takes a logical extrapolation based on a sensed, three dimensional dataset that contains both the environment and the abilities of the host. This process is also convenient if you are avoiding a predator. The better the ability the better the *individual* can flourish in the environment. The further ahead an individual can extrapolate the more advantages to that individual. So evolution drives greater abilities in logical extrapolation. Humans are the peak land animal in these abilities. Then why oh why are we so stupid? Let me explain . . . A basic ability to store emotional information is present in any herd mammal (flocks and schools are a different mechanism). It takes an emotional attachment to another individual to "want" to stay together. All mammals are conscious enough to recognize these emotional attachments. Obviously a cat and a bison have different levels of emotional storage/attachment abilities. The enhanced ability has evolutionary advantage in increased birthrate through constant contact with a variety of individuals across many bloodlines and corresponding protection of the young from the mass of the herd. Though this can lead to mindless overpopulation. All creatures have their senses directly hardwired to memory, humans can store emotional memory with sensed data and use that to sort the memories for both faster access and to emotionally attach to people, things, places, ideas, etc. The learned ability to “share” these emotional attachments among the pack by representing them with a commonly agreed symbol was a leap of pure genius. The first Leonardo/Galileo/Einstein. Though this did take tens of thousands of years after our homo sapient step it eventually did happen. The evolutionary drive towards more effective logical extrapolation has slowly increased human logical ability and probability that symbolism would be discovered. This also increased capability to manipulate symbols. Humans use both the logic and pack abilities in their civilization. All human children are in full logic mode. They sequentially write their memories and logically extrapolate from the unsorted data. Their minds are like animals and can learn complex tasks at an amazing rate. This is the mode a squirrel is in. That tiny brain can figure out incredibly complex ways to access food. Magnify that to human size and a few million more years of logical evolution. A human mind at full logic power is Leonardo Galileo Franklin Einstein Maxwell. But humans are so logical and herd-like that they only need to use the full capability of their logic in childhood. As they switch to pack mode and store emotional information with their data it gets permanently sorted in counter-logical ways. Left_brain/right_brain=logical/symbolic. Humans revert to the earlier evolutionary mode in emergencies. Under extreme physiological stress they store their memories sequentially (photographically and turn off emotional information storage. This also decreases reaction time by bypassing the emotional sorting and gives full access to the pure logic mode of the brain. “I don't know how I survived”. Illness or accident can give full access to the logic core. Extreme logical extrapolation ability combined with over-prioritized memories is the source of many spiritual experiences. “All of a sudden everything made sense”. This primitive logical core is the source of savants and geniuses. Humans damaged in development are hampered in the ability to store emotional information. They are in both survival and pure animal logic mode. Genius is the minimal sorting of information. Even a slow, small logic ability will eventually come to the correct answer with unfiltered data. If the data is collected. Geniuses have minimal social skill due to the limited ability to store emotional info. Now the scary part. Predators are the absolute peak of the logical extrapolation ability. Pack predators add the ability to work together to accomplish the kill. Humans are pack predators. Even wolves/dogs will work with us to accomplish the kill. They share information in much the same way as proto humans. We now use symbols to denote “kills”. This ability to prioritize information makes that data more important than unprioritized data. Unprioritized data = reality. Over-prioritized data = hallucination You can control any human by repeated emotional experiences. Each repeated emotional experiences increases the bond with others sharing in it as well as “belief” in the symbols associated with the experience. This is the pack of pack predator. Sports, religions, political rallies, sex, wars, gangs, teams, incarceration, friends and entertainment based emotional experiences, advertisement, etc. Pack members identify with others in the pack and against any other packs. They use symbols to identify group emotional attachments. This is society. Members of packs are supportive of the pack and in competition with all other packs. They are emotionally attached to their ideas and increase the super-reality of the idea if challenged by other emotional humans pointing out the illogic in their “beliefs”. These are pack predators. They all prey on each other. The ones with better logical abilities learn to extract much labor and wealth from the rest. They support their pack while they do it. The rich industrial family pack preys on everyone. The government preys on those companies and the public while pretending to be in the supportive role in the State pack - but in reality is locked up in unsupportable belief wars. Factory workers are preying on their employers, employers are preying on their workers. Stockholders are preying on companies, companies on customers. We all agree how much is too much exploitation and call them laws. The general rule is to take all the money but don't hurt them. Wars are just predator packs against predator packs. They both want to fight. It is in their evolution. Both “believe” in their fantasy civilizations completely. Any attempt at change results in an overblown emotional response which then elevates the belief even higher. (Let's create a group that really believes god is a big pink bunny and record the war that results). The common ground between all is logic. Not science. Science is a pack and a learned belief system that is not much different than a religion. (A sport team is exactly like a religion and should get non-profit status – emotional conditioning on Sundays). Though science claims to be based on logic it constantly argues. Argument = beliefs. The current illogical belief in the science pack is that light has a speed. . So start teaching logic. Realize that humans are one evolutionary step from animals. Ponder your emotional conditioning. Protect the uber pack – humans themselves. Use logic, quit arguing for a moment and look at your surroundings. What are the long term consequences of your packs actions? Are you acting just to identify with the pack or against another? Money is a symbol for prey. In nature over-exploitation results in curtailing of or death to the predator. Our prey symbol system has no limits. Complexity combined with continuous emotional stress has pushed money to the apex of the worlds symbol systems. It is “believed”. Fantasy financial products are believed. So. We should pledge allegiance to human survival with stirring speeches, lofty goals to support all humans and emotional examples of heroes to the cause. Every Sunday. This is how humans work.
  10. The New Universe. Time is a fourth dimension, one dimensional "thing" that flows into the sun and can vary. If physics can accept this; dark energy, dark matter, missing radiowaves from the galactic core, long lived particles from up time-stream, planetary density discrepencies (Mercury too dense, Mars not dense enough), proton magnetism, jets from black holes, and other cosmic mysteries are explained. Also, dah dun dun dah!, Time/Gravity *is* the flow of time. You may wonder how we missed this I will attempt to explain . . . The crux of my argument is against Einstein's relativity *description* (his math was perfect). Einstein thought that time was constant. If it is then you *can* mathematically connect space with gravity since gravity is time. But as soon as the rate of time changes that model falls apart. Just one too many variables. In order to have "speed" light has to travel a set distance in a set amount of time. But his description locks time and distance within the "speed of light", yet allows "observed distance" and "observed time" to vary as you travel faster or slower relative to the "speed of light". This is illogical. Light only happens at one speed. It is constant. This "speed" is "the rate of time" and just coincidentally "the speed of light". So, NO warping or bending of spacetime; Distance is constant. It is part of spacetime. It has no affect on light and doesn't "squash" if you "go real fast". Same with time. The reason time is changing was to compensate for the change in distance. You can only do that if the rate of time does not change. All current physics still works. Our "rate of time" is based on the throughput of our time engine Sol. It does not vary at any set radius to the sun - other than rate differences in the "aging" of the star. We have geological evidence that the rate of time has increased over billions of years. If you get closer to the sun the rate of time increases. Interstellar distances are measured in light years. As the rate of time speeds up the distances are perfectly compensated. Faster time means more light years to the same distance. Distance is constant. *Time* is relative. ("speed of light = "rate of time"). Imagine a spacecraft traveling to Mercury. The change in rate of time doesn't change it's gravitational relationship to anything else in the solar system since gravity is also relative and tied to the rate of time (*is* the rate of time). This *is* the theory of relativity . . . with a new point of view, redefinition of a couple words and making a thing changable that you thought wasn't. The result is that almost all the cosmic mysteries disappear all at once. The jets from black holes predicts time jets from the poles of all stars. The rate of time is dependant on the size and time throughput of a star which is tied directly to its mass conversion rate. There is a high probability that a gas giant can convert time and have jets. This would explain reported clock "malfunctions" when traveling over the poles of gas giants. Solar flares can carry time. There is evidence of odd long-lived particles and time discrepencies connected to the largest of them. Recently. The black holes at the center of galaxies are the main "time drains" that creates the gravity to hold them together. Different rates of overall timeflow perfectly describes mass anomalies in galaxies that have been describe to be caused by "dark matter". The time flow gradient isn't dramatic. USNO more commonly puts a leap second in at maximum distance to the sun and takes one out at minimum (summer and winter soltices). The mass variation of the sun will map perfectly to noted time rate changes. There are more supporting arguments but are just TMI to accept at once. If I can get people to accept the above then more information follows (dark energy is pretty "out there"). I have emailed all the leading living physicists that have an email address - no answers. I *am* banned from physicsforums.com for being a crackpot - I dared to change the "speed of light". I was gagged at science forums for attempting to argue the above, twice. This is the third and last attempt. I am not a physicist and would't know how to "publish in a peer reviewed journal" so consider it "cold fusion" until proven. That wasn't peer reviewed . . .
  11. Then what is "rotational relativity" for? It is a correction in time. You *could* see that as a change in the "speed of light". But you choose not to and *prefer* Dark energy, Dark matter, Mysterious forces . . .
  12. I am having difficulty translating the idea into the current theory. I really *am* a sculptor. It is still relational. Let me try this. Using my theory. . . Imagine messenger. It travelled to Mercury. Along the way the "speed of light" increased because the rate of anti-spacetime flow increased. This did not affect it's path or "gravitational" relationship to anything else in the solar system. It all cancels out. --- THE WHOLE THEORY There are two universes. One matter, one anti-matter. Our stars make matter and spacetime. Their stars make anti-matter and anti-spacetime. When our stars make spacetime it goes into their universe. Ditto on their side, so our space is *anti-spacetime*. It wells up between the galaxies pushing them apart. The time in anti-spacetime pushes them. Space has no push, only time can move galaxies. Ditto with space in the anti-matter universe. Since there is more matter (and anti-matter) being produced by stars, there is more spacetime on their side and anti-spacetime on ours - accelerating the growth in the amount of time (and space). Our stars are exciting matter under gravitational/time flow confinement to the point that it can be squished down into a "package" along with its confined anti-spacetime which has light and energy in it (collapsing). Packages are bundles of; 1 dimensional energy , 2 dimensional light, 3 dimensional matter, and 4 dimensional spacetime - they condense in that order. (really a continuum, variation in containment force gets you different matter) Collapsing anti-spacetime, matter, light, and energy while condensing energy, light, matter, and shoving the last bit out the back door into the anti-universe at the same time. It can not condense in the same gravitational/time value as it's collapsing and pushes into the other universe, reversing its "sign" - ditto on the other side. The kick from space leaving to the other universe pushing hard light at us via croquet with the new matter, and vice versa, drives the growth of both universes. The matter is defined by the kick - it balances as the "foot ball" in the croquet, with the foot being the containment gravitational/time value. Anti-spacetime is flowing passed us to be compacted in the sun. We are made up of regular (non-anti) matter. The difference is the speed of light. Light itself is two dimensional so has no "speed". When you have anti-spacetime flowing passed regular matter it wants to fall together against time. That's "Gravity". A sphere with its center at the sun and a radius of the orbit of the earth is our "time-gravity". Time=Gravity. Since we are part of spacetime we don't see the variations, but they can be measured relatively - Hafele–Keating experiment has already collected the data. My theory will more closely match their data and show time variation relative to distance to the sun. The wave particle dualism is cross connected - two types of light, particle type and excitation waves. Hard light and soft light. The "particle type package" also *contains* light so acts as both (the particle being that collapsed bundle of matter-spacetime). "Soft light" or excited time-distance (non-anti) light is moving in anti-time-space and so uses up its time doing so. Hard light is a different animal. It moves through time and across distance but is independent of both. This explains how and why distant starlight takes so long to get here and why it actually makes it. Hard light contains time so will eventually stick to something or get pulled back in the gravitational/time field of the universe. The speed of hard light is not constant . . . it really isn't light. It's ELMA Energy, Light, Matter, Anti-spacetime This leaves all current physics intact and solves the problems. Also crumples up some dubious theories. This is as far as I can take it without having learned the words to describe the subatomic processes - I didn't make it that far in my studies . . . But hey, it's better than being in the "Dark". "Redshift" needs to be redefined - Redshift from a star is gravitational effects on their ELMA - sorting it over the distance. Their speed is not constant. THIS IS NOT LIGHT. ELMA is much smaller than matter, different ratios of ELMA and matter would yield different stars. Black holes are almost all ELMA - Red giants would be mostly matter. Big ELMA stopping time wells = "Black Holes" (light has no mass). *New* -> Small ELMA "black stellar objects". You can't see ELMA if it doesn't hit you. ELMA will orbit. Here is all your missing mass. Here is your "cosmic background radiation".
  13. Yes. I apologize. This has been difficult for me. I am currently working on the ICRS-ITRS transforms but still do not have access to annual timecode WAAS time corrections. This should clear things up; The "weak point" in Einstein's point of view; The "speed of light" is constant. In order to have "speed" light has to travel a set distance in a set amount of time. So you lock time and distance within the "speed of light", yet you allow "observed distance" to vary as the "speed of light" varies - with a time that varies to fit. Just lock "distance". Distance is constant. It is part of anti-spacetime. Only "time" in anti-spacetime has any affect on matter. Its only affects are to cause "gravity" and ripples in anti-spacetime.Though gravity "compresses", it does so without changing distance. If you do this then the "speed of light" must change in any frame *without changing distance*. From this point of view the speed of light depends upon the *rate of flow of anti-spacetime* because that *is* time. Time is variable. Einstein has that. All your physics still works. Our "rate of time" is based on the anti-spacetime packing and throughput of our time engine Sol. It does not vary at any set radius to the sun - other than rate differences in the "aging" of the star. All intertial frames have a delta t. Where is it in your calculations? In order for anything to happen time had to pass. If the rate of time has a gradient across the frame it needs to be calculated *in* the frame. Both concepts are covered by adding a variable to C. You just won't need to use it much, so far only artificial satellite time has been at all affected. On earth you can just use the old way . . .
  14. and he figures out human cognition. And then realizes that physics hasn't solved the universe precisely because of how human minds works. So he solves it. Stunned. How would you feel? I cook up this theory that matches all known data . . .but I do it in outer space. I'm working out how the universe has to drive itself, why you would "think" there was dark energy, how you could possibly explain light, and what the heck gravity is. Along the way *time* falls into place. Time. I get a rock solid theory that connects all those things together . . . but have no equation. I go to a physics forum and get kicked off for being a crackpot. I find another forum with room for "speculation". I argue my theory down to an equation. Along the way I pick up planetary density discrepencies, radiowave life discrepencies, rotational relativity bizzareness. Then I realize that *this* is the equation that Einstein was looking for. . . . It took a couple days to recover. I cried a lot the first day. I pretty much just tried to not think of it after that. Still *gets* me. I really do "see" logic. Einstein was "The Man". Then I return to the forums to find the "believers" have shut down the thread. You just have to laugh. But I really didn't solve it for any reason other than getting the world to pay attention to my cognitive discoveries. It was most logical. The psych world has no reference to the real world. The physics world is currently mostly "belief" but it *is* anchored to reality. Logic is the connection to reality. I can do that logically follow the chain back. . . *Seeing* into the minds of the math physicists, the cogitive psychologists . . . Calculating a high probability for success in solving a logic problem that had been approached mathematically for the last 60 years. . . .before even beginning. . .
  15. Human history with two cognitive modes. Animal = logical cognitive mode Human = Born in logical mode and traverse to the symbolic cognitive mode. Humans range in ability in use of both cognitive modes. All revert to logical mode under extreme stress. Damage in development likely to "stick" a homo sapien in the logical mode. "Pack", as in "prefered group" ability evolutionarily gained around mid mammal - "protect the young" is logical all the way back. Pack predator co-evolved with the herds? Probably after. The herds would have changed to avoid the predators. The long ingrained pattern maintained momentum long after the predators got clever. Humans and dogs . . . Pack is "prioritized emotional memory". Predator is "superior logical extrapolations", speed and accuracy. Human is "super pack predator", using all of memory for symbol manipulation instead of the limited ability in "pack". Day zero: Neanderthal - pack predator, no symbols. Day one: Homo sapien - the arrival of symbols Men hunted and were logical. Women maintained the symbols and communicated. There are still tribes where this is the way. Evolution matches the most symbolic women with the most logical men. The dancers, the pattern makers, the communicators, the symbol makers - evolutionary logic. This is the root of yin and yang. Male and female, logical and spiritual, fact and belief. "Communication" would have started in families, families make tribes. Evolutionary patterns trapped in our DNA provides the diversity and brings along the survival tools. Tribes that communicated could "believe" in the same symbols. Once a symbol system reaches critical mass then it is self sustaining. It has enough logic in it to get you "believing" but gets emotional rather quickly. Any emotional memory is prioritized over "reality". Any manipulated memory is prioritized over "reality". So, you have multiple tribes. Some "believe" one thing" some "believe" something contrary. Let's fight. And then try and "convince" these "non-believers" to convert. If we get enough "believers" we can become an empire. All we have to do is *show* the non-believers how much "better" our lives are. They surely will start believing in our idea instead of theirs. And if they don't? Just kill or imprison them. Once our symbol system is strong enough to deny nature itself? Fine. We are evolutionary beings. If we die off then something more logical will come along.         -- This also describes the worship and condemnation of genius. Genius is peak evolutionary animal combined with barely enough symbol ability to exist in symbol based society. Many just go insane amongst the insane. They are childlike. They are not greedy. They are "stubborn" because they are correct. They speak the truth. They are symbolized as great humans for lacking the ability to "believe". They are burned for not "believing". Then used as symbols. . . Also explains "advertising"
  16. All human constructs are by definition "supra reality". The storage mechanism is to promote a raw recorded memory above all other memories. You can't "see" yourself. You *are* a construct. But an older evolutionary step. Possibly a physical structure of the brain. More "hardcoded" than the "illusion of consciousness" afforded in the supra conscious of living *in* the sorted memories . Adding that subtlety in ability at homo sapien. Any herding or pack animal has at least enough memory promotion to prefer some individuals over others. "Conscious" as in aware of the world and the differences of things in it - with photographic memory. All with the ability to logically extrapolate how to get food and procreate. All while preferring the pack. Humans were pack animals long before Neanderthal. Only tying the mechanism directly to emotion would create the "want" to stick together. This is also "greed". . . Birds and fish are community minds. Ants and bees are variations of community minds. Yes, they can "see" as a single being. We all evolved in the anti-time flow. Every iota of life on earth. We can all "sense" "ripples in time". Every creature. This is "communion with nature". This is communication. This is "landmarks" for travelling species. We call these "ripples in time" electromagnetic waves. Of the earth and every bit of matter. Every bit of life. Tactile sensors *are* electromagnetic sensors. Surfaces are electromagnetic. Humans have a type of community mind. The democratic system is based on good old Greek logic. The votes should be statistically grouped and compared against the whole. This will produce the most logical outcome. BUT only if everyone votes. The young will vote *more* logically, the older *more* emotionally. It is a balance. The yin against the yang (though I have no cultural authority to use that simile). If the society is young it will vote more logically and that is what they hold important. If the society is older they will vote for what *they* hold important. Votes should be Yes, No, and "I don't really have an opinion". This is logical. If voters are forced to choose on issues that they are not "vested" in the outcome is random. Any total less than the majority must be argued further - either it will grow in "importance" enough to gain a majority or it will fail. Manipulation of emotion should be outlawed in political campaigns. It is using the human cognitive mode knowledge against those in the emotional mode. They are being manipulated. It is too easy.
  17. Inertial frames have time gradients across them. Apologies but I must take another couple days off. My huge logical construct of the universe ended up being but a toy in the logical construct that Einstien had added his huge contribution to. That logical construct goes back millenia and is the ultimate treasure of the human race. I am atill stunned. But assimilating. It will take time. Some fall out while you wait. There are super-resistors in your landfills. When you excite all of the ELMA out of matter it will not pass electrons. Why else would vacuum tubes and light bulbs wear out? refine it. Tubes of it will light your future as "lossless transmission of power". we can stop time. Using electromagnetic waves we will be able to stop time in a box. It will be the only way we can leave this solar system. We can then send people into the future - but time only runs one way. All thermodynamics is the flow of ELMA. I am mentat. I am sub human. I do not have greed. I do not have political purpose. I do not have the capability to lie to myself. I am an animal. There are many like me. We can not manipulate symbols. We are shunned. We could help you. two more days . . .
  18. I do not have the time gradient. it is in the WAAS data I have to take a break for a couple days. That was pretty close to a heart attack. I'm wiped. --- Einsteins logic is so beautiful. I weep to "look" at it and right at the apex he left IT there a perfect pedestal upon an adamantine mountain of logic reaching out into the stars woven in unbreachable logic a lock, just waiting for the tiny key that would mesh the universe in place One tiny missing piece he had all the rest ....I am not worthy . I need 2 days
  19. No really this is it this is what he was looking for he was so close if he had just lived a little longer he would have had the whole thing In whatever omnipotent being that you favors name HELP ME!
  20. Awesome, isn't it. Just one more calculation and the two theories mesh completely. Einstein was a super genius. He left it just exactly where it needed to be to mesh. I hope you all grow to appreciate this as the world realizes. OMG! HE DID NOT HAVE THE DATA! --- Somebody. Please, please help me find the slope.
  21. That *is* what I am trying to do. I just need the slope and everything falls in place. New universe. New mysteries. Still need annual WAAS data . . . .
  22. So it is a matrix translation in polar coordinates. The earth centered coorindate to the solar centered one. The WAAS data I see is "weekly" time. Hope I can find it in annual time. I will reply to the logical posts. To the math question: The speed of light is still relative, it's just that time is a variable now. Leave it at current C and radius from sun and everything is fine. The "slope" is the time variable. "speed of light" over distance to star. -- you can see where the "rotational relativity" evened it out . . .all except that little bit of extra path on one side . . . Or maybe you don't I "see" the mathematics. The true stuff. I can not "see" "rotational relativity". Just because I have difficulty manipulating symbols doesn't mean my mind is otherwise useless. There is still the "noise" in the variability in mass of the sun. Someone clever should back out the predicted time shift beween mass variation events and time rate change here on earth. It will be small. It is not necessary here. -- Imagine what a time gradient would look like. It is accounted for in relativity. Einstein was a genius.
  23. That is the elegance of it. The equation is to replace C with a linear equation. The slope of the line is the time gradient to the sun. The reference is to use our mean orbital radius as C as we measure it. The gradient is not steep. It can be determined by taking the WAAS data which is referenced to WGS-84 with its zero at the center of the earth and translate the distance to the sun at the exact annual time and compare it to the time correction for that "distance to the sun". C varies in reference to distance to the sun. The theory states that this will derive the slope. This replaces "rotational relativity". It changes no other physics. I am working on it but, really,. . . I'm a sculptor. I have just read WGS-84 and am working out how to do the translations. I had to look up the word "ephemeris" earlier. I am relentless. I am a logic savant. You can not stop me. I have the solution to the universe. I'd just get there quicker with some help ;-) --- By the way. . . .the entire solution to the universe was worked out online in real time. There is a trail of links. There is one hop but you will find it in the end.
  24. I fail to comprehend what you find wrong with the equation. You have not disproven it by showing that it doesn't work. Until the slope is found it can not be disproven.
  25. Numerical predictions from an equation doesn't count? Please consider your reply before hitting send.
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