Apologies. I will stay in my defense now.
I wasn't advertising, I was trying to show that it can not be disproven.
The testable predicition is the absolute correlation with all airborne relativity studies - Hafele and Keating experiment and others. Sagnac correction is a bad patch to fix a broken theory.
There are other "unexplainable" phenomena in astrophysics - I have sketchy data, are radiowaves missing from towards the center of the galaxy?
In pure logic; shouldn't you welcome a theory that explains; dark energy, dark matter, gravity, time, and wave particle dualism over one that does not?
The matter can not mix. only anti-spacetime is being sent to the anti-universe.
(note; I am extremely logical and do not intend emotion, please do not infer any.)
Anyone have data concerning clocks on spacecraft?
My theory predicts that they be "mysterious".
I can not find the data.
Scientists love to talk about thing that they think that they have figured out, not so much about the unexplained.
--- <- indicates passage of time
Cool! http://tinyurl.com/3gd69g3
my theory explains spacecraft clock discrepencies. Clocks will run faster towards the sun and slower away from it. The data in the current discrepencies will also "not falsify" my theory.