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Everything posted by iAmSchrodinger'sCAT

  1. If I am right (which I hope I am) a positive charge is attracted to a negative charge and vice verse. So how come the electron doesn't come crashing down on the nucleus because its protons. I understand that the nucleus has an overall neutral charge. But what about isotopes they can have a positive charge? So why don't we see electrons bombarding our nucleus?
  2. Yes but isn't that the beauty physics. There is no way of knowing if you are right or wrong. Its just a big guessing game that involes numbers.
  3. Search up the arrow of time. I had a hard time wrapping my mind over this concept too. But arrow of time basically says that time can only go in one direction...forward. An example of this is that you scramble a egg not unscramble it.
  4. Is there a range of gravity? Like, is there a point in which you wont be affected by the gravity of an object?
  5. To tell you the truth I don't think there is an answer to this. For one we were never near a black hole, so we probably don't know its shape. And its called a black hole for a reason (I honestly don't know why its called a black hole)... But again I could be wrong
  6. Can someone please explain to me why is the sky not lit up with stars?

    1. Blahah


      there are a finite number of stars, each emitting a finite amount of light, and only a small portion of that emitted reaches earth from any given star, with the portion getting smaller with the distance of the star and the amount of stuff in between. Closer to home, clouds and light pollution prevent you seeing starlight ;)

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