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Everything posted by Paved

  1. Hey all. I was assigned a biology project about a month ago, and I came up with this. I wanted to see how salt would impact the growth of lima bean plants. My independent variable was the salinity, and I used four different salinity levels; fresh water, brackish water, saline water, and brine. The problem is, in the three weeks since I've planted it, nothing has grown. I was very careful with the measurements, and I watered the plants each day and everything. Now I have a project due on Wednesday and I don't know what to do. The question is, can regular terrestrial plants (like the lima beans) grow if watered by brackish, saline water, and brine? I figured they wouldn't be able to grow in the last two, but maybe in the brackish. How would the brackish water effect growth? D'you think it'd be able to make the plants grow taller? I hate to come across as obnoxious, but I'm really in a serious jam.
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