Well, a source of animal data shows "procrastination" behavior, if you want to label it as such. On fixed ratio schedules of reinforcement, particularly with higher ratio requirements, you often observe what has been termed the "post-reinforcement pause." Experiments have shown that the length of the pause in responding between reinforcer receptions is directly related to the aversiveness of the upcoming ratio requirement. For example, in a multiple FR10, FR100 schedule, shorter pauses we be observed following reinforcer reception after the 100 response requirement than after the 10 response requirement. Additionally, on a multiple FR10, FR10+shock schedule (where in the second component response contingent mind shock is super imposed upon the FR10 schedule of food reinforcement) you see a similar effect; longer pauses prior to initiating responding on the FR10+shock than on the standard FR10.
These findings suggest that the expression of a post-reinforcement pause is due to avoidance of aversive events in the upcoming ratio requirement. This is fairly easy to compare to human procrastination because generally procrastination results from the avoidance of completing some aversive task.