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Thomas Voelkel

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  1. Hello Math, No I have not received an answer because of the the realiziation of the idea (around 80-90%). I have also sent this idea in the same time to Tepco, Toshiba and three other companies involved and three newspaper. (In my email I gave partly also the advice to install filters in the construction shell.) I got a very nice reply from the Mainichi newspaper. The newspaper liked the idea and gave me the advice to sent it to one govermental adress. Greetings Thomas http://www.world-nuclear-news.org/RS-Fukushima_cover_on_its_way-2706118.html http://www.japantoday.com/category/national/view/covers-for-fukushima-reactors-to-use-dome-stadium-technologies http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/dy/national/T110620004790.htm
  2. Hello Together, here are my new ideas. (1) This is a possibility to store water in felxible special water tanks. (If you do not have space on land you can also put it in the sea and get it out later for the decontamination of the water) It is for 210,000 gallons (800,000 liters/800 tons) http://www.water-storage-tank.com/portable_tanks.html (2) Coverage of the reactor buildings this cooling affect: In Switzerland, Austria and Germany there are big glacier covered plans which cover really large areas and have the affect of cooling the ice glacier. Moreover, they seem quite stable and weather resistant to cover the reactor building if they can also withstand the Alpine weather. (in the article are also pictures of the cover - for the translation you can use the google translater) http://www.raonline.ch/pages/edu/nat/glacier08a02.html http://www.landolt.com/img/pdf/PDF_Datenblatt_Outdoor/Ice_Protector-DE.pdf http://www.landolt.com/wDeutsch/produkte/uebersicht/uebersicht_produkte.asp?navid=35 http://www.krone.at/Wissen/Schweizer_Gletscher_wird_wieder_ausgepackt-Idee_aus_Oesterreich-Story-32222/index.html (2) There are also extra sheets for greenhouses which have a cooling effect http://www.folien-bernhardt.de/pdf/sun-silver-cool.pdf http://german.alibaba.com/product-gs/agricultural-greenhouse-interior-shading-screen-319685749.html (3) Entrance areas and shelters for the plant because of the storm. http://www.aufblasbare-zelte.com/ http://german.alibaba.com/product-gs/large-tent-huge-tent-inflatable-giant-tent-271591711.html (4) Following the spraying of resin may be the ground can not take more water on. There probably you have to find solutions to allow water to flow somewhere or to absorb it. I think it can be dangerous for workers to walk through a radioactive puddle. http://www.archiexpo.de/video/stutzbauwerke-fundamente-abwasserreinigung-P.html (5) To handle the radioactive water better, it may be appropriate to incorporate that element of evaporation. At the moment i think there are extra buildings where radioactive water is currently being treated and decontaminated. A cover of this building can possibly accelerate the process. http://www.poolsgarden.de/pool-zubehoer/solare-poolabdeckung/ http://schwimmbecken-vosspools.at/index.php?id=21 By the way the material of pool covers can also be interesting to cover the reactor but they should have of course no heating affect.
  3. Hello togehter, today i thought about my intentions, why i wanted to make a brainstorming and finding solutions and helping the people in Japan. I think i was shooked about the pictures in TV, Also i was very impressed about how calm the Japanese people were in this crisis. But also i wanted to bring the ideas in the world, that the ideas are in the world and to be part of the world wide brainpool finding solutions in the first weeks of the crisis (especially the idea this the tent-like structure to cover the reactor this using cranes or the idea binding radioactivity) I think in the first weeks the crisis management from tepco could habe been better. But see below I have found very interesting links and presentations. From the presentation side i am impressed how Tepco and the Japanese goverment present the roadmap. http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/incidents/pdfs/press/20110517/foreign-press-briefing-20110517-tepco.pdf http://www.mofa.go.jp/j_info/visit/incidents/pdfs/press/20110517/foreign-press-briefing-20110517-meti.pdf http://www.aesj.or.jp/information/fnpp201103/icapp2011_Omoto_WEBrevision20110517.pdf I think the biggest mistake was that the world wide creative brainpool could have been used better to solve the problems in fukushima, when the crisis started and in the beginning. Because I think if the goverment/tepco had established something like an intelligent internet site on which people/universities around the world could have taken part in finding solutions or share ideas. We could have been further today in solving the problems. It is like a puzzle. Or fukushima is like a big huge puzzle (see the presentations above). You have to find solutions for so many problems - Radiation shielding of the reactors to protect the air, sea and soil, to stabilzie the reactor, to find ways against condamination of the water and so on and so on. And also such a platform of ideas could be very good for the companies involved because the ideas can be used for new security products in the nuclear industry. But also I think we as citiziens of one country have also the fault that something like a big platform of sharing ideas is not established because the most people expect from their own government that it has everything under control by itself. But maybe the future will bring a change that we feel in such situations more like a big world wide community to help each other. I have hope. (To Idares your link for sharing ideas looks exciting)
  4. I had a good idea. maybe take a pencial and draw it on a piece of paper. Cologne, 06.04.2011 Hello, here is an idea you maybe can cover all reactor plants in Fukushima by an easy way. (1) Take four tower cranes and put every crane on one of the four sides to form a tetragon/quad. (you can also use another kind of crane) (2) In the height of around 20-30 meter (depend of the reactor height) let the crane boom (long horizontal jib - working arm) going down in an angle of 90°. All cranes have now the same height (the latticed Booms) and exact the same angle (working arm). The cranes form now four frames. Because the end of the one working arm is close to the other crane. You will see a cube. (you can connect it maybe this http://www.metaklett.de/ it would work like a hook-and-loop fastener out of steel to stabilise your construction. It would be like a cuff. you can maybe also use it to stabilse the cement/glass-sarcophagus later on.) (3) You have now the possibility to put over the cube a big cover/slab. This cover should be if possible a little bit transparent to have inside a little bit daylight (like the milkey way). Afterwards if the constuction is stable you can spray resin on the cover to make it more stable. (think maybe about the heat you need a cover which can resist some heat). You have to descide if the 4 cranes are completley covered or hold the cover by steel robes over the reactor. Or you can make it like for sails which are lifted by the working arms and afterwards you put an cover over it like a hat. (4) The end of the cover you can glue to the floor. (5) Before you put the cover over the four cranes put maybe cameras or measurement instrument or spotlight/lamps under the cover by robes. So you can have a look inside the reactor. (6) You can use now also the four operators cab for measurement and control work later on. (7) Probably you can use the cranes from the finished construction of the new Skytree Tower in Tokio. (8) You need maybe later on the possibiliy to put a mixture of glass or cement on the reactor to make a sarcophagus. so you should maybe prepare a pipe for it. before you cover. (9) see tower cranes http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crane_%28machine%29 . (10) I would be happy for your feedback. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Greetings and ;-) Thomas Völkel dersieger@gmx.li
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