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Marz Man

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  1. I would say buy a lower wattage power supply. I'm sure a 500 watt would consume far more energy than a 200 watt. More things you add to it the more it will consume, take into account what your going to need on the PC and get one for the specific configuration, or add a little. Most PS's run optimal at 70% capacity, for future refrence. My mom has a celeron 466 or so mghz PC running on a 90 watt powersupply:-\ and yes, still running. Its like 5 or so years old. Has a 7200 rpm HD, 1 or 2 fans, a CD-ROM, and I put my CD-RW in there... still ran, and I think 2x 128 ram chips(PC100 or PC133). Its good for just going online once and a while, with a 90 watt PS, I wouldn't leave it running 24/7/365. I had a P2 running w/ 288 ram, CD-RW, 7200 rpm HD, and an old 8gig HD that came with it(not sure of RPM) on a 165 watt PS, ran for 7 years then it kept rebooting, not sure if it was the PS or not, got a new one and still did it. Works fine with XP though<shrug>
  2. I'm border line yes/no but I think it would be ok to test, but not create an entire species of human/chimp beings. Ssince we have evolved from apes, I don't know what evolutionary purposes a chimp might offer for us.
  3. Optical illution, I beleive.
  4. I'm sure they want to keep the hubble up and running. But there are plans for bigger and better, and the hubble would become a finincal drain. Its going on 14 yrs old(April 24th) and would probably be far outdated by 2010. I know there are a few plans of future telescopes in the works. One for sure is an infared telescope.
  5. Already have a SiS655Fx chipset MoBo. Wondering about chipsets, because I will be building another for someone who will be doing lots of graphical work. I know of SiS655(TX/FX), i875P & i865(P,G,PE), VIV, nForce chipsets... Is there a 'best' chipset? I'm sure they all have their own good qualities. My SiS655FX runs at a constant 100F just about, more if I do anything on the computer so I would assume, its the weaker of the chipsets because it seems it is working 2x as hard to keep up with a 2.4ghz P4. If anybody can shed any light on chipsets, or know some links would be great!
  6. Any lan parties? I so want to goto one:( lol
  7. Marz Man

    New PC

    Alienware is cool, yes. But if I had the money I'd probably get the 'Super computer' from http://www.go-l.com/
  8. Odd, posted got a thank you and never showed up. Anyway, if there is volcanic activity, that means theres some form of heat. Heat means ice will melt. Water means the possibility of life. But, could life sustain itself without water? Possibly something that generates heat and melts the ice as it needs. Its possible, but the ice would of had to of formed long ago and any form of life would of had to of adapted over centuries of water being pulled out of the atmosphere, which may be possible.
  9. And if there is volcanic activity, there could be a possibility of that heat melting the water beneath the surface... and life?
  10. It was left by something. Most likely the rover. You can see on the right mark, there is a rock that was pushed down into the light soil. Had to be the rover Unless theres a mechanic working under the rover:-\
  11. Must beleive! I don't beleive in god. But I beleive in the god of war:)
  12. I picked yes. I currently have 2 dogs, 13 years old so the end is creeping ever closer. They were both hit by a car when they were younger, one recoverd fine. The other never healed right, but could still use the leg that was broken. Of course, since it was never the same she became lazy and fat. I could really do nothing, because both were with my grandmothers for the past 5 or 6 years and she lived to far to go down every/every other day to walk them. Recently, shes had 2 strokes from going up and down the stairs. Some kind of kidney infection. Fell down the back stairs, broke her other leg and maybe even one of her front ones. She still gets arround. Is deaf and probably half blind. But she has a will like no other, I just feel bad that her last few years were so bad:( I just wish I could have her over again, but only from the time we had her. of course, diffrent environment, diffrend up-bringing would result in a diffrent dog:(
  13. Ok, this is my take on why. Humans have a violent past. Violent Evolution. We evolved because we used tools. Those tools became weapons, our brains evolved to better use those tools as weapons to survive. An aline species may not have the same past. I've thought, came up with one possible situation... An alien race that was suppressed by a larger stronger dumber species. Using for the smaller smarter quicker species for food or what now, the smaller species would of evolved to be more stealthy, better equiped to survive, more strategiecly based to out smart the larger species. The only way I could think of this happening, is some large being, no limbs or very short ones. Now, I can think of something on earth that sort of resembles that. Dolphins. If I remember correctly, a dolphin has the largest brain to body mass ratio, other than humans of course.
  14. Marz Man

    New PC

    dave, http://www.macintouch.com/g5bench.html. Has a few benchmark tests.
  15. Very interesting. Is it possible it is the last remenants of volcanic activity that died out long ago, seeping up through the ground in small ammounts?
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