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Everything posted by niharika
I have made standard solutions of gallic acid and ascorbic acid to estimate total h2o2 scavenging activity. I used Xylenol reagent. I got different od values and calculated % of inhibition values for various concentrations of gallic acid and ascorbic acid solutions. Now I want to just verify my data. Can anyone give me source for either absorbency s or ic50 values of gallic acid and ascorbic acid standard curves? I tried to search many journal articles, but didn't find anything exactly related to this. As I have not registered, I have no access to many sites like scopus.
I am Indian, I am doing my masters in Molecular microbiology. Some of subjects interesting to me are:population genetics, evolutionary genetics, forensics, biological anthropology, medical microbiology, plant pathology I don't know anything about doing phd abroad. So I would request you to give me some details about: -What all exams I have to write to go? -Which are the best places to go? -which are the best universities? -how many years will it take to finish phd? -what are advantages of doing abroad? -what are financial aspects, scholarships? Thank you for answering
Which is the best, quick fractionation method to isolate active metabolites from various species of terminalia??? I prefer methods using alcohols, methanol, phenolics, etc.. than column methods. Can I get detailed procedure of it? Please mention any website or any article related to it. If possible, please give me details of practical difficulties and advantages of that method. Thanks in advance.
plz give me any links of articles related to it...
Thank you soooo much!!source is wonderful.
Thanks for giving many details I would like to ask one more thing.What should be the title of experiment?? I already thought of two titles, but our sir rejected them.He is very particular about terms and their meanings in title.one is "study of types of micro organisms in expired food and fresh food".My sir told me that it is not possible to study all types of bacteria as it is very short term project.So he asked me to change "study of types", then again I went with another title."differentiation of microbial content of expired food and fresh food". Sir again said that their wont be anything called as expired or fresh food.He asked me to use term "expiry date". So can anyone suggest me some title? If possible please provide me with articles related to expiry dates or give me some website names or books and authors names.
My class gave no guidance because they did not ask me to collect any spore producing species.They asked to pick some colony randomly.I am asking anybody to give me some hint to select sample to be used and colony because I personally want to get positive results for all the tests.I heard that coloured, smooth colonies are pathogenic,microbes isolated from soil are mostly of bacillus type, from dung are mostly of escherichia type, etc..so I am searching for some more key points like that.I am not sure whether there are any such shortcut key points or hints to know about microbes by seeing colonies.They need not to be accurate.So I am asking you people.
ohh!!!Is it so??its too bad :unsure:there should be some reason for which the product stays fresh before expiry date!! If this is true, all different foods manufactured in different conditions should have different expiry dates.Will it be like that?
Exactly.I just want some culture to learn basic techniques.I am not going to characterize any new culture.I need existing culture.I will try your shoe idea.I wanted such ideas.reason is, when I tried spreading soil sample, I got clumsy plate.I dint know what colony to take.Moreover if I choose any colony which donot produce spores or if it is yeast colony, I will fail in techniques.So I am just asking you people to give me some key points to select inoculum and to select colonies from it so that I can select organisms which are known to you already and about which you are sure that they will give good results. I just mentioned word unique because I need to have some culture which is different from what my friends are having.They all will try to isolate from air or water.So I want to try something different.
I need to do some innovative project in my college.I am planning to compare microbial content of foods with different expiry dates.In order to write principle for that experiment, I need to understand what exactly is the expiry date.Most of the foods will be fine even after expiry date.Why??What is the basis for calculating expiry date?Is there any difference between expiry date and other forms of it like best before..etc..If there are any aspects of this experiment, please do mention them.Thanks in advance.
I really dont have that much time.I just want to isolate some pure culture quickly so that I can proceed with experiments.I am just asking about source sample.If anyone could give me suggestion about what sample is to be taken for inoculation and characters of some colonies I will isolate that colony.
I need some pure culture of bacteria to perform all experiments like staining, growth rate measurement, biochemical tests for activities etc.... throughout the year.So I want to isolate some unique type of bacteria.It is better if they have more features like endospore production etc..so that I can get results for all the experiments.They should be growing fast.I should be able to maintain them easily without the help of fridge or incubator.It is better if I know what result I have to get after doing test before doing it.So anyone please suggest me any good source, some characters of the colonies of bacteria.(and also name of that bacteria if possible).
I am doing my masters degree. I am planning to work on foods with differential expiry dates.Is it a good work??How can I proceed?
Basic details: It is an innovative project, there are no limitations.We can do whatever we want.In this, we will work alone.No professor will be there with us.We have to just inform them about project.If they like, they will improvise it.We can ask for help if needed.The main idea of this project is to develop creative thinking in students.Our professor doesn't like the idea of testing or demonstrating something.eg - affect of some drug etc...because, he says that it is of no use.We should do something which will give some new useful result. Some of my seniors projects: -preparation of agar alternative using natural sources. -preparation of petriplate alternative using coconut shell -proved that UV affect is more on haploids than on diploids using yeast. -extracted chloroplasts, cultivated microbes by using chloroplasts as their nutrition source. -demonstrated essential oils antibiotic sensitivity -tested effect of different toothpastes on teeth plaques. The most complicate, successful experiment was cultivation of microbes on chloroplasts. My interests: I would really love to work in the field of molecular biology.I like projects involving gene morphing, DNA extraction, etc...I also love genome sequencing etc.I like working on a project which helps us to know something about evolution. Please also mention basic protocol.. Thanks in advance.
1.technically composition of fruits like mango's with which we are making pickle contains water.what is difference between that water and water which we are adding? 2.If you say that the difference is presence of microbes, we can preserve pickles for years if we add large quantity of salt to it.when salt has capacity to sterilize pickle by dehydrating microbes, it should be able to take same action on microbes present in added water.but practically pickle spoils.why??
my B.Sc subjects are microbiology, genetics, chemistry. the syllabus includes all subjects like molecular microbiology,chemistry,genetics,biotech,bichem,botany,zoology... Please someone suggest me some reference books, practice bits books,syllabus to be covered, etc... can i cover degree level botony, zoology now?or is it enough if i prepare only inter level?
i am going to join in msc for sure.i asked this question only to choose msc subject.i have passion for science.especially genetics.becoming genetic counselor and saving babies and looking after mentally retarded children was my dream.but recently i came to know about realistic things.doing prenatal diagnosis itself is dangerous and there are chances of harming infant even though it is normal.and after that i heard few things like, science is responsible for creation of few viruses etc..then few incidents happened which totally scared me.now i am unable to trust science completely.i am also unable to convince myself that science had done some thing which helped living beings.i feel bad when i read about exploitation of animals.that is the reason why i asked question like this.coming to forensics, i have so many doubts.I will be happy if i am able to condemn murderers.but the thing is, there will be so influences.will they allow me to give true and sincere report?this is just my doubt. i don't know truth about this.
I am unable to decide my career!but i am sure that i will choose one among these two.i completed bsc.can someone plz give me all career opportunities after doing genetics,forensics?i know basic things.if i get a genetic counselor job, will i be able to give treatment?i think, there are no medicines for genetic diseases.if i do prenatal diagnosis,if there is a defect in zygote,they should go for abortion.so what is the point in doing degree and phd just to kill infants?i liked forensics syllabus.but i think it is routine job like all other jobs.i have to do same work every day.moreover there will be so many influences,pressures,...next option is research.if i go for research i have to believe in science completely.but now i am having many doubts about it.it is a controversial topic.science is useful as well as harmful to society.so i want you to give your opinions,contradict my statements if my assumptions are wrong.thanks in advance.
u take xerox from books like snustad simmons or grifiths principles of genetics.nice photographs will be there in karyotyping topic. and also try this image at http://www.google.co.in/imgres?imgurl=http://biology.ucsd.edu/classes/bimm110.SP07/images/chromosomes.gif&imgrefurl=http://biology.ucsd.edu/classes/bimm110.SP07/lectures_WEB/L08.05_Cytogenetics.htm&usg=__47a2KW9vMDedBIKkuRHYiu_e0XQ=&h=515&w=543&sz=34&hl=en&start=209&zoom=1&tbnid=Aow8--c2XGGEIM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=142&ei=blmgTfXeEYjIvQPQ8c39BA&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dkaryotyping%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1276%26bih%3D562%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch0%2C4653&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=754&vpy=185&dur=3701&hovh=219&hovw=231&tx=148&ty=115&oei=YVmgTcq-OujKcMKz0fgB&page=11&ndsp=22&ved=1t:429,r:19,s:209&biw=1276&bih=562