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Everything posted by mpc755
owl said, "Clocks keeping time at different rates is a different issue than asserting that "time itself" is an actual medium/entity which differes in each and every local inertia situation." Correct. Atomic clocks tick based upon the physical state of the space in which they exist.
The original poster stated, "Clocks keeping time at different rates is a different issue than asserting that "time itself" is an actual medium/entity which differes in each and every local inertia situation." The mainstream answer is that time does change. How is there supposed to be a conversation when the only accepted response is from the mainstream point of view when the question is posed "Clocks keeping time at different rates is a different issue than asserting that "time itself" is an actual medium/entity which differes in each and every local inertia situation" and the only allowed for response is the mainstream response which is "no its not" when the non-mainstream answer is, yes, you are correct, clocks keeping time at different rates IS a different issue than asserting the 'time itself' differs? Why even have a 'speculations' thread when you are not allowed to speculate on mainstream physics? Why even have a 'speculations' thread when any post having to do with speculations can only be responded with "That is incorrect because it is different than mainstream physics"? The whole point of the original post was to understand how clocks may be able to tick at different rates and how that might have nothing to do with time itself. The answer is easy, the rate at which atomic clocks tick is determined by the state of the physical space in which they exist. Your response is going to be, "that is not a mainstream response". Of course it isn't. That's the whole point. My response actually explains what occurs physically in nature to cause atomic clocks to tick at the rate they do.
If I could have deleted my post I would have.
Correct. When you move the clocks you are changing the state of the space in which they exist. Two previously synchronized clocks at rest with respect to the state of the space in which they exist will remain synchronized as long as they exist in the same state with respect to the state of the space in which they exist. If you move both clocks identically they will remain synchronized even though they are both now ticking at different rates then they had been previously because both clocks remain in the same state, with respect to one another, with respect to the state of the space in which they exist. If you start to move one clock and not the other, or if you move the two clocks at different speeds, even when gravity is identical, the clocks exist in space in different physical states and will no longer be synchronized. It is not time which is changing which is causing the clocks to tick at the rate they do. It is the physical state of the space in which the clocks exist which causes them to tick at the rate they do. In the following video starting at 1:00 you can see the physical state of the space as determined by its connections with the Earth and the state of the space in neighboring places.
http://www.astronomy.ohio-state.edu/~pogge/Ast162/Unit5/gps.html "A prediction of General Relativity is that clocks closer to a massive object will seem to tick more slowly than those located further away (see the Black Holes lecture). They tick more slowly due to the increase in the force of gravity exerted towards and throughout the clock. If the physical parameters are identical. They are not. The clock in the airplane and the clock on the surface of the Earth do not exist in environments with all physical parameters identical. What is not identical is the force of gravity. Of course it is. The faster a clock moves with respect to the state of the space in which it exists in the slower the clock ticks. Einstein stated acceleration and gravity are one in the same. They both refer to the state of the space the matter exists in. There is no absolute frame of reference but the state of the space is determined by its connection with matter and the state of the space in neighboring places.
[update: Just re-read your thread more carefully and the death of a black hole spawning a universe is very different than my idea...] This is similar to my idea that the Universe, or the local universe we exist in, is a jet. Analogous to the polar jet of a black hole. The matter in the Universe can not account for the directionality of the galaxy clusters in the following: 'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe' http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/releases/2010/10-023.html 'The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said.' The article speculates it is some external mass pulling on the galaxy clusters. I think the clusters are headed along this path because the Universe is, or the local Universe we exist in is, a jet. Analogous to the polar jet of a black hole. There does not have to be a 'big bang' associated with this idea. If, as far as we are able to determine, the Universe always existed in this state it would still look like a 'big bang' because materials are continually being emitted into and expanding away from the Universal jet emission point. Think of the image in the following as part of an ongoing process: http://aether.lbl.gov/image_all.html
The force of gravity is not controlled and compensated for. You have two clocks on an airplane. They both tick at the same rate. You drop one of the clocks out the window of the airplane. The closer the clock gets to the Earth the greater the force of gravity exerted towards and throughout the clock the slower the clock ticks. If you cool the atomic clock to absolute zero and it begins to tick slower you understand time has not changed. You understand what occurred physically in nature to cause the atomic clock to tick slower. The force of gravity is no different.
There are two synchronized clocks on a boat in a tank of water. The rate the clocks tick is determined by the pressure exerted on them by the water. One of the clocks is dropped off the side of the boat. The deeper the clock drops the more pressure exerted on it by the water the slower it ticks. If you are unable or unwilling to understand water exists and insist it is time itself which is changing which is causing the clock to tick slower, are you correct? There are two synchronized atomic clocks on an airplane. The rate the clocks tick is determined by the force exerted on and throughout them by the aether. One of the clocks is dropped out a window of the airplane. The closer the clock gets to the surface of the Earth the more force exerted on and throughout it by the aether the slower it ticks. If you are unable or unwilling to understand aether exists and insist it is time itself which is changing which is causing the clock to tick slower, are you correct?
The absurdities here pertain to the lack of understanding where the Earth is located with respect to the Sun based on the distant stars is a more accurate clock than the rate at which an atomic clock ticks and the inability to understand the rate at which an atomic clock ticks is determined by the physical environment in which it exists. Not universally preferred position. A preferred position versus an atomic clock. The Earth 'ticks' according to the physical environment in which it exists. An atomic clock ticks based upon the physical environment in which it exists. An atomic clock is in a different physical environment in a GPS than it is on the Earth and ticks accordingly. The rate at which the atomic clock ticks changes because of the physical environment in which it exists. And what the confirmed laws of physics have determined is the rate at which an atomic clock ticks is determined by the physical environment in which it exists. The reason why light is determined to be 'c' in all frames of reference is because of the physical effects the environment has on the measuring devices. What physics mistakes as time as a dimension is the measurement of time is a physical process based on the environment in which the clock exists. A large planet swings by the Earth and pushes the Earth closer to the Sun. The Earth speeds up in its orbit. It now takes the Earth three months to complete one orbit of the Sun. Do you insist one year still passes for each orbit of the Sun by the Earth or do you understand what has occurred physically in nature to cause the Earth to change its physical behavior? Simply because you insist on not understanding what changes physically in nature to cause an atomic clock to tick at a different rate does not mean time has changed. And likewise, it is not time which is changing which is causing the atomic clock to tick at a different rate. It is the physical environment in which the clock exists which has changed which causes the atomic clock to change its physical behavior.
And that is exactly what the original poster is stating is incorrect. The rate at which an atomic clock ticks has nothing to do with time. The rate at which an atomic clock ticks is certainly not more accurate in terms of determining one year has passed than where the Earth is with respect to the Sun based upon the distant stars. An astronomer is on the ground and determines the location of the Earth with respect to the Sun based upon the distant stars. The astronomer gets into a spaceship which travels at incredible speeds around the Earth. The astronomer lands the spaceship, looks through a telescope, and determines the Earth is in the same location with respect to the Sun based upon the distant stars as they were at the start of the experiment and determines one year has passed. Is the astronomer correct? Of course they are. Only in the absurdity of mainstream physics is an atomic clock a more accurate time piece than where the Earth is with respect to the Sun based upon the distant stars. Another experiment is performed with an astronaut in a spaceship. This spaceship is circling the Earth at such a high rate of speed that the atomic clock on board the spaceship only ticks of one day has passed when a similar atomic clock on the Earth ticks off one year has passed. Do you really think only one day has passed for the astronaut on the spaceship? Do you really think if the astronaut does not drink any water while on the spaceship, where one year passes on the Earth, that the astronaut will survive? If you were the astronaut would you take enough water to last you more than a day or would you be certain that only one day would really pass simply because you are traveling at a very high rate of speed and the atomic clock you have with you implies only one day will pass? Are you so confident that only one day will actually pass for you while on the spaceship and not the 365 days which pass for everyone else on Earth that you would not bring any water at all?
An astronomer and an astronaut are in a spaceship traveling very fast around the Earth and the astronomer determines one year has passed based on the position of the Earth with respect to the Sun based on the distant stars then why is the atomic clock which has not yet clocked one years worth of ticks considered to be more accurate when in actuality it isn't? If there are a million people on the spaceship and they all determine one year has passed based upon the location of the Earth with respect to the Sun based upon the distant stars and one person insists one year has not yet passed because the atomic clock has not clocked a years worth of ticks who is correct? All that has to occur to correct the notion of time is to define a second correctly. The present definition is: http://www.bipm.org/en/si/si_brochure/chapter2/2-1/second.html "The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom." The more correct definition is: The second is the duration of 9 192 631 770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium 133 atom at sea level. Since the astronaut knows they are not at sea level they will correct the rate at which their atomic clock ticks accordingly and after one year be in agreement with the other one million people on the spaceship that one year has passed.
Very good definition of gravity. The 'bulge' is the state of displacement of the universal electromagnetic field.
- 13 replies
No. The information must be erased in order for the interference patterns at D0 to be discerned. My test will provide evidence it is the exact opposite of what is presently [mis]understood to occur. My experiment will provide evidence the two interference patterns are being created at D0 regardless of what else occurs in the experiment. My experiment allows for the interference patterns at D0 to be discerned without anything being 'erased'. My experiment fundamentally changes physics.
"According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein Einstein disagrees. What part of the test at the bottom of this post is a test of aether displacement are you unable to understand? What is it with the moderators who refuse to understand the test at the bottom of this post is a test of aether displacement? How does this work? You insist I propose an experiment which will provide evidence of aether displacement, which I do. And then you ignore the experiment. Are you insisting my experiment can not possibly be correct because it is different than the mainstream understanding of what occurs in similar experiments? Isn't that the whole point of asking me to provide an experiment is to provide evidence of my theory? That is exactly what I have done. AETHER DISPLACEMENT IS TESTABLE. All 'delayed choice quantum eraser' experiments are explained by understanding conservation of momentum and a moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. Following the explanation is an experiment which will provide evidence of aether displacement. Following this is an explanation of what will be derived for the offset between the galaxy clusters matter and their gravitational center which will provide evidence the galaxy clusters are moving with respect to the state of the aether. In the image on the right here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_choice_quantum_eraser#The_experiment When the downconverted photon creates the photon pair, in order for there to be conservation of momentum, the original photons momentum is conserved. This means the photon pair have opposite polarizations. We will describe one of the photons as being the 'up' photon and the other photon as being the 'down' photon. One of the photons travels either the red or blue path towards D0 and the other photon travels either the red or blue path towards the prism. There are physical waves in the aether propagating both the red and blue paths. The aether waves propagating towards D0 interact with the lens and create interference prior to reaching D0. The aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels prior to reaching D0. There are actually two interference patterns being created at D0. One associated with the 'up' photons when they arrive at D0 and the other interference pattern associated with the 'down' photons when they arrive at D0. Both 'up' and 'down' photons are reflected by BSa and arrive at D3. Since there is a single path towards D3 there is nothing for the wave in the aether to interfere with and there is no interference pattern and since it is not determined if it is an 'up' or 'down' photon being detected at D3 there is no way to distinguish between the photons arriving at D0 which interference pattern each photon belongs to. The same for photons reflected by BSb and arrive at D4. Photons which pass through BSa and are reflected by BSc and arrive at D1 are either 'up' or 'down' photons but not both. If 'up' photons arrive at D1 then 'down' photons arrive at D2. The opposite occurs for photons which pass through BSb. Photons which pass through BSa and pass through BSb and arrive at D1 are all either 'up' or 'down' photons. If all 'up' photons arrive at D1 then all 'down' photons arrive at D2. Since the physical waves in the aether traveling both the red and blue paths are combined prior to D1 and D2 the aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels. Since all 'up' photons arrive at one of the detectors and all 'down' photons arrive at the other an interference pattern is created which reflects back to the interference both sets of photons are creating at D0. The following experiment will provide evidence of aether displacement: Instead of having a single beam splitter BSc have two beam splitters BSca and BScb. Have the photons reflected by mirror Ma interact with BSca and have the photons reflected by mirror Mb interact with BScb. Do not combine the red and blue paths. Have additional detectors D1a, D2a, D1b, and D2b. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BSca be detected at D1a and D2a. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BScb be detected at D1b and D2b. If you compare the photons detected at D1a and D1b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. If you compare the photons detected at D2a and D2b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. What is occurring is all 'up' photons are being detected at one pair of detectors, for example D1a and D1b, and all 'down' photons are being detected at the other pair of detectors, for example D2a and D2b. Interference patterns do not even need to be created in order to determine the interference patterns created at D0.
Your turn to answer a question. The GP-B experiment detected the spin of spacetime. If space is an empty void how does it spin? What is it about placing the label 'spacetime' on an empty void which allows an empty void to have the physical property of spin? Same for calling it a 'field'. If the 'field' of 'spacetime' exists in an empty void what is the magical property of 'field' which allows an empty void to physically spin? And if your answer is space spins then what is space? Are you discussing the mathematical construct of three dimensional space? You don't really believe a mathematical construct in and of itself can spin, do you? So, if you state the field of spacetime physically spins and field and spacetime are labels placed on an empty void then how does an empty void physically spin? "According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable" - Albert Einstein
No energy transfer is not quite accurate. Take for example a swimmer who pushes off the side of a pool and glides forever through an infinitely long and infinitely wide pool which consists of superfluid which has properties of a solid (H3). The swimmer continually displaces different regions of the H3. Different regions of the H3 continually 'displace back' towards the swimmer. The swimmer requires energy (the push off the side of the pool) to start the process. The swimmer does have an associate aether displacement wave. The aether wave does not dissipate energy. There is no loss of energy in the interaction of the swimmer and the H3. You place a mesh bag of millions of tiny marbles into the infinitely large pool of H3 and spin the bag. The state of the H3 is determined by its connections with the marbles and the state of the H3 in neighboring regions. The state of which is its state of displacement. If the bag of marbles was the Earth then are you sure the H3, which is a superfluid with properties of a solid, does not twist? At the very least what is described as the spin in the GP-B experiment could be the direction of the force associated with the state of displacement of the aether. The gravity on the Earth does vary with latitude. However, it is not due to the 'aether flow'. The Earth bulges at the equator due to its spin. This means if you are standing at the equator you are further from the center of the Earth than when you are at the poles and as such there is more force exerted towards you at the poles. It's the same analogy as I went through before with the below the surface, sea level, mountain top, space shuttle,..., atomic clocks. The faster an object moves with respect to the state of the aether the more aether the object displaces the more force the aether exerts towards and throughout the object. So yes, if the earth's speed varies enough then the gravitational effects, the force exerted towards the Earth by aether displaced by the Earth, should be able to be detected.
How is the test at the bottom of this post not testable? All 'delayed choice quantum eraser' experiments are explained by understanding conservation of momentum and a moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. Following the explanation is an experiment which will provide evidence of aether displacement. Following this is an explanation of what will be derived for the offset between the galaxy clusters matter and their gravitational center which will provide evidence the galaxy clusters are moving with respect to the state of the aether. In the image on the right here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_choice_quantum_eraser#The_experiment When the downconverted photon creates the photon pair, in order for there to be conservation of momentum, the original photons momentum is conserved. This means the photon pair have opposite polarizations. We will describe one of the photons as being the 'up' photon and the other photon as being the 'down' photon. One of the photons travels either the red or blue path towards D0 and the other photon travels either the red or blue path towards the prism. There are physical waves in the aether propagating both the red and blue paths. The aether waves propagating towards D0 interact with the lens and create interference prior to reaching D0. The aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels prior to reaching D0. There are actually two interference patterns being created at D0. One associated with the 'up' photons when they arrive at D0 and the other interference pattern associated with the 'down' photons when they arrive at D0. Both 'up' and 'down' photons are reflected by BSa and arrive at D3. Since there is a single path towards D3 there is nothing for the wave in the aether to interfere with and there is no interference pattern and since it is not determined if it is an 'up' or 'down' photon being detected at D3 there is no way to distinguish between the photons arriving at D0 which interference pattern each photon belongs to. The same for photons reflected by BSb and arrive at D4. Photons which pass through BSa and are reflected by BSc and arrive at D1 are either 'up' or 'down' photons but not both. If 'up' photons arrive at D1 then 'down' photons arrive at D2. The opposite occurs for photons which pass through BSb. Photons which pass through BSa and pass through BSb and arrive at D1 are all either 'up' or 'down' photons. If all 'up' photons arrive at D1 then all 'down' photons arrive at D2. Since the physical waves in the aether traveling both the red and blue paths are combined prior to D1 and D2 the aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels. Since all 'up' photons arrive at one of the detectors and all 'down' photons arrive at the other an interference pattern is created which reflects back to the interference both sets of photons are creating at D0. The following experiment will provide evidence of aether displacement: Instead of having a single beam splitter BSc have two beam splitters BSca and BScb. Have the photons reflected by mirror Ma interact with BSca and have the photons reflected by mirror Mb interact with BScb. Do not combine the red and blue paths. Have additional detectors D1a, D2a, D1b, and D2b. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BSca be detected at D1a and D2a. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BScb be detected at D1b and D2b. If you compare the photons detected at D1a and D1b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. If you compare the photons detected at D2a and D2b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. What is occurring is all 'up' photons are being detected at one pair of detectors, for example D1a and D1b, and all 'down' photons are being detected at the other pair of detectors, for example D2a and D2b. Interference patterns do not even need to be created in order to determine the interference patterns created at D0.
What is presently postulated as dark matter is aether. There is no such thing as dark matter traveling with matter. Matter moves with respect to the state of the aether. Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter. Aether displaced by matter exerts force towards matter. Force exerted towards matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity. Aether is, or behaves similar to, a frictionless superfluid with properties of a solid. Aether is 'connected' to matter because it exists where matter does not. Aether exists between the nuclei of atoms and between the component particles which nuclei consist of.
You are insisting the interference patterns at D0 will not be able to be discerned in my experiment, correct? I am stating they will be. That is the point of my experiment.
All 'delayed choice quantum eraser' experiments are explained by understanding conservation of momentum and a moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. Following the explanation is an experiment which will provide evidence of aether displacement. Following this is an explanation of what will be derived for the offset between the galaxy clusters matter and their gravitational center which will provide evidence the galaxy clusters are moving with respect to the state of the aether. In the image on the right here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_choice_quantum_eraser#The_experiment When the downconverted photon creates the photon pair, in order for there to be conservation of momentum, the original photons momentum is conserved. This means the photon pair have opposite polarizations. We will describe one of the photons as being the 'up' photon and the other photon as being the 'down' photon. One of the photons travels either the red or blue path towards D0 and the other photon travels either the red or blue path towards the prism. There are physical waves in the aether propagating both the red and blue paths. The aether waves propagating towards D0 interact with the lens and create interference prior to reaching D0. The aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels prior to reaching D0. There are actually two interference patterns being created at D0. One associated with the 'up' photons when they arrive at D0 and the other interference pattern associated with the 'down' photons when they arrive at D0. Both 'up' and 'down' photons are reflected by BSa and arrive at D3. Since there is a single path towards D3 there is nothing for the wave in the aether to interfere with and there is no interference pattern and since it is not determined if it is an 'up' or 'down' photon being detected at D3 there is no way to distinguish between the photons arriving at D0 which interference pattern each photon belongs to. The same for photons reflected by BSb and arrive at D4. Photons which pass through BSa and are reflected by BSc and arrive at D1 are either 'up' or 'down' photons but not both. If 'up' photons arrive at D1 then 'down' photons arrive at D2. The opposite occurs for photons which pass through BSb. Photons which pass through BSa and pass through BSb and arrive at D1 are all either 'up' or 'down' photons. If all 'up' photons arrive at D1 then all 'down' photons arrive at D2. Since the physical waves in the aether traveling both the red and blue paths are combined prior to D1 and D2 the aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels. Since all 'up' photons arrive at one of the detectors and all 'down' photons arrive at the other an interference pattern is created which reflects back to the interference both sets of photons are creating at D0. The following experiment will provide evidence of aether displacement: Instead of having a single beam splitter BSc have two beam splitters BSca and BScb. Have the photons reflected by mirror Ma interact with BSca and have the photons reflected by mirror Mb interact with BScb. Do not combine the red and blue paths. Have additional detectors D1a, D2a, D1b, and D2b. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BSca be detected at D1a and D2a. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BScb be detected at D1b and D2b. If you compare the photons detected at D1a and D1b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. If you compare the photons detected at D2a and D2b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. What is occurring is all 'up' photons are being detected at one pair of detectors, for example D1a and D1b, and all 'down' photons are being detected at the other pair of detectors, for example D2a and D2b. Interference patterns do not even need to be created in order to determine the interference patterns created at D0. 'Offset between dark matter and ordinary matter: evidence from a sample of 38 lensing clusters of galaxies' http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16739.x/abstract "We compile a sample of 38 galaxy clusters which have both X-ray and strong lensing observations, and study for each cluster the projected offset between the dominant component of baryonic matter centre (measured by X-rays) and the gravitational centre (measured by strong lensing). Among the total sample, 45 per cent clusters have offsets >10 arcsec. The >10 arcsec separations are significant, considering the arcsecond precision in the measurement of the lensing/X-ray centres. This suggests that it might be a common phenomenon in unrelaxed galaxy clusters that gravitational field is separated spatially from the dominant component of baryonic matter. It also has consequences for lensing models of unrelaxed clusters since the gas mass distribution may differ from the dark matter distribution and give perturbations to the modelling. Such offsets can be used as a statistical tool for comparison with the results of Lambda cold dark matter ( CDM) simulations and to test the modified dynamics." The offset is due to the galaxy clusters moving with respect to the state of the aether. The analogy is a submarine moving through the ocean. You are a mile from the submarine. A mile on the other side of the submarine are many lights. As the submarine moves between you and the lights the light waves from the distant light sources changes as it interacts with the water displaced by the submarine. There will be an offset between the submarine itself and its 'gravitational center' as determined by measuring the light which propagates through the water displaced by the moving submarine. 'Mysterious Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Tracked Deeper into Universe' http://www.nasa.gov/centers/goddard/news/releases/2010/10-023.html 'The clusters appear to be moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra, but the direction of this motion is less certain. Evidence indicates that the clusters are headed outward along this path, away from Earth, but the team cannot yet rule out the opposite flow. "We detect motion along this axis, but right now our data cannot state as strongly as we'd like whether the clusters are coming or going," Kashlinsky said.' The galaxy clusters are moving directionally because their motion is determined by the state of the aether in which they exist. When the offset for the clusters moving along a line extending from our solar system toward Centaurus/Hydra is detected it will be in the direction the clusters are traveling. The analogy is a comet moving away from the Sun. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_tail "the ion tail, made of gases, always points directly away from the Sun, as this gas is more strongly affected by the solar wind than is dust, following magnetic field lines rather than an orbital trajectory" The offset between galaxy clusters and the aether is caused by the galaxy clusters interaction with the aether. The change in state of the aether is in the direction the galaxy clusters are traveling. The analogy is an object floating down stream. The object flows with the stream of water but moves down stream slower than the water itself. This will not be true of all galaxy clusters and their interaction with the aether. However, it will be so for the galaxy clusters which are moving directionally toward Centaurus/Hydra because their directionality is caused by their interaction with the state of the aether. When all of the offsets for all of the galaxy clusters are factored together they will not correspond with the speed at which the galaxy clusters are moving. The offset will not be able to be defined simply as lagging the galaxy clusters. The offsets will correlate to the state of the aether in which the galaxy clusters exist. In order to understand my experiment you must first set aside the misunderstanding of the experiment which you have been subjected to. Nothing is erased in a 'delayed choice quantum eraser' experiment. There are always two interference patterns created at D0 by two different sets of correlated photons. When the photons are detected at D3 and D4 there is not enough information to discern one interference pattern at D0 from the other. Both 'up' and 'down' photons are being detected at D3 and D4. When the photons pass through the polarizers BSa and BSb and then interact with the polarizer at BSc all 'up' photons wind up at D1 and the other set of correlated photons wind up at D2. The combination of the red and blue paths which is supposedly 'erasing' information is simply combining the aether waves traveling both the red and blue paths, which causes the waves to create wave interference, which allows the photon traveling either the red or blue path to be able to create an interference pattern at D1 and D2. My experiment is simply showing you do not have to 'erase' anything and you will still be able to derive the two interference patterns which are CREATED AT D0 REGARDLESS OF WHAT ELSE OCCURS IN THE EXPERIMENT. You are insisting the interference patterns at D0 will not be able to be discerned in my experiment. I am stating they will be. That is the point of my experiment.
It would have to be a frictionless superfluid with properties of a solid like the following. 'Superfluid Is Shown To Have Property Of A Solid' http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1999/07/990730072958.htm "Northwestern University physicists have for the first time shown that superfluid helium-3 -- the lighter isotope of helium, which is a liquid that has lost all internal friction, allowing it to flow without resistance and ooze through tiny spaces that normal liquids cannot penetrate -- actually behaves like a solid in its ability to conduct sound waves." '"Faraday's finding was the first indication that light and magnetism were related," says William Halperin, professor of physics and astronomy at Northwestern. "I wouldn't say that our discovery is of that magnitude, but it is significant as the first observation of a previously unknown mode of wave propagation in a liquid -- one that is of the type you would expect to see in a solid."' My guess is it is the 'property of a solid' which gives it its elasticity. Einstein's 'First Paper' http://www.worldscibooks.com/etextbook/4454/4454_chap1.pdf "The velocity of a wave is proportional to the square root of the elastic forces which cause [its] propagation, and inversely proportional to the mass of the aether moved by these forces." More correctly described as the square root of the elastic forces which cause [its] propagation, and inversely proportional to the mass of the aether [displaced] by these forces. I don't even know what derive means. I could look it up but if I don't know what it means looking up the definition of it doesn't mean I am going to be able to derive it. The Michelson-Morley experiment was looking for an ether similar to the ether of Lorentz. An immobile ether the Earth moves with respect to; or some type of stationary ether which the Earth is moving with respect to. Einstein removed from the ether of Lorentz its immobility. 'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein' http://www.tu-harburg.de/rzt/rzt/it/Ether.html "It may be added that the whole change in the conception of the ether which the special theory of relativity brought about, consisted in taking away from the ether its last mechanical quality, namely, its immobility." The mistake everyone makes when they read the above article is to mistake immobility for motion. Einstein's definition of motion is defined throughout the article as individual particles which can be separately tracked through time. Not being able to apply the idea of motion to the ether does not mean it is immobile. It means the ether does not consist of individual particles which can be separately tracked through time. Replacing water with ether from the article defines the ether as: if, in fact nothing else whatever were observable than the shape of the space occupied by the [ether] as it varies in time, we should have no ground for the assumption that [ether] consists of movable particles. But all the same we could characterise it as a medium. NASA Announces Results of Epic Space-Time Experiment" http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2011/04may_epic/ "Our planet spins, and the spin should twist the dimple, slightly, pulling it around into a 4-dimensional swirl. This is what GP-B went to space in 2004 to check." And found. Either the spin physically exists in the displaced aether or what is described as spin is the state of displacement of the aether. Either way this is evidence the aether is in the same state, or almost the same state, where it is located with respect to the Earth throughout the Earth's rotation about its axis and orbit of the Sun. The near-null result of the Michelson Morley experiment is expected based on the GP-B experiment. The recent GP-B experiment is evidence of the ether of general relativity. 'Ether and the Theory of Relativity by Albert Einstein' http://www-groups.dcs.st-and.ac.uk/~history/Extras/Einstein_ether.html "the state of the [ether] is at every place determined by connections with the matter and the state of the ether in neighbouring places, ... disregarding the causes which condition its state." The cause which conditions its state is its displacement by matter.
No mainstream physicist can explain what occurs physically in nature to cause the offset between 'dark matter' and the galaxy clusters. No mainstream physicist can explain what occurs physically in nature to cause the Milky Way's halo to be in the shape of a squished beach ball. No mainstream physicst can explain what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment. No mainstream physicist can explain what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity. Do you know why they can't? Because understanding aether has mass, aether physically occupies three dimensional space, aether is physically displaced by matter, a moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave and force exerted towards matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity is not mainstream. It is the most correct explanation of what occurs physically in nature to date. All 'delayed choice quantum eraser' experiments are explained by understanding conservation of momentum and a moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. Following the explanation is an experiment which will provide evidence of aether displacement. In the image on the right here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delayed_choice_quantum_eraser#The_experiment When the downconverted photon creates the photon pair, in order for there to be conservation of momentum, the original photons momentum is conserved. This means the photon pair have opposite polarizations. We will describe one of the photons as being the 'up' photon and the other photon as being the 'down' photon. One of the photons travels either the red or blue path towards D0 and the other photon travels either the red or blue path towards the prism. There are physical waves in the aether propagating both the red and blue paths. The aether waves propagating towards D0 interact with the lens and create interference prior to reaching D0. The aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels prior to reaching D0. There are actually two interference patterns being created at D0. One associated with the 'up' photons when they arrive at D0 and the other interference pattern associated with the 'down' photons when they arrive at D0. Both 'up' and 'down' photons are reflected by BSa and arrive at D3. Since there is a single path towards D3 there is nothing for the wave in the aether to interfere with and there is no interference pattern and since it is not determined if it is an 'up' or 'down' photon being detected at D3 there is no way to distinguish between the photons arriving at D0 which interference pattern each photon belongs to. The same for photons reflected by BSb and arrive at D4. Photons which pass through BSa and are reflected by BSc and arrive at D1 are either 'up' or 'down' photons but not both. If 'up' photons arrive at D1 then 'down' photons arrive at D2. The opposite occurs for photons which pass through BSb. Photons which pass through BSa and pass through BSb and arrive at D1 are all either 'up' or 'down' photons. If all 'up' photons arrive at D1 then all 'down' photons arrive at D2. Since the physical waves in the aether traveling both the red and blue paths are combined prior to D1 and D2 the aether waves create interference which alters the direction the photon travels. Since all 'up' photons arrive at one of the detectors and all 'down' photons arrive at the other an interference pattern is created which reflects back to the interference both sets of photons are creating at D0. The following experiment will provide evidence of aether displacement: Instead of having a single beam splitter BSc have two beam splitters BSca and BScb. Have the photons reflected by mirror Ma interact with BSca and have the photons reflected by mirror Mb interact with BScb. Do not combine the red and blue paths. Have additional detectors D1a, D2a, D1b, and D2b. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BSca be detected at D1a and D2a. Have the photons reflected by and propagate through BScb be detected at D1b and D2b. If you compare the photons detected at D1a and D1b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. If you compare the photons detected at D2a and D2b with the photons detected at D0, the corresponding photons detected at D0 will form an interference pattern. What is occurring is all 'up' photons are being detected at one pair of detectors, for example D1a and D1b, and all 'down' photons are being detected at the other pair of detectors, for example D2a and D2b. Interference patterns do not even need to be created in order to determine the interference patterns created at D0.
Aether Displacement explains why the shape of the Milky Way's 'dark matter' is in the shape of a squished beach ball. 'Dark Halo Around Our Galaxy Looks Like Squished Beach Ball' http://www.space.com/7746-dark-halo-galaxy-squished-beach-ball.html "Dark matter seems to shroud the remaining visible matter in giant spheres called haloes." The Milky Way's halo is displaced aether. "But the new study found that the Milky Way's halo isn't exactly spherical, but squished. In fact, its beach-ball form is flattened in a surprising direction perpendicular to the galaxy's visible, pancake-shaped spiral disk." All of the aether displaced by the Milky Way matter exerts force towards the matter. The force exerted towards the matter by the aether displaced perpendicular to the plane of the galaxy's spiral disk offset. It is the aether which is displaced outward relative to the plane of the spiral disk which exerts force towards the center of the galaxy. This forces the matter closer together which results in the displaced aether looking like a squished beach ball. If you can't explain why the Milky Way's halo is in the shape of a squished beach ball then how do you know I am trolling? Matter does not move with dark matter. Matter moves through the aether. 'Offset between dark matter and ordinary matter: evidence from a sample of 38 lensing clusters of galaxies' http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1365-2966.2010.16739.x/abstract "We compile a sample of 38 galaxy clusters which have both X-ray and strong lensing observations, and study for each cluster the projected offset between the dominant component of baryonic matter centre (measured by X-rays) and the gravitational centre (measured by strong lensing). Among the total sample, 45 per cent clusters have offsets >10 arcsec. The >10 arcsec separations are significant, considering the arcsecond precision in the measurement of the lensing/X-ray centres. This suggests that it might be a common phenomenon in unrelaxed galaxy clusters that gravitational field is separated spatially from the dominant component of baryonic matter. It also has consequences for lensing models of unrelaxed clusters since the gas mass distribution may differ from the dark matter distribution and give perturbations to the modelling. Such offsets can be used as a statistical tool for comparison with the results of Lambda cold dark matter ( CDM) simulations and to test the modified dynamics." The offset is due to the galaxy clusters moving with respect to the state of the aether. If you can't explain why there is an offset between the galaxy clusters and the 'dark matter' then how do you know I am trolling? What is presently postulated as dark matter is aether. Aether has mass. Aether physically occupies three dimensional space. Aether is physically displaced by matter. Aether displaced by matter exerts force towards matter. Force exerted towards matter by aether displaced by matter is gravity. If you can't explain what occurs physically in nature to cause gravity then how do you know I am trolling? A moving particle has an associated aether displacement wave. In a double slit experiment, the particle travels a single path and enters and exits a single slit. It is the associated aether displacement wave which enters and exits both slits. The associated aether displacement wave creates wave interference upon exiting the slits. As the particle exits a single slit, the direction it travels is altered by the interference it encounters. Detecting the particle causes there to be a loss of coherence of the associated aether wave, there is no wave interference, and the direction the particle travels is altered. If you can't explain what occurs physically in nature in a double slit experiment then how do you know I am trolling? If you can't provide one piece of evidence which suggests any of the above is incorrect then how do you know I am trolling?
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Everything is with respect to the state of the aether, including the clocks used to determine the speed of light. 'Hafele and Keating Experiment' http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/HBASE/Relativ/airtim.html "Relative to the atomic time scale of the U.S. Naval Observatory, the flying clocks lost 59+/-10 nanoseconds during the eastward trip and gained 273+/-7 nanosecond during the westward trip, where the errors are the corresponding standard deviations." Flying with the Earth's rotation, eastward, is flying against the 'flow' of aether, relative to the surface of the Earth, causing a greater aether force on the atomic clock causing the atomic clock to tick slower. Flying against the Earth's rotation, westward, is flying with the 'flow' of aether, relative to the surface of the Earth, causing a lower aether force on the atomic clock causing the atomic clock to tick faster. In terms of motion, the speed of a GPS satellite with respect to the aether causes it to displace more aether and for that aether to exert more force on the clock in the GPS satellite than the force of the aether associated with a clock at rest with respect to the Earth. This causes the GPS satellite clock to result in a delay of about 7 microseconds per day. The force of the aether associated with the aether displaced by the Earth exerts less force on the GPS satellite than a similar clock at rest on the Earth causing the GPS clocks to appear faster by about 45 microseconds per day. The force of the aether associated with the speed at which the GPS satellite moves with respect to the aether and the force of the aether associated with the aether displaced by the Earth causes clocks on the GPS satellites to tick approximately 38 microseconds per day faster than clocks on the ground. Density does not cause aether to be displaced by matter. The greater the density the greater the mass of the matter per volume. The greater the mass of the matter per volume the less aether it contains. You have a tank which is full of water. You throw a rock into it. Water is displaced and spills out of the tank. You throw another stone in and more water is displaced. You repeat this process until all that is left in the tank is stones with water filling in the space between them. The greater the density of the stones in the volume of the tank the less water the tank contains the more water is displaced. If the tank is the universe filled with water then the more stones that get together within a particular region of three dimensional space the less water that region of three dimensional space contains, the more water which has been displaced from that region of three dimensional space. Same for matter and ether. 'Ether and the Theory of Relativity - Albert Einstein' http://www.tu-harburg.de/rzt/rzt/it/Ether.html "Since according to our present conceptions the elementary particles of matter are also, in their essence, nothing else than condensations of the electromagnetic field" The electromagnetic field is a state of aether. Matter is condensations of aether. DOES THE INERTIA OF A BODY DEPEND UPON ITS ENERGY-CONTENT?' A. EINSTEIN http://www.fourmilab.ch/etexts/einstein/E_mc2/e_mc2.pdf "If a body gives off the energy L in the form of radiation, its mass diminishes by L/c2." The mass of the body does diminish; however, the matter which no longer exists as part of the body has not vanished. It still exists, as aether. Matter evaporates into aether. As matter converts to aether it expands in three dimensional space. The physical effects this transition has on the neighboring aether and matter is energy. Mass is conserved. Energy is conserved.
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