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Everything posted by nickt

  1. I do appreciate this, but this is the ONLY EVER place where I have seen a similar description to mine! I am seeing a new guy next week, and will take your prognosis with me. I'm fed up with being an enigma ;-)
  2. Hi Everyone, For some years I too have been suffering with exactly the same phenonemun, my specialist says I am an enigma and dismisses it as tinnitus - which I know it isn't. Whilst doing my own research on the issue I stumbled across Snail's posting! My problem is I only have one ear as I lost the other years ago after a botched mastoid operation. Recently it has become far more aggressive and more sensitive to external low frequencies. The only time I get prolonged silence is after a few glasses of wine, I can still stop it, but it starts instantly and louder (exactly a lower B on a guitar – great for tuning it). I can momentarily pause it by "humming" a frequency slightly off, but that only lasts a few minutes. Any advice you can give would be awesomely appreciated!!
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