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Phi for All

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Phi for All last won the day on March 8

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About Phi for All

  • Birthday May 13

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    CO, USA
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    Almost everything
  • College Major/Degree
    U of CO/Communications
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    Busy married father
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  1. These "personal encounters" are the most suspect of all. The person who had the encounter is absolutely convinced of what happened, so is hardly an objective observer. I've had experiences where my senses were tested and I jumped to conclusions about what was really happening. At the time, I was convinced that what happened to me was exactly what it seemed to be. Inevitably, I found out what had actually happened and realized my imagination had taken over and convinced me that my "reality" had changed somehow. I've heard many stories of how folks met their gods, or Bigfoot, or a ghost, or some other supernatural encounter which they can't explain but are nevertheless convinced happened exactly as they remember it. I've never heard of anything that couldn't be explained without jumping the shark.
  2. ! Moderator Note Don't ever do this here again. You need to define how you're using several words, like "reality". Not a single scientific theory tries to describe "reality", so you need to clarify what you mean. You've made a ton of assertions you would need to support in this conversation (and it is a conversation, despite the soapboxy nature of the OP). There is a great deal to unpack, but if you could define some of your terms, perhaps provide some supportive evidence for the things you claim, it would help us understand where you're coming from. This is the philosophy section, but that doesn't mean your assertions can go unsupported.
  3. Phi for All


    Religious people ridicule mainstream science quite a bit. Theory isn't sacred to me, since it's only protected by evidence rather than ignorance. Still, I find it frustrating that many take an easier path based on faith rather than studying what is much more trustworthy. You, of course, have the ability to NOT attend performances that offend you, so you don't have a right to be offended just because they exist.
  4. Please explain this process. How is the geometry "projected"?
  5. ! Moderator Note Please don't. The rules you agreed to when you joined prohibit soliciting members for commercial pursuits. Nobody is interested.
  6. Many people think they're being honest when they tell you what they don't like about you. They "call it like they see it", and I often question whether that has any value at all. Faithfulness to myself, or another? Those often come into conflict, so which it "truer"? Keeping your promises can sometimes be unreasonable or even dangerous. Is there value in being rigid and unyielding? Aren't feelings connected to the mind? If the mind can play tricks to make us think something that isn't true, aren't the feelings connected? As an example, if my mind tells me the woman I see down the street is my wife, I'll definitely feel happiness based on what I see, until I get close enough to see it isn't really her. Then I'll feel disappointed that my mind made me think something that wasn't true.
  7. "Reality" and "true" are two of the most subjective words that exist. Ask 100 people what is real or true and you'll get 100 different answers.
  8. ! Moderator Note We love you, too, but this style of posting isn't acceptable for discussion. You're all over the place, and don't seem to be able to focus on a single part of your concept in order to persuade us your ideas have merit. It seems mostly like numerology, which isn't science, and what's left is bizarre and disjointed. We are NOT a WAG forum, but we're happy to talk about them IF you have some structure and reason on your part, which you don't. We don't like videos much, since reading is SO much faster. When the videos are about a WAG, that's time we'll never get back. This needs to be closed since it's not fair to those who try to present reasoned speculations in this section while also following the rules. Please don't bring this up again, and if you post about another idea, please try to focus on a small part of it and find some evidence. If you know you're wrong and WAGging, we don't need to see it.
  9. I think you get 5 on your first day. It's an anti-spam measure.
  10. Can't agree with the GOD part. Which one? When? The part about the dogs is a bit too simplistic for such a complex relationship, imo. I don't like that you're making so many assumptions, then asking us to just accept them and move on to the next part of what you're saying. It makes the skeptic in me twitch uncontrollably. You're also bouncing around like a pinball. What is a "calibers first language", and what does it have to do with gods and dogs? Reality? You're trying to model reality? How are you defining that? All we can really know is what we observe, or can predict from those observations. Is that different from this reality you're talking about? There is way too much "Now assume" in the rest, and it sounds like some kind of numerology you've found patterns in, and none of that is reliable. I could give you the longitude, latitude, and altitude of the cafe on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower. I can add a temporal dimension and suggest a time to meet for lunch.
  11. Can you focus on one part of this for discussion? I have no idea what you want to talk about. It's best for discussion purposes if we take one aspect of what you're talking about and you persuade us that what you're saying has merit. You need to explain this without using the videos, since most people aren't going to take the time to watch when we can read SO MUCH FASTER. You can turn a WAG into something interesting if you can dig up some evidence to support your ideas.
  12. Seten has been banned for willful ignorance regarding the rules, especially using arguments in bad faith.
  13. OMG, try checking out who really grooms children and abuses them. It's not the drag queens or trans folks, it's white Christian males almost every time you look. Youth pastors, ministers, policemen, white men working hard to abuse positions of authority while they pretend to be "on your side".
  14. Aren't we still using those same dyes and colorants? I found a current list from the FDA: https://www.fda.gov/food/food-additives-and-gras-ingredients-information-consumers/types-food-ingredients
  15. I think many Americans have known that something major is wrong for quite a while, but we've all been so indoctrinated NOT to blame the wealthy that it's pretty easy to distract us with various "enemies from within". Some saw the insurrection as just a repudiation of the status quo, and failed to sense the significant threat to the democracy (or they may blame democracy for not giving them more than a single vote). I've had to explain to MAGAts that the insurrectionists didn't just protest the vote count in accordance with their constitutional rights, they did something the Constitution absolutely forbids them from doing, and NONE of them already knew that. What's shocking is the pace the Republicans are setting for destroying the American culture and economy. I don't understand how the big corporations figure they'll prosper when nobody has any money left to buy their products, either from price gouging or losing their livelihood or having their pensions and Social Security robbed. These corporations don't make much off the 1%, it's the rest of us that keep them profitable, so where is this leading? Does anybody in corporate land think it's a good idea to remove spending power from your customer base? Or are they all sitting on so much cash that they feel they don't need us to consume any more?
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