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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. https://www.englandlab.com/uploads/7/8/0/3/7803054/nnano.2015.250__1_.pdf Thanks for putting the name to the hypothesis! It's not one I would expect to win any converts over with, especially those who believe you're here because you were put here.
  2. This may account for the attempts to personally demean those arguing against the OP. It's difficult to defend bad science without resorting to bad arguments, so lashing out with ridicule is often the go-to position.
  3. Also one of the definitions of delusion. What steps have you taken to rule out personal cognitive biases?
  4. I remember reading an article on dissipation-driven adaptation, and it seemed an excellent argument for abiogenesis.
  5. I agree with the title, but not because of your assumption. Life was inevitable simply because organic life is more efficient at absorbing and distributing heat from the sun than inorganic matter is.
  6. It's more likely we'll discover better ways to leave the system sooner than we learn to manipulate the processes of a sun. Once our sun leaves its main sequence, I think Mars will be part of the red giant's atmosphere, unless the sun's mass decreases enough to let Mars expand its orbit.
  7. Nothing vs something is a binary proposition. You can't add a second "something" and call it "something else" without violating your original proposition. I'm not sure why you can't see this plainly, and instead consider your proposition to be consistent. It's not even consistent grammatically, much less physically or scientifically.
  8. Mine taught me not to base an argument on a false premise. Your post mixes vague aspects ("seems to be happening") and generalizations with specific assertions, so it's not very reasoned (logic is for maths and philosophy, not physics). Where does prediction fit into your assumptions? It's one of the most powerful aspects of theory, and you've significantly omitted any mention. Many discoveries are made because the theory predicts it must be so.
  9. fredreload has been added.
  10. ! Moderator Note But you haven't supported it with evidence, you haven't answered the flaws others found, and all the hand-waiving in the world won't generate enough lift to make the idea fly. We can't discuss anything meaningfully until those fundamental points are addressed. Convincing yourself alone isn't enough. You've begun to soapbox now, sticking by your claims even though they've been shown false, and unwilling to do more than stomp your feet and proclaim greatness. All against the rules of discussion here, so thread closed. Don't bring it up again if you can't be bothered with rigor.
  11. ! Moderator Note We don't do conspiracy here. If you have some supportive evidence for this statement, present it, but you're not allowed to simply wave your hands and conjure up the subjugation of humanity. More rigor, please.
  12. Your definition of "reasonable" is unreasonable.
  13. ! Moderator Note Very little you've said aids any kind of meaningful discussion. You really need to focus on one little thing at a time, and be as clear as possible. THIS IS NOT A BLOG! We're not going to discuss why your book didn't get published. This is a science discussion forum. Thread closed.
  14. ! Moderator Note Either provide details that can be analyzed or this thread will be closed. As it is, this looks like some crackpot lost his mind over the rejection of his misinformed ideas and is now whining big time. There's NOTHING to discuss in this thread's current form. Do better!
  15. ! Moderator Note You already have a thread open on this topic:
  16. And people we once considered salt of the Earth are now promoting scorched-Earth. Populism removes important tools I think we need as citizens. I believe, if asked, that most folks would prefer a kind of "line-item veto" power wrt leadership decisions, so they could disapprove things they didn't want, and approve the stuff they like. But populists give that up in favor of supporting a person no matter what they propose. Trump supporters have to accept all the pussy-grabbing and corruption and demeaning soldiers in addition to the stances they share. For folks looking for alternatives, they seem to be heavily limiting themselves. Fauci wants the science to be the basis for decision, and not because it comes from him. If he's popular, it's because he's smart rather than charismatic, and that gives me the option to reject something dumb he says.
  17. ! Moderator Note Attack the ideas, attack the behavior, leave the people alone. Keep it civil, avoid the personal.
  18. ! Moderator Note I'm not going to let you waste valuable time with such a poorly misinformed and presented opening post. You can try again if you can support your ideas, but if they're non-mainstream, PLEASE start the thread in Speculations. Asking questions is a very good way to learn, but not if your questions are just a preamble to your WAGs.
  19. I don't believe that's true.
  20. ! Moderator Note This isn't discussion, and it's intellectually dishonest. Don't open any more threads like this here.
  21. John2020 has been suspended for 3 days for soapboxing and insisting on commercial links.
  22. ! Moderator Note You've been shown several times exactly where this isn't so, and haven't commented, other than hand-waiving denials. You've ignored reasoned objections to your arguments, calling them apple/orange comparisons. You've insisted on linking offsite instead of pasting info here and following the rules you agreed to when you joined. This is a science discussion forum. It's not peer review, but in order to invest some meaning into our conversations, we require more rigor than you're currently willing to give us. Please take some time off and see if you can address this deficit within the parameters of the rules.
  23. This is anthropogenic climate change. If you want to learn more about that, I can move this to Ecology and the Environment so you can ask questions. If you're proposing a different cause, something non-mainstream, I can leave it here in Speculations but you'll have to support your ideas with evidence. What do you want to talk about?
  24. I found a forecast for heavy rains for April in Turkey: https://move2turkey.com/heavy-rains-are-expected-in-3-provinces-of-turkey/ Were these heavier than your normal monsoons? What do you mean when you say couldn't "take" it? Was there flooding, could your systems not handle the volume? Or is this to say your climate has changed and the people are having big problems adapting to it? "Too strange" indicates a problem that can't be allowed to stand, so I'm going to guess that your climate has changed drastically and people are wondering what can be done about it. Can you give us some more information about this concern?
  25. I look at the difference in terms of our human intelligence. We're still animals, so we're still hardwired to avoid becoming prey, so we look first for differences. But we should be intelligent enough to recognize the benefits of cooperation with other humans who can support our efforts, no matter how different they look. Ethnicity should only be a factor if it truly impacts what is being attempted. Racism is like choosing which tools are best for the job based on how good they look on your belt and how much they make you look like a contractor.
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