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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I put in a request with an Admin. It may be possible to isolate the Sandbox section wrt editing functions. I see no problem with removing the limits for the Sandbox entirely, but we need them for regular discussion threads.
  2. https://www.scienceforums.net/forum/99-the-sandbox/
  3. ! Moderator Note It's being considered. Not happy with the unevidenced precognitive ability assertions. I can move this if you want to stray from mainstream and do the work required to make such statements.
  4. Um, study hard? Sorry for the vague answer.
  5. ! Moderator Note This is NOT your blog. It's a science discussion forum. If there's an aspect of gravity you'd like to discuss with the other members, or questions you have regarding its nature, please give us a good place to start. No lectures, please, this is more like a roundtable talk. Conversation, rather than preaching.
  6. Are you being meticulous about misspelling his username? Every time? Because that might come off as insulting. Pop-sci needs to be questioned, because it's often overhyped and sensationalized, and that causes lots of folks to come here with misunderstandings. Science journalists have a limited readership, so they need to attract everyone they can, and that often means staying away from technical talk that's over most people's heads. It also means their vocabulary is not as rich as it needs to be to properly convey the concepts they write about. They have to "dumb it down", and that leads to some dumb interpretations. Post all the questions you want. Just don't base any assertions or conclusions on stuff you see in videos and pop-sci articles.
  7. Ironically, if the protesters could hire dieticians to ensure a healthy diet, daily walking in a circle holding a sign could be the best way to lower your chances of cancer and heart disease. But I don't see most people being willing to give up behavior that puts them at risk for heart disease and cancer, much less demanding that it happen NOW!
  8. Reading back on the thread, the concerns given were mostly about technical resources and financial limitations. I don't know how you got from there to "you guys consider the topic top secret and do not want to discuss further about it". I think the "standpoint" overall is that there's no way you're going to be able to do this, so why bother mapping it out for you? That's the really hard part, and since you won't be helping, why do we need you? To be fair, I'd be in the same boat if I asked Dr Swanson to help me do an experiment like this. Even if I could convince him I've got $50K to spend, he has a much better idea of the expertise, time, and manpower it's going to take. It also doesn't help that initially I told him I wanted to build this, but later admitted I probably couldn't, then accused him of not being willing to share his secrets. I'd probably wish I hadn't done that.
  9. I'm unsure what you mean. Stand point? Is this some kind of paranoia-driven conspiracy you're proposing? If it's funny I don't get it.
  10. I don't think it's shocking at all. Cancer and heart disease take time, and time gives us hope. Knowing your restaurant meal could be culinary heaven one minute but leave you gasping for a life-sustaining breath the next can be panic-inducing and terrifying. Pain is part of it too. No medication to ease my pain when I'm being burnt up in a fire.
  11. Pop-sci is not sci-fi. Sci-fi is made up, but pop-sci is science reporting that often leaves out important details, focusing on the spectacular and amazing in order to be "popular". It's their job to maintain high interest in a difficult-to-understand discipline, not to be an accurate resource. Why would you think that? I think your problem is listening. Did you hear the part about a normal BEC experiment costing 50 grand? That would stop me cold.
  12. "Miles and miles away from your grasp"? Our modern concepts of spacetime allow us to successfully land a craft on an asteroid 200,000,000 miles and miles away. I'll take that over your understanding, no offense intended.
  13. ! Moderator Note This is in the mainstream science sections, so time is part of a coordinate system, and extremely useful, not an illusion at all. If you want to post philosophy, or wild guesswork, don't do it in mainstream, OK? Thanks for understanding. Oh my gosh, read a book, please.
  14. ! Moderator Note Moved to Suggestions, Comments, and Support. Sounds like a Chrome thing. I've never seen anything like that here. "Compromised" makes it sound like someone's already cracked it, but could they be talking about a password that's been so popular that it's insecure? I wouldn't choose something like "IamGroot" or "12345" because those may already be considered compromised.
  15. ! Moderator Note Animitra Palit, too many of your posts have strayed away from mainstream physics, so I'm moving this to the Speculations section. You need to do a better job of addressing the concerns expressed by other members in the discussion, and support your assertions with mainstream science. If you can't support your ideas here, the thread will be closed and you won't be allowed to bring it up again. The membership is willing to spend a great deal of time discussing this with you, but only if you are also willing to put in the work.
  16. If light and dark energies were paired as you suggest, they'd be exactly equal to each other, like a yin/yang situation, or like matter and anti-matter, almost exactly equal, right? Except there's a lot more dark energy than light, so that falls down rather quickly. "Plane" is the wrong word for time. Time is a dimension, a temporal one, and together with the three spatial dimensions, they make up the continuum we call spacetime. Movement in three dimensions of space and one of time can be expressed as a coordinate system we can use to plot the when and where of any event. We don't actually "watch" our pasts, do we? We gain experience, and use that experience to predict what will work best in future situations. We don't "chase" our futures, we do our best to figure them out ahead of time. Prediction is one of science's strongest abilities, since by experiment and observation we learn to expect what happens when we mix A with B and heat that up by a certain amount. It allows us to trust the knowledge we have to the greatest degree possible.
  17. Hi, this is a science discussion forum. What you've written here is really vague in parts, really obvious in others, and really wrong in the rest. Is this an attempt at some kind of philosophical poetry? It's got NOTHING we can actually discuss meaningfully, other than to correct some of your misconceptions. Are you open to that, or are you here to soapbox?
  18. ! Moderator Note Please don't copy someone else's work and paste it here as your own. That's plagiarism, and it's against our rules.
  19. ! Moderator Note This is poorly attributed copypasta, far too long for the opening to any meaningful discussion, mixes religion with science and politics, makes soapbox assertions that can't be supported, and is basically eugenics and racism and we're not interested. Stop posting this garbage or you'll be banned.
  20. An epitaph I'm sure he'd enjoy and agree with. Thanks for letting us know of his passing. He was eloquent and civil and treasured knowledge. We will MISS YOU, MIKE!
  21. If they already have an adequate respiratory function and a process for removing salt from their systems, where's the pressure to change?
  22. ! Moderator Note The topic target is cell phones, not any random device. If you joined to promote this device, that's against the rules you agreed to. Please stay on topic.
  23. Why wouldn't you believe NASA about aiming to reach Mars by 2035?
  24. Not worth it. You're trying to use reason on a person who thinks NASA (and ESA and Roscosmos and JAXA and CSNA and ISRO) are hiding the truth about the universe. Their confirmation bias would only be triggered by any scientific explanation. There's SO much fundamental misunderstanding going on with a flat Earther it would take complete reeducation to get through. Anyone who believes the Earth is flat doesn't understand gravity, or how stars and planets form.
  25. To us, yes, but I've heard professional comedians complain that it's too much too fast. You update your dead baby jokes and QAnon has moved on to pedophilia, so you stay up all night writing but nobody's listening to your act because now they're talking about lizard people taking over. The speed of crazy exceeds the speed of funny, sadly.
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