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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. We have a couple of past threads that mention this, if it helps. As Markus says, as long as we're not put in a position where we're advising anybody about a medical situation, it won't run afoul of our rules.
  2. ! Moderator Note Blaming your failures on others isn't productive. We have rules to help us focus on what can be supported, so our members limited time isn't wasted on Wild West guesswork. Thanks for your understanding.
  3. I had a rubber mat that smelled bad. I cleaned it with a strong solution of water and Pine-sol, and let it dry in the sun. It worked pretty well, but I know some folks feel the same about the smell of pine (I'm talking about YOU, Finland).
  4. QFT. Three cheers for accumulated human knowledge!
  5. I thought this was the best analogy, and I'd love to hear MigL address it. It's too good a point to pass up.
  6. How far have you gotten so far?
  7. POVphysics has been suspended for three days for ignoring moderator warnings about breaking rules by posting speculative ideas in mainstream topics.
  8. Are you claiming all that rain doesn't make British trains wider? Probably somewhere on Buchanan Street. Do you have an address?
  9. Is this fiction, or is there supposed to be some actual science here?
  10. ! Moderator Note No chatbots, please. Members are required to make sense in their posts.
  11. ! Moderator Note This kind of speculation doesn't belong in the mainstream sections. Please support these kinds of statements in a new thread in our Speculations section.
  12. ! Moderator Note This is a SCIENCE discussion forum. Don't open threads if you can't include at least a little mainstream knowledge.
  13. ! Moderator Note Alternative explanation and discussion split to here.
  14. ! Moderator Note Please give us a basis for discussion other than promoting a YT channel, which is against our rules. We have lots of things that inform and engage us, but here we look for discussion. Post your impressions, or some questions you may have regarding the material, otherwise I have to close this.
  15. ! Moderator Note You really need to stop bringing these sources up outside of the Religion/Philosophy sections. They aren't scientific at all. Isn't the real challenge keeping the mind functioning along with the body? Who wants to live past 100 if it's all retirement village and senility after 85? How advanced is the science when it comes to being spry and sharp-witted when you're 120? Of course science can make us live longer, but can it make those later years more worthwhile? I'd settle for sound mind alone, really. Pull me around in a wagon if you have to, as long as I can think straight and tell the young folks all about it.
  16. A five-year-old cousin was visiting from Alabama, and my family was getting ready to go drive somewhere. The adults were in the house, the kids were outside, and the young cousin was messing around climbing up onto the roof of the car in the driveway. The adults suddenly come out the front door, and the cousin tried to casually scoot off the car but he hurried and ended up landing flat on his butt in front of everyone. Into the shocked silence, this little guy had the aplomb to jump up and holler "Bet y'all can't do THAT!" Not so much wise, but a brilliant bit of savoir-faire, and it's been a family story for a long time. If he can walk in the forest without making a sound. "Don't do anything you can't live with" is right up there with the Golden Rule. Very wise kid you've got there.
  17. I recommend you wash your brain out with soap for thinking this.
  18. It's not though. It shows the question isn't applicable. What's the opposite of a mile, or any other spatial measurement? Our coordinate systems measure what we observe, and we don't observe anything that would require "anti-dimensions". Not everything requires opposition.
  19. You should stop carrying around that bottle of Worcestershire sauce everywhere you go.
  20. TimeFlies has been banned as a sockpuppet of previously banned accounts.
  21. Absolutely not! You just read some Dostoyevsky and started Russian to conclusions.
  22. A universe with more or less than three spatial dimensions would be unstable. We'd also see the effects of such opposition if it existed. Do you have any evidence such a thing exists, or were you just wondering?
  23. Now two people have taken the point.
  24. ! Moderator Note You have threads like this open in Religion and in Philosophy. Religious topic have NO PLACE in mainstream science sections like Evolution, Morphology, and Exobiology. If it has anything to do with religion or religious writings, keep it in the proper section, please.
  25. Your problem isn't going to be copycats, imo. The people who own these products you want to rent out could easily arrange something like this, and cut you out as the middle man. The owners of the product don't have your administrative problems with confirming transactions and returning the goods, so they can do this more cheaply than you can. The motivations to rent as opposed to purchasing are tricky. And you have to be careful, since some of the same customers who prefer to rent a product do so because they're hard on products, and expect a replacement at no charge when they break it.
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