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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. Ooh, my Groucho-purpose-of-life is to learn everything you can. "Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read."
  2. ! Moderator Note Nobody claimed infallibility. Swansont works with the atomic clocks that help regulate the GPS system. You're wasting this chance to discuss your idea with a professional atomic physicist by harping that his grasp of the science isn't perfect? Seriously, it's one thing to build an idea based on limited knowledge, but rejecting these offers to remove some ignorance by disrespecting the knowledge of others is rude and uncivil. You're the one acting like you're infallible when experts are showing you, pointing out EXACTLY where your knowledge let's you down and you just claim they're wrong. You're making an extraordinary claim, and you need to support it extraordinarily.
  3. At least that's unidirectional, and could imply a duration. How about we meet at 7, 5, 3, 11 o'clock? Unfortunately, I have to meet Frostedwinds at the pub at 7,8,9,10 o'clock simultaneously, since he insists on multiple time dimensions. Very unpredictable.
  4. The four dimensions we experience are spatial (3 of them) and temporal (1 of them). Spatial dimensions are bidirectional, but temporal dimensions are unidirectional. Why does motion need more than one temporal dimension?
  5. Please explain why this is true even though it isn't what we observe.
  6. ! Moderator Note Modnotes aren't up for discussion, they're a warning that you're breaking the rules. ! Moderator Note Please note that "crap" refers to YOUR IDEA, not you. Stop taking this personally, this is supposed to be science.
  7. Dark is not just unknown though, it also describes not interacting with the EM spectrum. Junk implies worthlessness.
  8. ! Moderator Note Stop this. We attack ideas here, not people. If you seriously think these professionals waste their science discussion time trolling, you're never going to learn from them. I highly recommend you dismount from that overly tall horse.
  9. I remember reading somewhere that "junk" was an unfortunate thing to name what we didn't understand. Now we're discovering that, much like macro "junk", there are lots of uses we didn't know about.
  10. Multiple time dimensions would lead to a universe with very unstable properties. Much of physics wouldn't work the way we know it does.
  11. This is a breakthrough for you intellectually as well. Now if you could just stop cherry-picking the criticisms of your idea, and realize ALL the comments have been constructive....
  12. To find the joy. This isn't true, but that's off-topic. I found some joy in this old joke reference! Thanks!
  13. Then could you please do everyone a favor and stop whining about the enforcement of rules you agreed to when you joined?
  14. Aye, there's the rub, though. How much is "not too expensive" when compared to terrestrial mining? If it costs more to extract and bring it back, your profits on it aren't as good. If you found an asteroid of gold, it would be far smarter to make it available for offplanet endeavors. That's when the cost of your space gold will be far better than the cost of terrestrial gold.
  15. I think you need parameters for the differing types of "belief". We all have belief systems that let us take on knowledge at varying levels of importance and credibility. The divisions I personally make wrt belief are faith, hope, and trust. Faith asks for belief without reason, hope is wishful thinking, and trust is belief based on testable, predictable facts and reasoning. With these parameters, you can more easily assess the levels of what you believe. I hope there are. There's no real evidence to trust, and I don't blindly believe higher dimensions exist. I can hope and hold out for more evidence without making extreme assertions or changing my life. Why? From information I can trust I believe any higher dimension that currently exists are simply part of the geometry of the universe. I don't see why. Must life have a meaning beyond what I personally invest in it? What is the meaning of life with god(s) in it? Guess which deity is the right one, then worship them to show you have utmost faith, and appease them for a few decades in order to achieve eternal paradise? And what about weak atheism? I don't believe god(s) exist, but I don't claim they don't either. I trust that since they aren't observable, they hold no importance for me. I treat religion the same way I treat stamp collecting. If a stamp comes along that shows me I've been wrong, I'm willing to be persuaded.
  16. Invision is some fairly standard forum software. I suppose the alternative to having moderators manually check duplicate accounts would be to let the system Flag As Spammer, but that would flag you for any other forum using the same software, iirc. You're welcome. Spare me the righteous anger over being caught breaking the rules though. You're yelling at the cops because you didn't know about the alarm system.
  17. We suspected it due to the content and proximity. We did the math, and we made a prediction: You'd admit it if we behaved as if we knew for certain. Then we observed whether the prediction held true or not. We were prepared to read a goat's entrails, but thankfully the scientific method was enough, as always.
  18. Another rule is you can only have one account. Do you want to keep this one or the AUDI R6 account?
  19. If you want specifics about genetics, you need to ask specific questions. Heritability usually references quantitative traits like height and IQ which are passed down directly through the population over time by variation in the genes. Some traits don't vary, like having 4 limbs and 5 digits at the end of each limb, and are considered more of a basic genetic program. I hadn't heard about attitudes being heritable, but a quick search revealed a discussion here at SFN: I haven't finished it yet, but thought I'd share it.
  20. ! Moderator Note Nobody is attacking you personally, either. It's your strange ideas about spacetime that are being attacked, because science.
  21. You certainly didn't persuade anyone here, so you didn't make any sound arguments. You've convinced yourself you did, and now are just soapboxing. You aren't listening, or learning, or teaching anybody anything. Its easy to make things up, and call anyone who agrees with you "powerful".
  22. The presence of mass/energy IS spacetime curvature. Two pieces of dust in space, outside any other influence, will each curve spacetime enough to meet. How little mass do you think you need before spacetime doesn't curve? Perhaps the ISS can test this for you.
  23. Not successfully. Your arguments are similar to a puddle's argument that the world fits it perfectly. I have no reason at all to trust your guesswork. This doesn't even make semantic sense, since the worshippers of a god don't necessarily define it. Mars and Ares were the same god, so was Mars Roman and Ares Greek?
  24. Time was considered an independent dimension before Einstein, who showed how "spacetime" is a continuum that can't be separated.
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