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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. My lights are on a different circuit than the plugs I would use for an electric clock. Is it possible the breaker/fuse was tripped for the lights but the breaker/fuse for the plugs was still on after the lightning strike? If this is an apartment building, perhaps it took someone ten minutes to check the panel.
  2. This seems like a bad characterization. If by "anything" you mean the universe, infinite space didn't already exist. The universe didn't explode, and it didn't expand INTO anything. Everything we observe now began much smaller and hotter and then expanded and cooled. Edit to add: Kudos to you, btw, for being a member so long with questions like this, and NOT trying to make up your own theories to fill the gaps. Learning mainstream science is always harder, but you get the benefits of all those scientists testing it constantly. Thanks for sticking with it!
  3. ! Moderator Note Saves us having to write new rules regarding ongoing feuds from other websites.
  4. Young women are usually at the bottom of the pecking order in most societies, so it must feel very threatening to these men when a young woman is obviously extremely capable and intelligent. Where does that leave these trolls in the scheme of things? I think they get tired of hating themselves so much that they have to spread it around, and young women are an obvious source of their frustration.
  5. I'm not sure why you seem to be making light of this behavior. It's clear you think women are somehow more to blame for internet trolling. I was pointing out how observation and available data suggests you're wrong. Are your feelings towards your ex-wife becoming more general towards all women? The sarcasm you use suggests your stance on this is an emotional one. Sorry if I'm wrong about this. And if we stop pointing out instances where gender shouldn't matter, it will continue to matter too much to some people. I still don't understand why some of you aren't willing to acknowledge that men are far more likely to be the bad guys when it comes to this sort of thing, just because you're nice guys who wouldn't stoop to that level. It's almost as if you take criticisms of men's behavior in general personally, and for no reason. If a study shows that the vast majority of internet trolls are men, it's not claiming you're a troll just because you're a man. Stop worrying about being painted by the same large brush. As men with desirable behavior, we really need to stop defending undesirable behavior just because it comes from a fellow male. This is a good template to follow for lots of folks ("As Republicans with desirable behavior, we really need to stop defending undesirable behavior just because it comes from a fellow Republican").
  6. Studies suggest the vast majority of internet trolls are men. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0747563217305010 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-02-02/internet-trolls-arent-who-i-thought-ginger-gorman-troll-hunting/10767690
  7. I could see this being used for attaching hoses to devices. If you grabbed the hose up at the attachment point, you could easily slip it off the coupling. If you just yanked on the hose, the woven part would tighten up and hold on to the coupling.
  8. Same problem silly putty has. Stretch it too quickly and it snaps. It only stretches when pulled/pushed slowly. Perhaps a new material isn't needed. Maybe current materials can be woven differently, given different twists of the fibers to impart different energies and strengths. As an example, if you wet a cloth towel, then stretch it from both ends the way a seat belt is stressed, the water stays in the towel. But if you give the towel a few good twists first, when you stretch it from the ends it will squeeze the water out as if pressed laterally. The twists change the way the fabric deals with energy, so perhaps this might make a better belt, but I think the OP is asking for a "substance" rather than a better woven fabric belt.
  9. ! Moderator Note For discussion's sake, let's define it as someone who accepts the Theory of Evolution (not an insult at all). Since evolution itself is an observed natural fact, 2Pillars must be referencing the theory behind it.
  10. Herve cheese? The mold penicillin is made from? Composting?
  11. ! Moderator Note If you're going to make assertive claims on a science discussion form, you need to back them up with evidence, because otherwise it's just preaching or soapboxing, and we have rules against that. ! Moderator Note Thanks for understanding.
  12. internetcynic has been banned for rejecting our rules about discussing conspiracy. Evidence is the key for all scientific discussions, folks.
  13. This makes it even worse. In terms of the public interest, we're all very poorly served by someone most interested in private gain. Business skills don't transfer at all, except the spin and marketing necessary to make the common folk believe business skills transfer to politics. If politicians are often wolves in sheep's clothing, businessmen skip wearing the wool and convince you their private profit is in the public interest.
  14. ! Moderator Note Enough! This style of making outrageous claims with dubious support from crackpot sites, then ignoring/willfully misunderstanding those trying to refute what you're saying by piling on more garbage is completely inconsistent with meaningful discussion. Hand-waving isn't going to work when you're making claims that are absurdly easy to prove false, and neither is simple denial. You've had two pages of other members trying to help show you where you've gone wrong, and you've ignored every attempt. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, and your arguments are hardly persuasive. This Gish Gallop tactic may work on sites where the membership is far more ignorant, but it's clear you don't know what you're talking about, and have no interest in learning the facts. It's against our rules to ignore the questions put to you about an idea like this. You can't go into a discussion with your fingers in your ears. I'm closing this thread, and if you open another thread where you refuse to defend your absurd ideas, I've already got enough votes from the staff to ban you on your next breach of the rules.
  15. As do many Americans, but not enough in leadership. Too many politicians are tied to private profit from arms, prisons, law enforcement, and other opportunities that benefit from current gun laws (or lack thereof). Our two party system keeps the stupidity going even though enough elements on both sides want stricter gun control. You can't be a Republican who wants to ban assault rifles and expect to have a voice in the current government.
  16. Yes, well, my point was that you give your mom's god credit for curing her, as do many people for many illnesses. But nobody, NOBODY who has ever prayed to have a lost limb regrown has had that prayer answered. These gods seem good at cancer and heart disease, but there are some maladies that they refuse to touch no matter how much faith you have.
  17. https://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/31/health/31pray.html
  18. ! Moderator Note And yet, you can't be bothered to post it. When you're ready, open a new thread, IN SPECULATIONS, post the model and be prepared to defend it through discussion. Thread closed.
  19. The lack of caring from these particular doctors doesn't suddenly make the supernatural possible. If your mom believed her god made her strong, and that belief helped her endure hardship and loss to live the life she wanted, then nobody can discount the good effect it had. Personally, I'm glad she had the kind of illness that god(s) can get credited for curing, rather than wanting an amputated limb grown back. No god(s) have figured out how to do that yet, despite omnipotence and all.
  20. If the war was on our own soil, I don't see the NRA boosters giving up personal defense, especially during an emergency involving enemy combatants. I think the national emergency angle would work best in tightening existing regulations and making background checks stricter. We're used to tightening our belts/going to extremes in times of emergency, and if we had a war it might be persuasive to think about avoiding death by friendly neighborhood fire. Some public service announcements about our military mistaking our own civilians for the enemy because they were waving a gun might help some see the light. But those folks were compensated, iirc, and the economy was the worst it had ever been. The leadership now would have to figure out how to frame it as necessary for our very survival, and that's how guns are often considered in the first place.
  21. Just make sure to satisfy your healthy skepticism. I don't know how long you've been questioning the science, but you should dig into it deep enough to either trust it or reject it completely. Sitting on the fence as a skeptic for too long isn't good, especially since you have no reasonable objections other than your own incredulity, which is based on an education from 40 years ago.
  22. ! Moderator Note Absolutely! It lets us know when to set off the fireworks.
  23. You're going to throw a hip out if you keep sidestepping the questions like that. So duck instead of screaming! It's almost miraculous what a soothing voice can do when someone is sick. Almost, but well within the natural capabilities of the human body. I don't mean to make light of your good fortune, but assigning it to anything but your dear mother's strength and resilience seems, to me at least, a disservice to her. Why can't she be the hero here, instead of a god?
  24. No, but you blamed the restructuring on cheap Chinese goods, which were more of a reaction to the engineered business models. As swansont points out, that's a post hoc ergo propter hoc argument. This is a big part of the problem, imo, treating ownership as if it's a lifestyle. Too much private ownership should scare the hell out of us, every bit as much as too much public or state ownership. The US citizen is the real loser, since the extremist capitalists have already bought us out and marginalized us with our own political system (the one the founding fathers wanted us to guard from corporations at all costs). Billionaires know we don't judge them by their actions, only by what they pay to have us told. If I was wanting to push the world to war, I'd get the US and the UK to squabble amongst themselves, and spin it like half the population wants one thing, and the other half wants the opposite. I'd make it all look like shouting across a fence, because that might inspire some to lash out across the line. I'd also sour the relationship between the US and the UK, and do everything to make them all forget we've been allies for a loooooong time. I'd criticize all our allies, and I'd praise our enemies for their strength, and how they prosper BECAUSE they're oppressive and dominant.
  25. How would your government feel about working with the US and other major players on a global solar grid? I remember seeing something in The Economist about that being a fantastic way to build cooperation between the major countries (averting war), as well as helping smaller economies get a leg up with cheap electricity. It would help future manufacturing to bring costs down for everyone, especially if we can be better about keeping solar clean and green.
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