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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I think I remember seeing a Learn Latin app for android phones in the Google store. Most of those resources are free if you watch some ads in English.
  2. ! Moderator Note Due to the non-mainstream nature of this idea, I'm moving it to Speculations. Please read the special rules that pertain to this section, and support your claims with evidence.
  3. It's pretty easy, and it's been done to death. Most of their arguments are strawmen, in that they make a false or misunderstood claim to attack, instead of a more difficult, legitimate claim. For instance, that the creation of proteins is astronomically improbable, therefore it couldn't have happened. Since they mistakenly think the universe is only a few thousand years old, they can't accept that evolution had millions of years to miss before it finally hit. Many of the arguments are nitpicking Darwin, as if the theory began and ended with him. They ignore what every scientist knows, that theories are dynamic, changing as new evidence shapes them into better and more accurate predictions. And they keep repeating arguments that have been refuted, which is seriously dishonest from an intellectual perspective. I still hear "If we descended from monkeys, why do we still have monkeys?" being spread to ignorant audiences. They study evolution only enough to cherry-pick the parts many don't understand, and then ask questions they don't want answers to. If they really studied evolution sincerely, with an open mind, they would come to the obvious conclusion that there's no other way it could work. Evolution is a fact, and the Theory of Evolution describes how it works, with observational accuracy backed up by more evidence than almost any other theory.
  4. If you get the sense that it was derogatory, then it means the first someone is lumping the second someone in with a group he caricaturizes negatively. AKA bigotry.
  5. ! Moderator Note Doug Fisher, making this particular extraordinary claim without adequate support, especially in the face of all the evidence against it, is soapboxing, and we don't allow it since it's very frustrating for those trying to help, and it doesn't help you persuade a skeptical discussion group. You need to address the offered criticisms of an expanding Earth before making the conclusions you're making. This is the third page of preaching. If you have no evidence for your claims, by the rules of this section I need to close the topic.
  6. Easy enough to test. Raise some children without the typical objects around and see if they still have a personality.
  7. In the US, there are lots of places that do drug and alcohol screening for companies. Some of them have branched out into other poisons and paternity testing. I'll bet there are kits online you can buy for specific food poisoning situations as well (probably cheaper and less accurate, but good enough if you're looking for a specific contaminant).
  8. This may be the cause of your dismay over the whole "making stuff up" issue. Precision is usually more of a motivator in science, and it's always assumed folks come to a science discussion forum because they want to check ideas for their accuracy. You even mention that you were searching for the critique you're getting, from professional physicists who know what they're talking about. You've ticked all the boxes for a meaningful discussion. So you need to understand why it's so important not to fill gaps in your knowledge with stuff you've made up, why it's being mentioned wrt your idea. Mainstream theory gives us our most trustworthy explanations, based on tested concepts and observations of nature. The scientific method tells us to remove as much guesswork from our explanations as possible, and focus on what can be supported by evidence. But the biggest problem with making up answers to fit problems we don't understand is because, working with incomplete information, we tend to stitch together ideas that make PERFECT sense to us, but only to us. And that makes it extremely difficult to listen to reason that contradicts your idea. This is why it's being mentioned, in no uncertain terms. It's not to be mean, it's not personal at all. Think of it like you have a new idea for making it easier to pound screws in with a hammer, and people here are trying to introduce you to other tools first.
  9. Again, there are no mechanisms for this. Something like hearing loss may be genetic, but if the parent lost their hearing from a loud explosion, it won't transfer to their offspring. Same for broken bones. A disposition towards deficient calcium (and therefore brittle bones) may be genetic and passed along to children, but a fall that breaks a mother's leg will NOT cause a similar injury in her child. The body doesn't work that way.
  10. I get the impulse with homonymic words. When someone tells me "You read my mind!", my impulse is to respond "People tell me I'm psychotic!" Flip Wilson used to joke about going to Vienna to buy some of those little sausages. "Those Vietnamese sure know how to make good sausages!" You took a shot with Australia/Austria and you bombed. Oh well, know your audience. Obviously, Australians don't like to be confused with Austriches.
  11. Evidence suggests it could lead to an enormous reduction in ignorance on a surprising number of random topics. Is that bad?
  12. I've heard it called a tavern puzzle, or blacksmith's puzzle, because they used to be made from forged iron. The puzzle is that they looked inextricably linked but can be manipulated (without bending) to come apart, reversing the process to put it back together. Each puzzle is a little different, but they all rely on turning the pieces in just the right way to unhook them from each other.
  13. ! Moderator Note Moved to Homework Help.
  14. They also love Bone-agua poured in their hair.
  15. They're nervous little dogs, and you're putting out a great deal of bubbles with your libated ablutions. Plus, they don't like the French and Italians. They aren't big on Kentuckians either, come to think of it. Skip the bourbon, and have a shot of tequila.
  16. So when you spit in people's faces, you're just trying to make them look younger?!
  17. They're the same person. But seriously, as mentioned by others, there is no mechanism or process by which saliva can alter outward appearance, other than making you look less intelligent when you drool.
  18. You could sprain your tongue trying to differentiate between "frizzy hair" and "fizzy hair". You could be sued by Coca Cola for giving their customer base a bad reputation. If your scalp is dirty, you could be promoting plant growth by providing water and CO2 for sugar conversion through photosynthesis. No wonder you're so confused! If you bathe in Perrier, you should drink champagne and pet your French bulldog. If you want to drink Prosecco, bathe in Pellegrino with your Bolognese. And if you already have the Chihuahua, I would drink bourbon because he just peed in your bathtub.
  19. ! Moderator Note A speculation based on misconceptions isn't going to yield a meaningful explanation. Since there's no way to support a concept based on a misunderstanding, I'm going to close this. I hope the OP has enough information in the replies to correct their understanding.
  20. Your hair should be OK, but I think you have a drinking problem.
  21. ! Moderator Note Thread closed.
  22. ! Moderator Note I tried to keep the thread on topic, but even the OP is ranting about other things. Thread closed, don't EVER do something like this again here, or you'll be suspended.
  23. ! Moderator Note Posts rehashing a closed thread have been hidden. Let's keep this on-topic, folks.
  24. I think the majority of humans react emotionally first, then intellectualize the reaction later. For those who study STEM subjects, there's a focus on thinking first that may come off as non-empathetic, cold, and narrow-minded. Add to that, when people react emotionally, they're looking for a reciprocal emotion, not a reasoned explanation. The deck is stacked against reason and rational thought when a person begins with heavy emotions. One of the hardest social skills to learn is that sometimes people like to lie to themselves, and they don't appreciate anyone pointing out how irrational they're being, so sometimes it's best to smile and say nothing. If we're honest, does that sound like any STEM enthusiasts you know? Staying quiet when someone is wrong about something that matters? I don't think so.
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