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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. So it's similar to a pottery wheel with a manual foot pedal, except it's function is just to rinse the mop?
  2. ! Moderator Note If it's here, and in a mainstream science section, it WILL be a discussion or it will be closed. I'm not sure what form you think feedback on this matter will take, but here at SFN, it's going to be discussed. If you have a viable alternative, we can discuss it. Oooh, the irony!
  3. You mean numerology. It's not math.
  4. ! Moderator Note I have to move this out of Quantum Theory, but I really have no place to put it. Can you support an argument for this concept in Speculations? It's hard to see how you'd do it. I'll put it in the Lounge for now. I also have to say that science discussion works SO much better when you stick to mainstream explanations. You seem to be looking for woo where reason and evidence are the usual standards. Lots of actual studies are available on the topic of thoughts affecting experiences.
  5. ! Moderator Note Or at least this thread. We seem to be done with reason here.
  6. This seems unproductive as a form of belief, discarding one extraordinary explanation for another. Neither angels nor extraterrestrials have as much supportive evidence as virtually ANY other explanation. Weather balloons are more likely than Michael or Martians.
  7. Are you sure you want to use a platform that forces users to look for help outside the platform's own website? If I'd paid for this, I'd be really mad if they couldn't help me.
  8. This happens to me sporadically. Clears right up if you reload the page. I suspect it's a browser issue, but perhaps we should mention it to the Admins to see if it's an Invision bug.
  9. I would imagine there's a point where the stability of having so many legs is overshadowed by the inefficiency of having to move them all, especially on a bigger world with more influence from gravity.
  10. ! Moderator Note It's against our rules to require anyone to watch a video or go offsite in order to participate in a discussion. Please give a summary of the concept you want to talk about.
  11. ! Moderator Note Moved to Speculations due to non-mainstream claims.
  12. Not to imply that, if Biden died, Harris would have to use the petulant kid as VP. She would get to pick her own.
  13. That's not what my example is showing. The doors closing faster than you can walk is what blocks you, not the doors themselves (you can stop the doors from closing if you get there in time). But there IS a temporal obstacle, the fact that the doors will close before you can WALK to them. Why do you need objects? The advance of time keeps you off the elevator unless you speed up your pace. Nothing spatial changes, but if you want to get on that elevator, the obstacle is time, and you're capable of using it to get on the elevator.
  14. He promises to shift major resources over to immigration control, including the largest domestic deportation in history. He promises to close the Dept of Education and give control over to individual states re teaching children. This will include putting prayer back into the classrooms. He promises to remove the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with a much better plan which he's never revealed before. He promises to cut all spending on gender affirming care, calling it "child mutilation". He also wants provisions to prosecute doctors who have EVER been involved in gender affirming care. He also promises to kill all efforts at producing electric cars, replacing the technology with flying cars that feature vertical takeoff. And he promises to put a 60% tariff on goods from China, because apparently everyone has forgotten the damaging costs of his last tariffs. And he wants every American to carry a concealed weapon, probably because we'll need more slave prison workers if we're going to deport all the immigrants. Best way to fill the jails is to increase the number of guns on the street.
  15. I see you walking before you jump. I directly observe that you don't walk and jump at the same time. ALL directions, including the linear one that time follows. Time can be just as much of an obstacle affecting movement as three-dimensional matter. If the elevator doors close in three seconds, you may not have the time to walk. The doors may be an obstacle spatially, but it's the temporal obstacle that will keep you off the elevator. It seems to me we move exactly like that, and we observe that we can run for the elevator door instead of walk, changing nothing spatially about the elevator, but making it inside before the doors close this time.
  16. Painter's tape. Over here, it's blue and has the feel of masking tape, but you can use it to mask what you don't want painted and later peel it right off.
  17. I think this is Special Pleading. Dimensions are all fairly abstract concepts meant to locate or measure certain properties of an object. We observe that time moves differently depending on the observer, so we know time is coupled with the spatial dimensions. I don't understand why you say it's not really observable as a dimension. Is it because you can see and touch something with three spatial dimensions, but feel time isn't involved in the interaction?
  18. At some point, I think historians are going to blame a LOT of the stupid in this country on FOX News and how they train uneducated people to misunderstand things. Maria Bartiromo had an economist on her show yesterday warning us of rampant inflation under Biden partly because of "faster wage growth". He literally claimed that we have to get wage growth under 3% or it's going to be very bad for the economy. No pushback at all from Maria. Huh. It's one thing to only tell TFG fans what they want to hear because you don't want to lose them as viewers, but this should be a criminal offense, imo. Most of these viewers still think the news isn't just entertainment, that it can't outright lie.
  19. I've seen folks bale up tumbleweeds to make insulation for sunken gardens. There's usually some property the material has that lends itself to making something with it. Will the pulp from dried tomato leaves make paper? Is there a pleasant aroma? Can you make tea out of them, or cook with them? Is there an animal or bug that either adores them or hates them?
  20. Because it isn't. It has a gravitational effect like all matter, but it's not gravity itself. Because space isn't a thing that can have a property like energy. I've heard folks make a distinction between "space" and "outer space", where space is all geometric properties and outer space has a temperature and density and pressure, but Outer Space Energy is also misleading. Do you have any evidence that the term was intended to be racist? AFAIK, "dark" refers to being undetectable via the electromagnetic force. Light doesn't reflect off of it, so it's called dark, as in "hard to spot". If this is your real objection to the term, perhaps you've misunderstood.
  21. I'm not sure why you seem to be objecting. You got my point, that these simple, un-nuanced definitions for complex concepts don't help us communicate effectively, but then you talk about "believing" in definitions, and deny that words like "wastefulness" to describe liberals shows that you ARE favoring the right. Wow, this may not be astrology, but it sounds a LOT like it. You can't use this kind of argument anywhere on this site until you've done some work to support it, IN ITS OWN THREAD. Be warned though, numerology is NOT science.
  22. Perhaps this can be attributed to American hubris on the right? AFAICT, many on the right are proud of only watching one news source. They don't stray from those sources, taking them almost like gospel. So they actually believe the left wrecks the economy while the right fixes it, despite the Clinton surplus that Bush II destroyed, and the job Obama did with the economy after Bush II ended in a huge recession, and of course TFG made history with how bad he messed up a booming Obama economy. The American right seems inordinately proud of closing their minds.
  23. And this is the mistake many folks make when trying to interpret complex issues by using single words to define them. I know a LOT of people who think the way you do, that "liberal" means "anything goes" and conservative means "responsible". I also know a LOT of people who think conservative means "fearful" and "ignorant" and "stuck in the mud", while liberal means "progressive" and "hopeful" and "forward-thinking". This is the problem with using these terms with each other. It's hard to know how a person has been influenced when they use such broad terms. I'm not sure hubris is the problem in the US. In trying to focus on capitalism to the exclusion of any other ownership principles, we're allowing our leadership to pretend to care about us when their re-elections are really up to big corporations. We may find it hard to give up what we think we've earned, but I don't think it's out of pride. If the American public had any pride at all we'd gather to stop these stains on humanity from exploiting us even further (the CEO of Kellogg's recently claimed that if we're worried about the high price of food, we should eat Frosted Flakes for dinner). We make very little investment in The People. Everything goes to keep big corporations in business, including bailing them out with tax dollars when they mess up. I think we should focus on better social spending and representing the will of The People, and maybe then we can better assess whether this is a matter of hubris or not.
  24. Where were you all those years women and minorities were suing Microsoft for gender and racial based inequities and getting nowhere? https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/4/11/18304536/microsoft-women-discrimination-harassment-complaints
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