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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. That's for erasing your browsing history. You want the one with the mandrake, the pruning shears, and the photo of Lorena Bobbitt.
  2. Let's not forget time sense as well. And sexual stimulus. But common sense is an illusion; there are fewer concepts common to everyone than you think.
  3. ! Moderator Note I'm not sure why you included the commercial link, but your question about time travel can be discussed without it.
  4. ! Moderator Note Due to the non-mainstream nature of your post, I'm moving this to our Speculations section. We need to keep the mainstream sections like Relativity free from unproven concepts since we have students looking to pass classes come here for explanations. I've also removed the commercial url from your post, since it violates our no-advertising rules. And please stick to a single concept, preferably the one you started with. If you wish to discusss your Alzheimer's and autism ideas, or homelessness, do so in separate threads.
  5. I think you're being a tad emotional about this, Alex. It was VERY clear (at least to me) that John Cuthber was using quotes because he was writing his his analogy as if spoken, not as a direct quote from anyone. I can appreciate that it feels weird for a self-proclaimed liberal to defend someone with a record like Bannon, but I think you're also feeling the profound effect of a professional public speaker who is very good at persuasion.
  6. Evolution can't stop. Can you explain how how you think it possibly could?
  7. You can at least have the membership test your science with a Speculations thread. I wouldn't be worried about amateur ideas being stolen; the bigger emotional risk is that you've filled in the gaps in your knowledge with custom ideas you've made up to fit the situation. THOSE are particularly difficult to get rid of with an intellectual process like peer review (and we're a very casual form of such). Ideas like that are persistent because they make perfect sense, but only to you. But if you can explain your ideas to others and let them find any inconsistencies/errors/misunderstandings, it's like when a sculptor removes what's not needed from the block of stone to reveal the real work beneath. And it could be that the whole block shatters when you really start to work it. Wrong ideas outnumber right ones by quite a large margin. Welcome to science!
  8. It's only a problem if you can't give us an overview of what your idea explains (hopefully better than mainstream physics) to start a discussion thread. You should post it in the Speculations section and let us whack it with a stick. You'll have everyone from working professionals to knowledgeable amateurs dissecting your idea to make sure it matches observation and current best explanations. Best way to cure you feeling overwhelmed and alone is to separate yourself from your idea, then let us isolate it, gang up on it, and show no mercy. If it's still alive after that, you may be on to something.
  9. ! Moderator Note A bunch of posts not concerned with the article being discussed in this thread have been split off to here.
  10. The requirements that need to be reduced in part are the number of beds, which lobbyists have seized upon to legislate more private profit for the industry, turning this into a jobs issue instead of an immigration issue. I don't see how fixing the problem of private profit wrt our immigration process increases the flow of migrants. Can you elaborate?
  11. Making profit the priority, to the tune of $2B/year, which explains part of the unprofessional behavior. It looks like we pay private prisons more to house immigrants than we do to house prisoners. https://immigrationforum.org/article/math-immigration-detention/
  12. I'm not sure what the problem is with this. You also didn't give us a reason why you "want to rebuild your house twice a year". Are you saying you want to build a brand new home in a different location every couple of years? Because there are lots of options if you want to build on the same plot but wish to change the layout. Oak frame is another good choice. It lays out a good "skeleton" for a house and provides all the load-bearing support, then you can change your interior walls whenever you like, such as when you marry, or start a family, and need different sized rooms. I'm confused. Are you saying you don't own the land you want to build on? In the OP, it sounds like you want to rebuild an existing house. And if you own the land, why are you complaining that it's gaining value? It would have been extremely helpful if you'd actually responded to ANYONE'S questions in this thread, especially the first response you got. A few folks were interested enough to respond and we all got ignored. IMO, you write well but you don't actually DISCUSS very well. Online discussion requires you read responses; it's like listening when someone is talking.
  13. Phi for All

    the soul

    What if the "thing" many call a soul is really an emergent property made up of intelligence and some other bits? Or what if the soul is an event, like fire or lightning, and only happens when the right circumstances manifest themselves?
  14. A little chamois and some wool and I think I could make a winter hat look just like that. I larva good ski cap!
  15. I know what I'm going to be next Halloween!
  16. There is some truth to this part. I've always been a proponent of learning, and I'm prejudiced against folks who demonstrate anti-learning behavior. When I hear someone reject knowledge because it doesn't fit with their belief system, or they make something up because they didn't understand the mainstream explanation, I just can't help but feel the person is being willfully obtuse. I felt that way when I heard Donald Trump doesn't like "knowing things" ahead of time because it spoils his perfect intuition. I feel the same way when I hear people rejecting mainstream science in favor of something either they've made up, or someone else made up and emotionally persuaded/coerced others into believing it. I also have a couple of hard-to-shake prejudices about religious folks. I tend to think of evangelists as con men trying to fleece people in one way or another. The idea of converting people turns me off a great deal, so that's probably at the heart of that prejudice. I also (weirdly) tend to think of people singing hymns to their god(s) as a good example of worship, one that doesn't impinge on anyone else, and is an uplifting, creative, natural experience. While I might have problems with the religion itself, or its documents, or its claims, I tend to view folks singing with the choir as spiritual people expressing themselves joyously, and I have no problems with that. It's not a negative prejudice, but it's still judging folks based on a group. But I disagree that presenting evidence wouldn't change my mind. That's EXACTLY what changes my mind these days, better evidence.
  17. ! Moderator Note Please give an overview of your idea, or paste it here if it's not large. Our rules state you can't require anyone to download something or watch a video in order to participate. Thanks for understanding.
  18. I made the mistake of trying to include salons in my clientele for LED conversions. I saved them lots of money on utilities, but they were the fussiest, hardest to please clients EVER. Very fine line between good work light and light that flatters the customers (who are watching themselves constantly in the mirrors you have everywhere).
  19. Hair salons are stuck when it comes to modern lighting. High temp lights give the best light for the stylist, but make the customers look like crap. Iirc, the more blue in the light, the more it makes red blemishes show up purple, giving them more contrast against light skin.
  20. I'm not a big fan of lights over 5500K. I understand why folks use them; as you say, they maximize vision for the person who put them in. But if they aren't properly shielded, they're harsh and distracting to everyone else. They aren't much good in the home; they'll make certain decor look sharper, but they accent any blemish on light skin.
  21. You want the light to be more an effect on you, rather than your decor? I've read warmer, redder light is more relaxing, and the colder blue light is better for work.
  22. I saw a On a first read of the OP, this is what I thought he meant, that he wanted to be able to change his home layout around every year. This would be a great system. For new builds every year (assuming fred wants to flip them), I saw a system that used plastic blocks like the above (the Lego fitting) to make molds for concrete walls, so the blocks can have the plumbing and electrical run through them while acting as insulation. It was pretty slick, and only seemed costly. You saved a lot of time on the build, and it made a lot of steps go much easier, so in the end it saved money. I think I saw it on an episode of To Build or Not To Build.
  23. Last I looked into this, there were slightly over 9000 sects of Christianity, and I think the definition of sect was 100,000+ members. The beliefs between them span quite a huge range, and not all even believe in the divinity of Jesus. To some, the story loses all meaning if Jesus is a divine immortal.
  24. ! Moderator Note Or, OR, other folks in the discussion want you to be as rigorous as they've been, and reported you. I think you'll agree, on such a contentious subject, supporting an argument with evidence is crucial.
  25. I wish you had taken a little more time before misunderstanding my point. Are you sure you aren't lumping neutral reactions in with the negative? I don't see a lot of negative responses to the idea of God on this site. What I see most of is neutral, waiting to be persuaded one way or the other by a preponderance of evidence. From what I've read from you, it seems like you think everything that isn't positive is negative.
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