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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. ! Moderator Note No more trolling, thread closed, account review pending.
  2. That's the word I should have used. Without it, my description was "totally illogical".
  3. Right. So you were being sensationalistic with the comment about us eating all the other lifeforms. I can hardly believe there's a decent conservative argument for this and similar moves in the US, so I have to call extremist capitalism. It's costing someone profit to remain humane, so guess what's got to go?
  4. Don't you think investment into existing cultured meats technology will tend to offset this scenario when it becomes a greater problem? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultured_meat
  5. When this happened to me elsewhere, I had accidentally approved the suggestion somehow, unknowingly. It was my error but the software's fault.
  6. Was it one of your previous titles? If so, it could be the software thinking it was helping by suggesting titles you've used before, and you didn't catch the change?
  7. Legitimacy is all perspective. I think you said that once. I'll do a search.
  8. ! Moderator Note No. Sorry, but this is ridiculous. At a certain point, it becomes obvious you aren't accepting any of the explanations given. And whether you're purposely trolling or simply don't understand that you need to try to study physics before deciding it's wrong, it makes no difference to these discussions. It's a whole lot of effort wasted on someone who seems unwilling to take knowledge on board as it's presented. Thread closed. No more like this. Please go study physics. Or better yet, stay and ask questions instead of this guesswork revisionism.
  9. Proving that the gravity these migrants take is gravity nobody else wanted anyway.
  10. A year ago, you claimed Trump was a through-the-teeth liar. He certainly hasn't eased up on the lies, so what changed for you? At what point did the truth stop mattering?
  11. Do we have a system immigration protocol? At the least we should find out where it's been, and what's been influencing it.
  12. That's how the Stasi described Trump when they were spying on him and Ivana, New York liberals who would be tax-exempt for the next 30 years, and had a good relationship with the current POTUS, Jimmy Carter. https://www.politico.eu/article/czech-stasi-spied-on-donald-and-ivana-trump-report/
  13. I understand the motivations behind people who voted for Trump wanting him to be innocent of colluding with Russia. I don't for a minute think they'd have given Hillary this kind of break if all the Russian controversy was on her, but I've come to expect a certain amount of hypocrisy with regard to her. She seems to break something precious in the fearful right, and nothing will fix them. But I understand wanting to move on since your candidate won. I just don't understand the depth of willingness to accept the lies, embrace the lies, spit the lies back out. People are concerned about an infested swamp of bureaucratic corruption at the heart of our leadership, but Trump's LIES are OK?! When does that even start to make sense?! Why do so many people embrace him for "speaking his mind" when he reaches for lies the way some people reach for a cup of coffee? Funny, I flashed on a recent incident where a young child grabbed my hand in a store without looking up, thinking I was her Dad. Pledging allegiance to the flag is like grabbing the hand without checking because it looks familiar. You can only hope it doesn't lead somewhere bad.
  14. Straight up, ma neutron.
  15. I never liked our pledge to a flag. The shittiest people seem to wave them and expect me to follow. I can pledge to a concept, and to a country, but I expect both to hold up their ends. A flag is a symbol, and currently it's an inaccurate one.
  16. I understood this. I understand frustration too, but it shouldn't lead to hasty generalizations. Nobody gets help from misinformation. The problems are most likely a matter of degree. We can take away the pain, but it takes most of the consciousness with it. I have peripheral neuropathy, and it's always a blend of too much feeling = pain, and too little feeling = fumbling what you're holding. We can understand the mechanisms without having a good solution to their problems. It's like mechanical gear in the desert. We know why sand is destructive to it, but we have few good solutions for it.
  17. Some things will no doubt gain more clarity and depth, and some will fall by the wayside as no longer a viable explanation. But all of biology broken and thrown out in a couple of years?! Why make such a ludicrous assertion? Have you seen what medical science is doing? I get the feeling this is wildly off-topic, but I'll bite. What makes you think we don't understand pain receptors? Science isn't much interested in the why of things, but the mechanism is fairly well understood, so I'm not sure where you're coming from. We observe that intervention between the brain and the injury using various methods makes the pain vanish completely. Pain reception is a conscious reaction, so I'm not sure where you're going to find a cause outside the brain. Remove the brain and there is no pain.
  18. Good hypothesis. Can't wait till he's redshifted out of here. He got too close to Putin's event horizon and got trapped. I think there actually is some politics that can be mentioned. The way we gain our information has become more and more concerned with entertainment rather than information, and that often means that good data is poorly presented, resulting in poor information. This whole "beyond the laws of physics" example shows how an attention-grabbing bit of entertainment corrupted the learning experience that should have happened.
  19. I missed this bit of oil propaganda. You're off by over 20 years on both payback AND useful life. https://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35489.pdf Why doesn't truth matter?
  20. More pop-sci damage done to the general public. When they report that the "laws of physics don't apply in a black hole", and black holes are everywhere, it makes it seem like disobeying physics is a common event. I can actually see why some folks who didn't get a great grasp of the basics get the wrong impression from the sensationalized stuff they read outside the classroom.
  21. I hadn't heard about this. I'm sure anyone who thinks this way has a vision of a cosmic vacuum cleaner powered by dark energy, sucking up dark matter into some kind of dark bag in a dark hotel of the universe. Does this extremist Wackopedia treat space-time as a conspiracy?
  22. ! Moderator Note Homework Help, not Homework Answers. Where are you having trouble figuring out the answer?
  23. But white holes exist, right? And they're basically good? Anything bad they do is probably because of a lone degenerate.
  24. ! Moderator Note Enough. If you can't support your own arguments without resorting to logical fallacies, have the decency to say so, and stop wasting valuable time. We're trying to build something here, and you've brought your toy hammer. Thread closed, warning point for Iotero for Persistent Fallacies.
  25. ! Moderator Note Moved from Science News to Biology. Is there a question you have to start a discussion?
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