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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. But aren't you suggesting an extreme explanation, that it only happened once and never again? How is that consistent with OR? The simplest and most observed explanation is that it's happened and failed many times. And what you have presented is "evidence", not "proof", and it doesn't support your explanation.
  2. And we're trying to gently point out to you that another part of the cycle is where the consumer gets to decide if something has been priced too high for the market. Decisions of any kind about market share get passed along to the corporation. You keep repeating only one part of the cycle, like a mantra, or like you were brainwashed by someone who didn't want you to understand the whole picture.
  3. Is there a way to place a thin sheet of reflective foil material so the vacuum mold presses it to the inside of the carrier? This would provide a radiant barrier so heat stays trapped inside, and the food should stay hotter longer. Then your current insulating material can be used. This might not solve your warping problem, since food touching the foil will still conduct heat. Also, is there any way to place the handles on the bottom half instead of the lid half? I picture people picking this up and having dinner drop to the ground.
  4. You've already begun, with two courses. I recommend you build on that experience. The goals you want to reach are best achieved with a structured program that helps prepare you with the requisite knowledge for each new step. Without that structure, you're at the mercy of not knowing what you don't know. Humans learn better among other humans. Does it have to be "on your own"?
  5. If you only disagreed, I wouldn't have made the smarmy comment. Again you miss the point, because the point is you rarely acknowledge the legitimate arguments. You ignore them, and pose red herrings and strawmen of your own, so it makes it look like you don't read them at all. I've mentioned the Eisenhower administration before. We had a much more evenly distributed base of opportunity with Ike. He was Republican, but he understood that a marginal tax rate on the highest earnings was one of the keys to building a great economy. His policies ensured that the wealthy kept their wealth invested in the economy, invigorating it, instead of hording it and benefiting only themselves. Please look at these arguments on their own merit, individually, and stop judging them based only on a "You must be wrong because you're a liberal" basis. I'm asking you to reach beyond the black and white crayons, and consider there's a reason why there are so many other colors at our disposal. I don't quite understand what you mean, the way you put this, but it seems like you're pre-judging our "path", and condemning it in a way that makes talking about it with you inherently futile. You have a "path" in your imagination, you've made it purposely horrible, and you've placed us all upon it without considering any of our reasoning. It's your standard tactic, arguing against a strawman of our positions so you can revile them. It sucks, because you're not stupid, you're just not someone who is likely to give me any real insights into yours or my own stance. It's like trying to talk tennis with someone who only wants to berate me for being big enough to be a football player.
  6. New Year's Eve, your place. We'll bring chairs.
  7. QFT.
  8. You're so close to understanding our position, I hope you'll bear with me and really think about this next argument. Please. You speak of "a capitalist economy". That's automatically rigged, by definition, in favor of those who are good at making money. That's only a portion of the population. When we blend some socialist solutions in with the capitalist ones, we highlight and support those who are good at other things we need, besides making money. We can even talk about reasons why we might let our government own resources, and add some communism into the mix, which will favor even more skills and professions. Our current brand of capitalism is too heavily rigged to wealth. The top 500 wealthiest people in the world made over $1T more in 2017 than they did just one year ago, while so many hard-working Americans struggle as what little support they have is shifted away from them. We've made some very elegant arguments that a smarter mix of economic formulae is needed. Do you disagree? Thanks for reading this far, if you did.
  9. Sorry, but it's far too late for that, imo. The priests have had the pulpit to themselves for quite a while now. Love, kindness, compassion have been replaced by money, power, control in the liturgy. Forget "Judge not lest ye be judged". It's OK to judge someone if you have a lot more money than they do. The Pope golfs a LOT.
  10. I think this is what makes us scientists (amateur), this mindset where you use your head first before following your heart. And we're grateful for the actual working scientists who keep our feet on the path and share the insights they gain from daily implementation of proper methodology.
  11. And there's even worse than mere bad numbers involved. Providing healthcare when your priority is profit leads to some hideously bad medical decisions. This is what makes healthcare in the US so poor for the money we spend on it - our health concerns can be overridden by accountancy. And Trump is dismantling a process that was at least providing more coverage. Obamacare was a GOP program to start with. If he replaces it, how much more will it cost Average Joe when Extreme Billionaire pulls his tax support from the system?
  12. Science looks for what, where, when, and how. Philosophy looks for why.
  13. I said industrialized nations, not the whole world. Do you understand? If you'd bothered to try to understand my point and read the excellent NPR article, you'd see that a woman in the US is three times more likely to die in childbirth than a woman in Canada. We are at the bottom as far as developed countries. So how can you say we have the best healthcare in the world? We pay 2-4 times what other countries pay for healthcare and it's below the standards of many of them.
  14. Trump isn't draining any swamps. He's just filling them with branded corruptions. We have the worst maternal mortality rate of any industrialized nation! If you can recognize this, why can't you see that Trump is only wearing sheep's clothing?
  15. ! Moderator Note Another pet theory hijack split off to the Trash.
  16. Trump is removing our "say" in the Paris Accord. Trump removed our "say" in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. His foreign policies diminish our presence on the world stage. We became a world power by creating an international system of policies that set and drove the pace of life on the whole planet. You don't keep something like that by suddenly pulling in your borders and flipping the bird to the rest of the world. If we paid more than our fair share in strategic partnerships, it was to guarantee nobody doubted who was leading the pack, who was the country to emulate. Trump is ruining all of that, giving away our power and clout, and treating international cooperation like a zero-sum game that hasn't benefited us greatly over the last several decades. Trumps policy in general seems true to his horrible landlord personality. He wants America to exploit, lest we be exploited. He wants the US to be the villain, since villains make more money. He prefers to pursue interests rather than allies, and we lose the power of one of the greatest defining human characteristics, our cooperative nature.
  17. So we lead by intimidation and extortion? We've done much better. And this is a definite negative effect. We've historically cultivated a competent, heroic image of world leadership, but now much of the world sees the guiding, helpful American hands retreating into our own pockets, removing the support we used to give freely as an example of modern democracy.
  18. Take it one... step... further, and realize that the "poor, but expensive job of administering it" has largely been engineered by the Republicans to make it look bad so they can reduce/remove it. It's like stepping on someone's throat and then pointing out how the lazy bastard won't even try to get up. You can't accurately judge the value of a program when those who don't believe in it are in charge of it. They've done the same with every program that could help the vast majority, especially health, education, and welfare. Make them look bad so they can opt out of doing their part to pay for them. I have an idea! Why don't we actually try to make healthcare, education, and welfare effective by removing all the hobbles the GOP have placed on them, and see if that doesn't make things better? It works in reality all the time. You come up with a great idea, get smart people to make it happen, and work hard to make it the best it can be.
  19. Many Americans choose to forget that the paths they've chosen to fulfill their dreams were well-paved before they got there. They pretend they pulled themselves up by the bootstraps with nobody's help, while driving on roads in established towns and cities and learning in schools and libraries paid for by a social culture with high ideals. Most of the greatest things about this society are group efforts, but when they want to deny aid to those they consider unworthy, these folks start talking about laziness and bootstraps. It's weird, because these folks aren't basically selfish, but I think they all have a "hunker-down" mentality when it comes to the government (duck your head and try not to be noticed). They take pride in not going on the dole, and resent those who seek help from social programs. I understand why, but I think it's an incredibly obtuse way to think about a whole country. Just because you drew a good card in the "Where will you grow up?" lottery, why vilify those who didn't? This mentality makes it easy to believe the billionaire leader who tells you giving aid to people in need creates dependency.
  20. ! Moderator Note This isn't how discussion works. If it did, you might never know people had no idea what you were asking. If you aren't going to respond civilly, you should start a blog somewhere else. If you can't, there's no reason to keep the thread open.
  21. This is where Trump starts tweeting. As Patton Oswalt says, he's the master of distraction. Trump shits on the sidewalk, and just as everyone figures out an appropriate response, he takes the shit and makes a sombrero out of it.
  22. Healthcare is one of the worst. We also pay more for infrastructure projects and construction in general, mainly due to nationalists like Butch insisting we only use American companies, which removes the competition that might lower the price. From what I've read, foreign firms have been bidding on US construction projects and consistently coming in as low bidders, but they lose out to more expensive US firms. And I can't tell you how much money we'd save if we stopped driving on asphalt the day it's put down. Germany knows this, most of Europe as well, and they pay less for better roads. Our roads are almost always in some state of "shit" and need repairs every two years. Our corporations and many of the most ruthless wealthy folk think tax revenue is for them to play with to create more opportunities for wealth. At what point are we going to realize that tax revenues do more good being used for the other 98%, and that giving it to the wealthy hasn't worked out at all, not even a little bit?
  23. And this is just one example of something we weren't supposed to know about. There are thousands of them in our daily lives. It's why we pay more for EVERYTHING in the US, whether it's healthcare, an office building, or something simple like sugar. And it's getting worse all the time. As the extremists look for fractions of a percent more profit for themselves, capitalism chokes us all with this disparity. Time is critical when it's about paying more for convenience, but time means nothing if it's you waiting for the cable guy. Even our lives are considered cheap when the cost-analysis folks sharpen their pencils. Life is precious when you're paying to protect it, but it's pretty cheap if it's just another capital resource.
  24. As matter is forced to become more dense, it heats up due to the pressure. The singularity at the heart of a black hole is extremely dense, and though no light can find it's way out of the time trap, we suspect it's extremely hot as well. As I mentioned in my last post, a neutron star is extremely hot, and that's a step less dense than a black hole, so there's no reason to think it has no heat. There's only heat, and degrees of it. There's no measurement for "cold". And you moved the goalpost by stating "to us as humans". I made no such distinction. You've definitely picked up many misconceptions. And you seem pretty adamant about keeping them, too. Twice now you've repeated misinformation that I corrected, and I'm certainly far from the most knowledgeable scientist here. I know you came here to teach, but since problems have been brought to your attention, can you change course and learn instead?
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