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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. So if I think all people deserve to be treated equitably simply because they're humans, and a far-right Christian Nationalist thinks only Christians deserve equitable treatment, how is a centrist view going to find any type of fair balance? I think Centrism is misapplied when it comes to human rights and treating all equitably. If I think it's wrong to beat someone with a baseball bat all day long, and that's all the Christian Nationalist wants to do, the Centrist isn't going to appease me by suggesting we only beat people for twelve hours a day.
  2. What's the centrist view on LGBTQA rights? Do they think those folks should have rights some of the time? I know the Democrats have been suggesting that rights belong to everyone all the time, and the right thinks only a few people deserve them, but what's the centrist view?
  3. I hate propositions where people are seeking "truth" or "beauty", or judging which things are"ugly". Such subjective terms! There will NEVER be agreement between peoples. It's not nuanced enough to truly reflect human life. And what about situations where lying or fighting are actually good things? When a child tells it's first lie, it's actually a developmental milestone. It shows the child is capable of thinking into the future in order to secure more favorable outcomes. Hopefully the child learns where lying is appropriate, but condemning all "lies" equally is a mistake. Obviously we can "fight" for positive things as well. As for the rest, our minds look for patterns all the time, and I think that's what you're doing here, forcing one thing to look like another. For instance, envy can be a very motivating force, so it's not the opposite of progress. I might work harder to earn more money if I want a car like my neighbor has.
  4. This is what's wrong with your idea. Matter exists in lots of forms, and the life we see around us on Earth has evolved ways to sense those forms. Things have certain shapes, things have certain smells, and things have their own colors. The various species have developed various ways to sense the way matter has formed. It's not the other way around, where the universe is some blank slate that human consciousness alone imprints with meaning, sensibility, and texture. Organisms sense their environments, this is very basic.
  5. Do you think there was nothing existing before humans?
  6. Evolution is a process that continues from the first microorganisms through to present day species populations. Saying it "happened earlier in Earth's time" implies that it isn't tied to changes in allele frequency within populations, or that it can stop and start again when it wants to. I don't think you understand evolution, and I think it's pointless to speculate about substances nobody's heard of that affect it. You should study evolution first before declaring it's wrong and that it needs your substance to fix it.
  7. I think they are useful for removing excess money from your savings.
  8. I think assuming they're supposed to get dirty on the inside is a mistake. If you want to extend the life of your sneakers AND keep them clean, don't wear the same pair every day. If you swap out between at least two pairs, the shoes can air out in between time, so they don't get so sweaty/dirty. Couple this practice with wiping them down, as swansont suggests, and you're good to go.
  9. ! Moderator Note Don't ever open up a thread like this here again. There are plenty of ignorant websites for you to push conspiracy on, and this isn't one of them. Do it again and you're gone.
  10. Couple the bad faith arguments with a complete rejection of the best solutions and it's a fascist one-two punch right in the liberals. I don't know of any major publicly-funded programs that haven't been tainted by private interests more focused on profit than on what the program is trying to accomplish. We need to collectively fund some solutions that are aimed at solving problems rather than making wealthier capitalist extremists, but the right clutches their pearls and rejects the attempts as "socialism".
  11. Are you saying that, if the government hasn't fixed a problem, it means they've done nothing about it?
  12. I have a hard time with these generalizations of yours. I know you're referencing specific areas or populations, but you blame "the government" and claim every bit of it has "given up". It's not accurate, it's not objective, and it's not helping anyone solve real problems. Housing is only part of the homelessness problem, and the current government understands that. Biden's approach to the mental health crisis that's fueled so much homelessness has a lot of potential to help millions.
  13. And this, more than almost anything, shows us how the fascists have taken hold in the Republican party. The need for insulin isn't a partisan issue, yet somehow Republican commandership thinks they represent only diabetics who want to pay more for it than other countries.
  14. But you said the liberals weren't pushing for economic improvement, which clearly isn't true. I agree that US politics is dominated by the right wing, and that our liberals are still right of center for the most part. What you don't understand is that telling a big group of people what they don't understand is almost guaranteed to be wrong. Generalizations usually fail. Having to fight to maintain the Affordable Care Act against multiple attempts to repeal it and replace it with something wonderful (too wonderful to actually let us know BEFORE they repeal the ACA) has been an uphill struggle against deep Republican pockets. How would you suggest the Democratic Party push universal healthcare when the GOP base fights so much against the first step towards it? It's not liberal or conservative, it's what the uber-wealthy spend their money lobbying for. And they can pay to have it spun in the media to suit a liberal or conservative audience. Whatever makes them richer is where they focus, and many extremist capitalists want NO taxes and NO regulation for them whatsoever. Social spending to help the homeless situation is money that could be subsidizing their multinational corporations. Sure they are, that's more generalizing on your part. Unfortunately, messing with the price of anything is a trap for Democrats and Republicans alike. Biden got away with capping the price of insulin, which was fantastic, but imagine him stepping in with a cap on housing prices. And that wouldn't fix the problem, since it seems to also be driven by the attractive AirBnB model.
  15. ! Moderator Note Is this working for you, are you getting the answers you need? The questions aren't in good English. Can you translate from your native language? Also, your questions are about a very detailed subject (how the brain calculates math problems) that requires detailed knowledge and detailed answers. Discussion works best after you've studied a subject, and it can be difficult when used to teach the subject.
  16. If "the environment" has only one person in it, it's limited to the knowledge of that one person. Be careful you aren't making assumptions based on a single person's knowledge. That's not how science works.
  17. You should look at news sources other than the ones you're currently using if you think this statement is correct. Or it could be that you're using metrics others aren't using. For instance, our economic growth rate has been positive despite economists predicting the opposite due to inflation.
  18. I perceive this as an anti-benefit. Your god is supposed to be all-powerful, all-knowing, yet it makes us imperfectly and condemns us for not overcoming these imperfections?! That doesn't seem like a wise, benevolent demeanor. It seems like what a child would do when it's not getting enough attention.
  19. It's bigger on the inside.
  20. If we're looking into the engineering behind certain verses, can we figure out how one could become a pinball wizard playing by sense of smell?
  21. If you only keep the parts you can eat, then the buck might tuck if there's no other swag in the bag. Or what if it's really a TARDIS bag?
  22. ! Moderator Note This is a science discussion forum, not a blog, not a pulpit. We need some direction for conversation, unless you simply want others to critique these assertions you're making.
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