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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. This is readily evident in the nuance-free caricaturizations you choose to criticize.
  2. Animals farmed for meat like chickens and cows wouldn't be alive at all if we didn't practice the husbandry we do. How long would a cow live in the wild? And really, how cruel would it be to turn a domesticated animal over to predators he's been bred without exposure to? This argument always ignores ongoing efforts to remove cruelty, and also ignores what we would do with all the animals in captivity. It also assumes "low quality of life" on every farm, and a corresponding high quality of life in the wild. This sounds like someone who's been programmed to "know" what a liberal is. You rail against caricatures of what you think things are all about. I saw Bill Nye at an astronautics conference last year. He looks damn good for his age, so bicycling may hold the key. As for your utopia, Bernie Sanders healthcare policies (I don't know why we're talking about this in a thread about hunting) might have led to socialized medicine, which could very well have included massage therapy care like they have in Germany, as part of your national system. Well-being is part of good health (gasp, a liberal stance!), and I for one wouldn't mind paying into a system where you could walk in anytime you needed a massage, a therapy that kept folks like you from getting so tightly wound up and defensive about life.
  3. ! Moderator Note Describe "this" in words.
  4. I heard that, in Albuquerque, anyone on the street will gladly shave your back for a nickel.
  5. Eeyore isn't rich, but he's more socially acceptable when he isn't such a downer to be around. His perspective is his choice, don't you think?
  6. Wow. It's like you're trying to trick me into thinking this strawman you set up is the new right hand goalpost. I want to talk about this, it's very interesting, but it's off-topic here. Start a new thread, maybe in Psychology, or Other Sciences.
  7. ! Moderator Note Our rules state discussions can't hinge on watching videos. If you can describe the phenomenon you have a question about, please do so here. Discussions should take place here. Thanks for understanding.
  8. Some prefer the hunt, and aren't enthused by restaurants.
  9. But it's not really a discussion when you've boxed it in the way you have. Your only conclusion is that life has no meaning without eternity. So now everyone else tells you how to find meaning so you can shoot them down. That's not a discussion.
  10. Here's the $64,000 question: If you had eternity to focus on the "big picture", what would you be doing to add value to your life?
  11. Sorry, I lost that part. Double sorry. But that's good news, actually. If you're looking for meaning for your life here in the natural world, there's lots to choose from. Is there anything besides eternity that would give meaning and value to your life?
  12. Well, I find myself giving the same advice twice in one morning. You seem to have neatly boxed yourself into your worldview so you have only one way to look at the world. You've decided to block access to all the paths but one. So why did you start this thread? What is the problem with continuing to believe in your religious afterlife? Personally, I don't see a problem with it unless you start thinking you're invincible and undying, or stop caring about keeping yourself alive because you believe you'll live forever. If the cost of your beliefs aren't steep, why not just keep believing in an afterlife if it gives you the meaning you crave?
  13. I've thought of this as well, and I want you to know that so you don't think I'm just dismissing you. But look at how negatively you assume the limited life scenario is, and how you also assume that eternal life would be blissful and harmonious. Why can't you attempt your "bond" within your lifetime? I look at it this way. Given eternity, even a monkey could probably figure out bliss and harmony. I expect more of humans. It seems the eternal life scenario is pretty greedy to begin with, and has no mechanisms for ensuring bliss and harmony other than religious magic. Doing the best with what time I have sounds much more noble and intelligent, especially since I can't know if there even is consciousness after death. Wow. Is value determined by time? Hmmmmmm.
  14. This really did bring a tear to my eye. I don't know what to say. I love this planet, I love the creatures on it, including humans. I see myself as a caretaker, part of a species that gave up claws and fur for greater intelligence, and are striving to figure out how best to utilize the improvements our intelligence is capable of bringing about. We get a longer life than many creatures, and we're smart enough to figure out ways to extend that even more. I'm content that I'm having my impact on this life in a positive, nurturing, beneficial way, and I'm striving to correct what seems destructive to me. And I think I feel this way in large part because I know I won't be here forever.
  15. ! Moderator Note Putting nonsense in the Philosophy section doesn't make it worthy. Start making sense, please, or I'll have to close this.
  16. Everything humanity has accomplished in its short time on Earth has been without the direct influence of an afterlife. Many religions don't have a concept of an afterlife either. Why is a hundred years or so of life meaningless? What makes you say that, given all the things mankind has discovered in its evolution of intelligence? Why does life have to be eternal to have meaning or value? What if your religion is wrong, and the meaning of life is to create a species capable of leaving its homeworld?
  17. You probably haven't noticed the pattern, but you've neatly boxed yourself in with your worldview. You have not given yourself a means of escape. Any kindness shown to you is an anomaly in your mind. You set impossible or conflicting parameters, like desiring to be accepted by beautiful people but detesting them for not having interesting thoughts. You've set a black hole in your future, an inevitable spiral into negativity with no way to avoid it. Instead, I think you need to plot a course that successfully gets you past the event horizon. Figure out a way to be successful instead of focusing on how shitty things are. You need to understand that even a shitty system is predictable. Navigation is simpler when when the path can be known. You just need to pick a path with a good destination. Right now you seem like you're cursing the quality of the road without turning off it, and you're busting through the signs that say "Bridge Out!", too busy to read them because you're complaining about the road workers.
  18. I get it. I've mentioned something similar with driving on the highway and pack mentality. We often perceive others trying to merge with our "pack" to be disruptive intruders, much like your "flat notes" in the orchestra. We may be trying to convince ourselves that these people can't possibly bring a positive contribution to our circumstances. I'm guilty of confirming my own biases when I'm not being vigilant (although I know for a fact there's a correlation between clueless, inconsiderate drivers and Trump bumper stickers). Often these days, our interactions with each other are too brief to form meaningful assessments, yet they also seem charged with meaning, whether it's a FB post, or a tweet, or even just a chance encounter at the grocers.
  19. ! Moderator Note mantraphilter, you've had four pages to respond to questions in a way that explains your "logical" approach, and have obviously failed to satisfy any of the other members in that regard. Instead, you keep repeating yourself, which is soapboxing and against our rules. If you're interested in learning, you need to answer questions about your idea. To do science, you need to explain your idea to others so they can test it and see if it has predictive powers similar or greater to mainstream theories. If you can't do that, you're just waving your hands against mountains of evidence. I'm closing the thread. It's too frustrating to discuss an idea when you won't answer questions that might lead to insights you don't favor. It's also against the rules. Please don't bring this topic up again.
  20. If you can say that without smiling, you have a good pucker face.
  21. No. That's not skepticism AT ALL. Please don't redefine words to fit your idea, that's intellectually inefficient. Terminology is more important than you think.
  22. Phi for All


    When you build your custom home, you could use refurbished 9' x 9' x 40' steel shipping containers and a crane, like giant Legos. Nobody would accuse you of playing with toys.
  23. ! Moderator Note Please stop, this site is for science discussion.
  24. ! Moderator Note Science discussion forum, not for YouTube reviews.
  25. Imitation may be the sincerest form of flattery, but it can also be used to mock and vilify. Perhaps the objection is a kneejerk reaction until they can figure out if you're sincere (emulating a favorite black athlete) or mocking (black-faced while singing Camptown Races).
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