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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. 2014 GOP: "Putin is evil and must be stopped, period." 2015 GOP: "Obama is worthless against Putin; a Republican POTUS would put a stop to this menace who attacked the Ukraine, and shot down a Malaysian jet." 2016 GOP: "Hillary can't stand up against Putin. We need a tough Republican in office to stop Russia's predation." Trump 2016: "Actually, I like him. I like the other guy, the North Korean you all hate, I like him too. Japan needs nukes." 2016.5 GOP: "We need a nominee who understands foreign policy, someone with experience, but definitely not Hillary, and definitely not Trump." Trump 2016.5: "Russia's going to be our friend now, just like magic. Ain't America great again? I want that in the platform, btw." 2016.8 GOP: "Actually, we've always loved the Russians, and we think it's funny that the liberals are afraid of them. Look how handsome Putin is!"
  2. The jokes section is in The Lounge, comrade.
  3. So how about a synopsis of your basic inversion? Maybe you're trying to cut and paste too big a selection. Maybe you could just type a quick overview of your idea.
  4. ! Moderator Note We're a science discussion forum. Please stay to discuss science if you like, but no more advertising threads. You can put a link to your site in your signature.
  5. Right, because it was just another POTUS election, after all. Nothing out of the ordinary.
  6. I just meant that the original Pastafarians were pirates, and this is clearly their work. I think the little round piece below is a collander.
  7. Clearly the work of pirates.
  8. And that's the way to think about it. Not using steam tractors that simply substitute green components in industrial age tech, but rather a whole different branch on the tree of tool evolution. Am I wrong in thinking that limiting ourselves to solar power would encourage more of a united effort in our species? Burning fossil fuels makes working in small groups efficient, but wouldn't solar-only push us towards more concerted efforts in creating and using energy from the sun to work for us?
  9. My guess is volume.
  10. Adhesive rubber bondage sounds like an intriguing step up from ropes and knots. It could even replace my velcro wall if it doesn't burn the skin.
  11. Uploaded? Are you trying to attach a .doc to your post? I typed this up in word, then copied it and pasted it here. I don’t think the problem is ours. I'm moving this to Suggestions, since it's got nothing to do with Astronomy.
  12. Right, I'm just saying the design was within our abilities should we have decided that polluting with burnt fuels was taboo.
  13. Vitruvius had a basic steam engine design, based on even earlier compressed air designs. He was around from 80 BC - 15AD.
  14. ! Moderator Note At some point, you need actual physics in theoretical physics, and it's clear you aren't a fan of evidence, text books, and methodology. Normally, people unsure of a subject ask questions, instead of trying to rewrite the subject. Science seems to attract people with inkling-only concepts they're almost religiously wedded to, who then think science is hidebound for actually reading the texts that make things work in reality. It breaks the heart. Thread closed. Since you don't bother to support your ideas, don't bother to post a thread on this one again.
  15. Escargot is another dish I think is overrated. It's yummy, don't get me wrong, but I've never tasted anything beyond butter, herbs, and garlic. It sometimes bothers me that some foods need to be completely changed to be palatable, and then they become delicacies. Eggs on the other hand...
  16. San Francisco passed a ban on styrofoam earlier this year, so if it is styrofoam it's illegal. http://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/editorials/article/SF-bans-Styrofoam-and-other-cities-should-follow-8353106.php
  17. This is what Scotty99 does. It's like ridiculing a yardstick because it can't tell you what shade of green the couch is.
  18. Faith-belief is absolutely corruptible. Hope-belief is often corruptible. Trust-belief is far less corruptible, based simply on the sheer numbers of distrusting skeptics. Our continued understanding of science requires we constantly satisfy true skeptics.
  19. I was at the IAC a few months ago when Elon Musk revealed his Mars plans. I guess he didn't mind spending all that extra money figuring out geocentric orbits, even though the Earth doesn't spin.
  20. Sure, if we continue to demand more trust than faith from our belief in science.
  21. I tried this argument earlier and he ignored it. I don't think he's thinking about all the points of triangulation we have available that allow us to plot star patterns, and how messed up they are when you pretend Earth is at the center. As an analogy, it's like in the movie The Incredibles, when Gazerbeam had burned the word KRONOS through the stalactites and stalagmites in the cave. It made no sense until you were in the right position, then it suddenly made perfect sense. It's the same with celestial orbits.
  22. So is relating everything to extremes. I prefer to think of those folks as fantastic administrators. We need them as editors so typos aren't missed. We need them as merchandisers to keep shelves stocked label out. We need these folks for mass mailings, so our holiday cards don't go out with crooked stamps and labels. A bit of OCD is practically required in some jobs. And you have to admit, it's nice having a bag of clean cloths around for the oil and grease. My wife does that for me with old towels.
  23. Mainly because we're concerned about it, unlike the religious.
  24. I can't remember, are you a geocentrist who believes the Earth isn't spinning? That we're motionless in the center?
  25. I was wondering what Australia and Colorado have in common. Could it be a more rapid temperature changes during a day? In Spring and Summer here, it can get near freezing at 2am yet warm up into the high 70s F by 2pm. But I'm not sure that makes a difference to eggs hidden from the sun. It's not just heat. You can make an egg explode in the microwave, but it won't be rotten. It's got to be that a gas buildup becomes blocked from venting, and pops the egg open from the inside, with a sharp report.
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