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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. 3 - I am wrong (ultimate historical level of likelihood). One of the things you'll likely be asked to do is derive the altitude of a geostationary orbit around a planet, using your ideas. It's something a TOE should be able to do, so it would be much, much, much better than a video if you could show some work on that.
  2. I think the key to this is his real behavior. If he was being obnoxious about his new purchase, or too loud, or if he really was annoying customers in the food court, they'd be right about asking him to leave, and if not, calling the police is a fair SOP. But if he really was bothering other customers, asking him to remove the shirt doesn't seem like the solution. I wonder if the mall cops figured the messages on the shirts basically conveyed the same anti-war sentiment, so when the son removed his (which was very specific to the Iraq invasion, and controversial at the time) but the father didn't, they forgot that promoting peace in general shouldn't be considered controversial, ever.
  3. From the (current) Code of Behavior at the Crossgates Mall near Albany, NY: http://www.shopcrossgates.com/uploads/pdf/Behavior_Rules_9_2013.pdf I question that the actual guards, and not the management, chose to stretch this "code of behavior" to the degree where "Give Peace A Chance" might "provoke a disturbance" or "embroil other groups or the general public in open conflict". If the shirt said, "FUCK BUSH!", it might make more sense. But I'm not simply incredulous. This decision, made on the ground at the guard's level of authority, seems to far exceed their instructions regarding apparel likely to cause a disturbance. The fact that the t-shirt in question was sold in a shop that pays rent to this mall also suggests the mall cops doubled down on their own stupidity. I think this is a probably a case where small town mall cop issues an order that isn't complied with, and he decides his pissiness is more important than being smart.
  4. If you're going to the trouble of surrounding your star to capture as much available solar energy as possible with a Dyson construct, why are you settling for only 5%? I would think a Dyson Ring at 1AU would be the first thing to build, probably starting out the way you describe, but just in a ring that will later be connected. Is this the article?
  5. Really? You wouldn't have done anything different? Sort of shocking, coming from you. Tell me, when the guy mentions he bought the T-shirt in your mall, wouldn't that suggest that one of your tenants is going to be harmed by your actions? When the guy tells you he's a lawyer, and that you're overstepping your authority, shouldn't you be reconsidering just how important it is that nobody in your mall see the guy with the message about giving peace a chance? When the most controversial word on the shirt is "peace", do you dig out the Stupid Manual, flip to page duh, and demand that a mall customer remove a peaceful shirt he just bought there? How does that EVER get to be SOP for people with brains?
  6. ! Moderator Note Our rules require that members should be able to participate in a discussion without going offsite to view videos or blogs. If you can somehow recreate your data here, please do so. Otherwise, we may not be able to help. If this is a commercial endeavor, please don't promote it here.
  7. It's likely a violation of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979. If it's not some percentage of made up, emotional bs to get a reaction.
  8. Personally, I love hearing that peaceful people are being kicked out of Drumpf rallies. Even his staunchest supporters should see the thuggery in that. And why should Drumpf care? Doesn't having people wearing opposition shirts at his rallies imply he's swaying voters (as long as the people aren't actively protesting)? That he's reaching even Clinton and Sanders fence-sitters? Wow, those mall cops really need Bernie Sanders to make sure they're better educated. Of all the footwear available in that mall, they chose jackboots....
  9. To someone who values knowledge, you're like Typhoid Mary. This approach is so intellectually dishonest, it's like treason to people with brains. Absolutely don't care about the problems you've gotten yourself into. I can't stop you from aiming the gun at your own foot.
  10. Really?! The whole point is that once Apple does that, nobody trusts them anymore, because now they have that ability, and are sharing it with global governments. You really can't see how horrible that would be, for Apple and its consumers?
  11. ! Moderator Note We need more information about this request. It sounds like you're trying to lure us into practicing medicine without a license. Nobody here is qualified to give medical advice, especially over the web. And we have grave doubts in a layman's ability to synthesize a cancer treatment for a relative. This is something for medical professionals ONLY. We can't take the chance we're helping you kill someone you love. If you're only looking for help to perform this procedure, which is probably illegal in Russia, we can't help you. I'll leave this open for a reply, but what you're asking sounds very dangerous, and should be left to those who do this for a living, and are licensed. It's one thing to discuss the efficacy of a particular treatment. It's a whole different matter to discuss medicating relatives with homemade cancer cures. We can handle the former, but not the latter. In this instance, you can respond to this moderator note.
  12. If this is true, then the "real" issue is SD's father thinks he can work, and SD claims (in the OP) that he can't. I don't understand how the father could believe his son can work (OP claims he knows he can't), AND somehow "he just exploits this fact". Other than receiving welfare, which isn't exploitation at all in this case, how can you exploit that your son can't work? I'm sorry SD didn't take the chance earlier to respond, but I suspect he meant that father tells him often that he needs to look for work he can do. But I agree that any father wants his children to be self-sufficient, or if not, at least cared for in his absence. Even if his son thinks he's an idiot, argues with him constantly, and refuses to look for anything positive in his life.
  13. Great point, EdEarl. There should be more opportunities than ever for disabled persons around the world, since there are more disabled people. And I have to believe that Israel, with the mandatory military participation, and all the bombs and other havoc they have to deal with, have systems in place for those who are disabled for whatever reason. Israel is no stranger to pain and suffering, so it's really hard to believe that the OP is going to be homeless when the Rabin Medical Center is nearby. All citizens have to be a member of one of four not-for-profit, state-mandated public health services, so the OP should be covered there. I don't know how Israelis view healthcare, welfare, or disabilities in general. In the US, there are lots of people who think taking state aid is a weakness, or tarnishes their pride, or makes them dependent. There are also lots of people who don't trust modern medicine. There are lots of people who trust it just fine, but are reluctant to go looking for problems, especially medical problems (if I wait long enough, it may go away on it's own). And there are lots of people who don't know how to deal with dignity when it comes to disabilities. They're compassionate, but don't feel comfortable doing anything that would put them in an embarrassing situation (I saw a woman try to strike up a conversation with a retarded boy at the fountain in a mall once, and when she couldn't understand anything the child was saying, she sort of looked sick and trailed off, leaving embarrassed at her failure). I think a lot of folks ignore disabled people because they're afraid of seeming insensitive by making mistakes about circumstances they don't fully understand, which is ironic since ignoring someone who has a disability is pretty insensitive. But then again, don't we ignore MOST people we encounter on a trip to the mall? Unless they somehow get involved with whatever you're doing, there's little reason to engage, disabled or not. I know people who give a nod to anyone they see in a wheelchair, but they don't do that to anyone else. I understand that they're over-compensating for the fact that many chair-bound folks encounter people studiously avoiding eye-contact, but it seems more honest to me to just deal with every person individually as they enter your sphere of engagement, regardless of anything extraneous.
  14. If you correct your ideas based on the fact that matter and energy are NOT interchangeable, and the fact that the matter and energy available at the time of the Big Bang was NOT "created from nothing", what are you left with?
  15. I find the dynamic of the father/son relationship to be one where both sides often misunderstand the motives of each other. The father yells because he's a mean idiot, says the son. The son rejects all advice and so yelling is what's left, says the father. In my experience, fathers get frustrated a lot when their son ignores advice. They probably did so themselves, but that's not the way they remember it. Their own fathers had sage advice that was followed with respect (maybe, but it's often remembered that way only when the son is much older), so it's an issue of respect and intelligence when a son rejects what is offered. And of course, getting only one side of the story never helps. Idiot father uncaringly throwing disabled son out on the streets to be homeless in a first world country like Israel. Let's get the pitchforks. As a father, I know a few of your other threads on this subject made me feel like you weren't really interested in problem-solving. You thanked me for all the links I sent to some of the many social programs for disabled people in your area, but I never heard that you followed up on any of them. This suggests you just wanted sympathetic ears to agree with you that your father is responsible for all the awfulness in this situation. It's rare to find situations like this; in most cases, I find the blame can be shared. And if you aren't honest with the blame, I find many people focus on blame and never move past it to find a solution to their problems. So perhaps you need to start with the questions in post #2 and go from there. Try to be objective in your descriptions of being exploited. And I'd also like to know about whether the disability and its accompanying pain prevent you from doing any job. And how about this? Instead of only focusing on the negative, can you tell us how you would like to see your life? The disability isn't something we can just wish away, so please let us know how you'd like to live your life WITH the disability. Do you see yourself being independent of your family? Are you in a flat on your own, working at some job (either from home or nearby)? Or do you live with others, possibly in a facility that's set up for disabilities and coping with them?
  16. My healthcare system is hideously expensive, but this process helps cut costs. It's more economical to have one place where they do the scanning, where everyone with those needs goes to save having to make every doctor buy and fit the equipment in their offices.
  17. I think the movie version of learning something that requires physical prowess is complete BS. Even if you could somehow "download" the information you need to be a kung fu expert, you need the muscle memory as well, and the toughened hands and feet necessary to hit and kick without damaging yourself. I don't think there's anything that can be done for that except hard work. So it's probably the same way with straight information about a subject. At a certain point, you can have all the data required to know maths, but you still need the application experience to convert the data into usable information, imo.
  18. I should know better by now, but is there any chance something someone says could be useful to you, or are you going to remain imperviously negative? Because historically, when you post threads like this, you reject everything everyone says, and then it looks like you don't really want any help. Can you let us know ahead of time, is this just a rant, or did you want anything productive to come of it?
  19. ! Moderator Note HEY! This thread is in the Physics section, so it better start making some sense REAL SOON. Please focus on clarity and understanding, people. No need to go offtopic by responding to this note.
  20. Many conservatives would claim they'd do it differently, but in the end, the leadership they elect does EXACTLY the same thing (sometimes with good legislation too; if it has bipartisan support, kill it before it helps anybody). And they let them do it. and must approve of it, because they keep electing them and letting them do what they please, over and over again.
  21. I'm never sure if the misunderstandings are purposeful, or just so deeply entrenched that you can't uncover the reasons for the misunderstandings. Most of waitforufo's arguments are really outdated misconceptions, but he's convinced when you say it that way that you're just spinning things. He never bothers to stick around and listen to the fact that Reagan made up the Black Welfare Queen, in an attempt to discredit welfare spending. This is a FACT, but he'll never hear it, never even consider that his detractors might have even one ounce of evidence that Reagan was a racist pig who left a whole generation of Americans at the mercy of powerful banks and mega-corporations interested only in taking away a little bit more money from People who could ill afford it. This is who Trump appeals to also. And I think waitforufo is secretly glad he'll be "forced" to vote for Trump if he gets the party's nomination. His hands will be tied, after all. Completely blameless, you see.
  22. It's probably the Trump factor. He wants to bully the whole schoolyard now, and it helps him when everybody picks up a handful.
  23. "We know from studies"? Can you link us to one please, so we're all discussing the same phenomenon? Since rest breaks wouldn't really lessen the time spent sitting by very much (you'd need to add in 2-3 hours worth of breaks - nobody has time for that), I assume you're talking about a way to remain standing when you'd normally be sitting. I've seen some expensive work stations that feature more of a kneeling position. I'm intrigued, but not enough so far to try one out in a store. Also, at least in the US, the younger the child is, the more standing up and running around is in the daily plan for most teachers. As they get older, and the study and subjects get more complex, they tend to spend more time at a desk, like their adult counterparts.
  24. Reasonable conservatives, the oxymoron we're ALL looking for! I don't know a single Republican of any stripe right now that thinks Hillary Clinton deserves more than a stake to which she should be tied and burned. The ones I've talked to freely admit she'll get less done than Obama with the degenerate Congress they've proudly set up. I think the best she'll be able to do with Republicans is keep them home on election day, since they won't want to pull the lever on her or Trump.
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