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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I wouldn't bother anymore. Tar's delusions are deeply set, and he holds these lies close like a security blanket, sucking his thumb in the fetal position. Fear can be your friend in ignorance. Fear encourages you to lie, and keep lying, double down on the lies, because the alternative is knowledge, and fear can't stand that. I've lost track of the number of bullshit references he's brought up in his feeble attempts to refute actual facts. Pretty soon he'll be back around to the Black Welfare Queen, and we can all turn in our Bigot Bingo cards.
  2. The best proof won't be listened to, not by you, because it comes from other countries, and you conservatives don't trust them. They make it work, but you can't imagine we could. You think poorly of Americans, but I understand because you are a member of the Republican Party, and your critical skills are pathetic. Using public funds to make Medicare available to all would cost us less than what we pay now. It would do away with the idea of insurance for our health, put you and your doctors in charge of your health, and focus on keeping us healthy. But you don't listen to that (I can already hear you thinking of some meaningless, idiotic anecdote). You repeat the same ignorance over and over, ignoring everyone trying to show you facts. You can't seem to understand why lots of big businesses don't want you to mess with the fucked up way they've got things working in their favor, nor why it's important that we fix the fucked up part. I think you're a horrible spokesperson for our country, and I'm ashamed there are so many of you.
  3. As they explain, they are continuing the challenge under a slightly different format. The fact that they prize critical thought has NOT changed. They will still be requiring ideas to have evidential support.
  4. I was in Germany around 18 years ago when I saw a news report about someone who'd figured out how to make a plastic that could store its own solar power. I remember them talking about how it would revolutionize the toy industry, because you could make electric toys (like little cars) that would run as long as there was light, and there bodies would be the batteries. Since I never heard about that plastic again, I assumed either we lacked other ways of exploiting it fully, or Energizer bought the patent and it will never see the light of day again.
  5. ! Moderator Note Since Ryan's idea doesn't relate to mainstream Relativity, this thread also belongs in Speculations. And so far it's not meeting the standards that would keep it open more than these few pages. Let's step up the rigor!
  6. You just keep holding on to that integrity-preserver. You can't sink as long as you pretend it works! And as tar has repeatedly demonstrated in this thread, the narrative can't be refuted because it becomes sacred to the conservatives. Once heard, and accepted through confirmation bias, facts bounce off the false narrative and it becomes Truth to the conservatives. You start listing facts to refute a trivially false point, and their eyes glaze over and they start chanting the narrative mantra. It makes them so gullible and goofy. And scary since this inanity is so widespread. And reinforced. And well-funded.
  7. Or how we view your admittedly problematic explanations. You're not trustworthy. I mean this in the scientific sense, that your explanations have no evidence to support them, so they're all just hand-waving insistence that it's the truth. I think belief is three separate processes. Faith asks you to believe strongly with no support. Wishful thinking is just hoping something is true, even though you know it probably isn't. And the third is trust, believing in something because you've examined it rationally and have learned all you can about it, what others know about it, what reality says about it. I try to use trust as much as possible as my belief system. Trust requires evidence, and matching reality. It should be no wonder why we don't trust your "truth".
  8. It shouldn't, since it's just a very poor, ignorant caricature of scientists some people have. When someone has no evidence to support their ideas, I guess it makes sense to discredit those who do, by any means possible. Unless you have a shred of intellectual honesty, that is.
  9. In the US (where we have grown the business of law enforcement to its present 25% global market share), much of what a police officer asks you is trying to get you to somehow contradict yourself, to lie, or to appear nervous. This gives them probable cause, and empowers them greatly. I wonder if your friend didn't trigger some procedural response because he changed a previous statement by accident, or seemed more nervous than his basic grasp of the language would account for.
  10. You're discussing atomic clocks with someone who builds atomic clocks for a living. For the US Naval Observatory. "Seem to be" is pretty understated.
  11. Both this story and Eldad's underscore that this phenomenon starts with the behavior of the person whose delusions somehow allow them to dismiss that behavior. There is a violent reaction on one side, allegedly for no good reason, which doesn't make sense. We never hear the other side of the story, what that person did to initiate someone cursing them out, or a police officer beating them up, or bystanders objecting to being masturbated on. One way I can make sense of Eldad's story is to imagine he has a nervous habit of making a gesture with his hand that resembles masturbating. One of those things people do, like playing with a curl of hair, or tapping their finger on a desk. Only this one is inappropriate. He doesn't realize he's doing it, but people see him making that gesture and it's so out of place in public that they shout in response. I'm not saying this is the case, but it would explain the behavior. Or the whole thing could be imagined. Either are more likely than what Eldad described. We know there are those out there who are badly damaged, who rant and rave at strangers as if it's a rational thing to do. We also know there are those who function on a more mainstream level, like Marius, who are interesting and quirky, but still seem a bit disconnected with their role in reality. People adore patterns, and when someone behaves in a bizarre manner, it's tough not to come off as cruel in response. But is it cruel to at least start by suggesting that a diagnosis of paranoid delusions by a professional should indicate the person needs to avoid making decisions based solely on the bizarre things they think up?
  12. There are things that were discovered before there was a practical application for them. Iirc, the steam engine was invented before there was a mechanical method to convert it's energy into work.
  13. ! Moderator Note NO! This is called hijacking, taking a thread and making it about your idea instead of the question asked originally, and it's against the rules you agreed to follow. If you can't discuss this without hijacking the thread, then don't participate. Speculative ideas go in Speculations. Formal warning. Don't do this anymore. And don't derail the thread further by responding to this modnote. Report it if you disagree.
  14. This sounds like you've got a catch or loophole you think they haven't thought about, or that they haven't seen over the years, rather than actually trying to win the challenge on merit.
  15. The Republican Party. THE PARTY. Stop moving the goalposts. We have listed reasons for why hate is a relevant response to what the party has done, but you can't handle them. You always try to make it personal, so you can trot out a racially motivated anecdote about black people needing white people's money, or how good a friend you are to minorities, and feel you've won.
  16. ! Moderator Note Was your question answered, the misinformation sorted properly? I removed the video link since our rules state that we should be able to participate without clicking any links. Does knowing that energy is a property of light change the direction of your questions?
  17. ! Moderator Note We aren't interested in conducting any kind of commerce on the site. Please don't start any more threads looking to provide goods or services for our members. Thread closed.
  18. So no trousers either? You biologists are amazingly bold.
  19. That's a pretty explicit thing to say to a stranger on the street, with no provocation. It makes no sense as a hurled epithet, and I've NEVER heard it here in the USA. It doesn't sound like something one would say idly. I feel we're getting only one side of a very weird story. I have to ask. Were you masturbating? Were you masturbating on them? Is that why they said those things? Don't you think it might have been the psychosis, aggravated by what you perceived as inappropriate comments thrown in your face?
  20. I bet the sometimes when you don't, the mathematicians stop staring at their own shoes.
  21. You'll first need to show some kind of process where the early universe could produce such a phenomenon. AFAIK, there isn't one, and that's why most don't take white hole formation that seriously. Take a look at this paper, and come back with some support for your idea. You don't have a theory. This is an idea you need to find some evidence for. It's good that you're asking questions rather than telling us this is the way it is, so good job on that. And welcome back after a long suspension. Let's talk some science here.
  22. It's definitely a "have-your-cake-&-eat-it-too" mentality. They wield the Constitution haphazardly, using it only to reinforce what they want, ignoring the parts they don't. Ditto all their platform points as well. Small government only as far as regulations go, but lets give big business the keys to the vault and grow the gov their way. Welfare only if a private corporation profits, according to Christian values (What Would Donald Do?). It's hypocrisy on a national level. Hiding behind the flag, or the church, or whatever makes them feel secure as they pretend what they stand for is being represented by their leadership. I think the real terror is they know they're wrong, but their pride insists they double down on the crazy and stay the course, right onto the rocks. Good conservative captains, who honorably, ignorantly, want to go down with the ship.
  23. FOX's picture of it was horrible. They slanted the whole thing to equate belief in God with patriotism, implying that you atheists aren't patriotic. I'm not sure why that doesn't disgust you.
  24. ! Moderator Note Even though the OP was only interested in shilling for his yootoob channel, there are some valid discussion points. Please stick to the topic, and if you think what you're talking about doesn't involve the effects of porn on the brain, it's best not to post.
  25. Excellent example of what's wrong with America! Everything went right in this story. Laws and traditions were both upheld fairly with regard to town property and the religious message, and all should be happy with the outcome. Even the atheist, who was just helping his neighbors enforce the Constitution. Remember that document? But you and FOX think it's a bad thing all around. You use a great example of the nuances of local politics to infer something is wrong. Something is wrong, and it's your perspective if you think this story somehow paints a bad picture.
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