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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I don't know about that. If you become known for using logical fallacies, it can bring your entire argument into question, even when it's good. You can poison your own well, so to speak.
  2. I think it's like a boxing match. If you think you can get away with putting a horseshoe in your glove, it will definitely help you win, but if you get caught, the rest of your hard work is all for nothing.
  3. This seems more like you're using the Springer study, which only suggests that there is some doubt about current explanations for how karst landforms develop, to lend credence to your claims that the Earth somehow magically had enough water to cover the entire surface a mere 5000 years ago. I don't consider this attack serious at all, and there is ample evidence there was never a time when all land masses were submerged. How could they be, where did the water go? In fact, this seems more like a creationist attack on evolution using a trivially refutable argument. It's speculation at best, and certainly doesn't deserve to be considered Science News.
  4. Pick the most appropriate section (Engineering, Chemistry, Other Sciences, etc.), go there and click the Start New Topic button at the top right. Give it a descriptive title and then describe your problem. Please don't advertise your business, since links or any type of promotion/marketing in a thread is against the rules. Welcome!
  5. I'm not sure if this qualifies for "imagining" things that aren't there, but the shows people can hear things aren't there.
  6. Topic: "Should drug testing be mandatory for politicians caught having sex in church?"
  7. Study logical fallacies, so you can avoid them personally and recognize them when used against you.
  8. How we think is intrinsic to how we act. It has the capability to change EVERYTHING.
  9. If you aren't referring to the process of evolution, then I misinterpreted. It just seemed like you were referring to evolution the first time, but not the second.
  10. Two things. First, there are many people who are considered "starving" that are also considered "productive". I'm offended you might consider these people "a burden". Not everyone has the same set of circumstances in life, but that doesn't mean they don't contribute to society as a whole. Second, I think it's very important for science-minded folks not to misuse terms like "evolve". Your first use of "evolving" was fine, your second, well, not so much. A person doesn't evolve, evolution takes place only among populations over time. Also, there are no "higher levels" of evolution. Just sayin'.
  11. Reading one of Kaku's books led me to Physics Forum and then here almost a decade ago. He's always been (to me, at least) the popsci hook that hopefully grabs your interest so it can be funneled into a more meaningful and accurate understanding. Hot dogs are tasty but steak will make you strong.
  12. I'm pretty sure it depends on the fragrance you want. Some of it comes from pollen, some from petals, leaves and stalks. There are oils in the roots also. It varies from flower to flower. It also depends on why you're asking. Is this a question of where perfume fragrances from flowers are obtained, or are you asking what parts exude the fragrance that insects are attracted to?
  13. ! Moderator Note You have a thread open on this subject already. Please stay on topic for THIS thread in THIS section.
  14. ! Moderator Note This isn't even the thread for your theory. And it hasn't been a productive thread for quite some time. Closed.
  15. I sincerely hope W's comments don't cause you (or anyone) to decrease the amount of time you spend here. W seems to be flailing around, trying to lift his leg at anything he can. I know his vitriol holds little value for you but none of us are immune to being poisoned. I think it's clear that W is following a well-known path towards vindication by banishment. He gets banned because of his attitude but will brag later that it was because of his ideas.
  16. I think this proves you're no scientist. This is exactly what peer review does, it attacks the idea but not the person with the idea. I'd say you and this forum are incompatible. Your words are a true gift. Goodbye, good luck, good life.
  17. The problem isn't with the knowledge, it really never is. The problem is with what people do with the knowledge. Change the system so parents don't ignore the signs that their children are seriously considering mass murder. Change the system so every child has a healthier respect for life on this planet. Change the system so people grow up knowing that the way they walk through life is their responsibility. But don't try to hide the knowledge. You'll just increase curiosity about it by a couple orders of magnitude.
  18. This part seems like the Eastern European version of the Galileo complex. How can people fully understand that great ideas don't have to come from great people, and then completely fail at understanding that the ideas are what's important? Isn't science supposed to avoid this kind of personal drama?
  19. There are several hardware stores in your city. If they sell wood, perhaps you could ask if they can make the cuts for you. If you don't have any more projects that might be cheaper than buying your own miter box and saw.
  20. I sincerely doubt it. The part about him thinking that, I mean. It says a lot that this has happened over and over to Wolfhart Willimczik, but it obviously doesn't say a lot to him. Those who feel persecuted almost always go out of their way to keep the persecution going. Anyone who reads the posts he's criticizing can see he was given ample opportunity to keep the discussions civil and on-topic, but he always went back to sniping and personal insults. It's always about him because he wants it that way. At SFN we try to look only at ideas because that's all that matters, and it avoids appeals to authority, but he wants it to be personal, with pictures of us and real names. Can you imagine how much more personal Wolfhart Willimczik would make the insults if he had your real name and photo?
  21. That's probably why clapping caught hold. People got tired of losing liquids when banging their mugs against the table to show their support. Or maybe propriety took over in one of the stricter eras (Victorian England, US Prohibition, etc.) and people had no mugs with them while being entertained.
  22. If you can't fasten a hinged board to the wall as dimreepr suggested because of your landlord, I think making three right triangles out of boards wide enough for the wheels would be a good solution. I don't know what your carpentry skills are, but you basically want something that evens out the stairs that can be placed and removed and stored easily.
  23. A lot of people look at nuclear weaponry and see only evil. If you really think about it, the sharp increase in destructive capability represents a chance to better overcome our warlike tendencies. We've done more with diplomacy since the invention of nuclear weaponry a few decades ago than we have in the thousands of years we've considered ourselves to be civilized. Learning to live with our knowledge is a big part of what makes humans different from other species, imo. If we can overcome our knowledge of element 92 and not destroy ourselves (and we're actually doing better with that than we are with fossil fuels), we might be able to redefine what it means to be truly civilized.
  24. It's quite likely that you felt something happen and then attributed it to getting too close to your laptop. The more you investigated it, the more convinced you became that it was something serious. You have a problem concentrating because you're worried. When you thought this might affect your masculinity (which is highly unlikely), you really flipped out. It's no wonder you don't feel as excited about things the way you did before, you're terrified something really bad has happened. I'm not going to tell you it's all in your mind, because the mind is very powerful and affects the way we feel about things. That said, I think it would be the best thing to go see your doctor, explain what happened and let him diagnose what (if anything) is wrong. He's the professional who will be able to test you first-hand and give you his medical opinion, based on observable evidence. Make sure to tell the doctor about this head injury you had that you "healed yourself". Oh, and stop trying to heal yourself. As you now know, your head is very important and you're not a doctor. Your life isn't ruined, lots of smilies , no insults, stay away from evil sites, take a deep breath and call your doctor.
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