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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. ! Moderator Note No. Not again, not here. No. No. Absolutely not. This has been attempted and refuted too many times. Read a book, ffs. Learn something about evolution instead of listening to your backward, buck-toothed, hill people country sheeple preacher. No. Uh-uh. No more. Not again. No.
  2. The only "energy" involved is whatever thought and effort you invest in it. If you think something is true, or that something can be done, you're much more likely to search for ways to make it happen. If you don't think something is true or can't be done, you don't invest and move on to something else. That's plenty powerful without believing in any kind of external, supernatural influence. That bit about "confused or mixed thoughts" is simply rational learning through deliberation, and it's a good thing if you get more than a single other perspective. I would hesitate a lot to call that guy's friend. It sounds like he wants confused people with mixed feelings so he can tell them some kind of Truth. Fertile fields for planting, I think the Bible calls it.
  3. Moderator flame attracts moth like a kernel of truth that goes POP!
  4. I think the evidence points to this idea being shot down, most likely with a high-definition reality accelerator.
  5. Gratulacje, weź płaszcz!
  6. Worst bumper sticker EVER..
  7. ???
  8. ! Moderator Note Let's go with Anatomy, Physiology and Neuroscience.
  9. Here's our Genetics section.
  10. Cheese Nips need no refrigeration, they glow in the dark so you can find them easily, they have a half-shelf-life of ~10,000 years and the mice and cockroaches won't touch them. And they go well with every drink, from beer to chocolate milk to grapefruit juice.
  11. +1. That's going on a bumper sticker.
  12. Phi for All

    Ohai again

    Welcome back, man. Are you still at the other end of 93 from me or did you move?
  13. I guess it's a miracle that the Hebrew priests who wrote Leviticus had a word for turkey since they'd never seen one before.
  14. REALLY?! You went for THAT whore/sun pun and missed the whole "She solar body for science" bit?
  15. ! Moderator Note It was motivated by the fact that I thought I'd moved it there pages and pages ago in response to someone reporting it. I sincerely apologize to the membership for keeping it in a mainstream section for so long. Mea culpa.
  16. I remember that the carrion-eaters were considered unclean. Turkeys? They had turkeys in the Middle East back then? I don't think so, but maybe you're talking about a variant of the American turkey.
  17. The bubble edges are a little disconnecticated!
  18. A couple of generations ago, the Baker boys were all hot for Miss Candlestickmaker, so the smell of money has replaced patchouli as a selective pressure.
  19. ! Moderator Note Let's aim those guns at the ideas please, and not the people who have them. No more personal attacks.
  20. You probably got that the first time you watched the movie, but it took you five years to stop asking about being a moderator.
  21. The staff was seriously considering your application, and then you said this.
  22. I told you it didn't matter if you turned the puzzle upside down. Straight edges are going to be assumed to be the outside edge, but nice strawman. What's really ironic is you claiming to be an autodidact yet your consistency in failing to properly read and understand what we've been writing makes it seem like you ignore what doesn't support your assertions. What did you think I meant by "The order isn't important"? Shouldn't someone who is teaching themselves be more worried about cherry-picking their information? An edge isn't "proof" that it's going on the outside of the puzzle you're doing. I've experienced trying to put a jigsaw together that had four pieces from another puzzle mixed in, so at best an edge is supportive evidence that leads one to assume it's part of the outside edge. 11% is far from the majority.
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