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Phi for All

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Everything posted by Phi for All

  1. I assumed this is what he was on about, but I still can't figure out why it angers him so much, or causes him to label such people "degenerates". Even if you assume these people changed the names they were given by their parents, why does he consider it such deviant behavior? What is it about a last name like James or Kay or Paul that triggers his wrath?
  2. CharonY is right, ydoaPs. That's why you end up on the deck drooling every time something goes wrong with the server.
  3. It's not only about personal empowerment. Ethically, a basic education helps you to keep from making basic misjudgments that could be detrimental to others as well. Learning basic hygiene has cut infant mortality rates in half within just a few years in many undereducated parts of the world. Personally, I think much of extremist Islamic ideology could never have created so many terrorists if a basic secular education had been provided to much of Pakistan, Afghanistan and the surrounding areas. Perhaps ethically it's also preferable to provide opportunities for basic education for others whenever possible (preferably before you bomb them or something).
  4. Don't forget the corollary issue: at what point does "terrorist act" get redefined to catch the next "tier" of terrorists? How broad a brush will eventually be used in revoking citizenship?
  5. They give a few easily agreed on examples of "supporting terrorism", but besides the question of constitutionality, how open to interpretation is the language on this bill? It could easily be an abuse of power that leads to much greater abuse.
  6. That's a common, around-the-house object for you? Next staff meeting is at *your* place, D H.
  7. Wouldn't you really rather have a banana fence pencil?
  8. Ethically, I think it is every person's duty to get at least a basic education in order to understand how the world works. This understanding protects you from those who prey on ignorance. It's the intellectual equivalent to boiled leather armor.
  9. Five US quarters (25 cent piece) weighs an ounce. Probably more uniform than paper clips due to the limited number of manufacturers. Make sure they're minted after 1964 though.
  10. I have no idea what this means, last names like first names with a FSM link. You know, this is cool with me. You go, guy! Weren't you supposed to show me some end results? But overall earthquakes didn't rise on the day of Boobquake. Boobies had no effect! Score one two for atheists (or at least the ones who believe in boobies)! http://www.blaghag.com/2010/04/and-boobquake-results-are-in.html At this point, you're supposed to actually *give* a warning about... you know, something. Let me guess, with that mouth you're a Christian, right? Hello, Pot? This is Kettle. You're black. If only. Actually, Einstein was too busy for carpentry. He had people who did that kind of stuff for him. Is this a reference to Randi? Does this really piss you off that much? Are you claiming that everyone with a last name that could also be a first name are atheists?! Are you smoking what the lamb is smoking? I call False Dilemma. Right, because negative ideologies are bad.
  11. Welcome to everyone who has joined recently. You are encouraged to respond to existing threads. We have a great Search function that can search the whole site or individual areas. If you don't find the subject you need, feel free to open a thread about it. We're glad you're here and we thank you for your support.
  12. Sorry, that's not how I took it. But I'll hush now.
  13. Perhaps I'm just confused, but it seemed like he WAS talking about immortality, the way he ended with this question and all. And I don't really think immortality would necessarily end all pain and negative emotion. I we lived forever, we might not fear death but we probably wouldn't appreciate life as much.
  14. Unfortunately, we tend to make our greatest achievements only after struggling for them a great deal. The guy who builds a business over years and goes through all that heartache is much more respected, experienced and tempered than the guy who wins the same amount in the lottery. Immortality would take away the caution and therefore the risk of living with our choices. Some of our worst decisions are made when we judge the risks to be negligible, and some of our best moments happen because we judged the risks NOT worth the outcome. When we can turn down an opportunity because the risks aren't worth losing what we've already attained, it honors what we've attained and shows us how far we've come. Even a teenager has their accomplishments they can be proud of, and at every stage we should honor how far we've come. Too often though, we forget the mistakes and the successes of just two or five years past. We tend to focus on the now and the near future too much.
  15. We wouldn't have minded them if you would have contributed more than just the plugs and this one post. Participate, let us learn more about you, post some more and you can plug your book in your signature.
  16. Triple entendre if you're drying your laundry together. I always thought the laundromat would be one place you might likely get away with having your pants off in public. You might still get arrested but you have better odds that a woman might assume you spilled something, take pity on you and just shrug it off. If you could start a conversation with her that didn't involve why your pants are off, I think you should get several thousand bonus points.
  17. I'm up with that! And up with people in skirts! And wind, I like wind with my skirts....
  18. Even in the UK?
  19. I'm not sure I understand the correlation of larger muscle size with sensitivity to the driving/steering environment. While it's certainly not required to be intuitive, it doesn't make sense that larger muscles are better at sensing the small vibrations than the smaller muscles. I think fingers and fingertips (used in pulling the wheel) are much better at feeling subtle movements than are the palms of the hands (used in pushing the wheel). Fatigue may come into play after a while but I'm not sure that physical strength is being questioned here so much as which muscles allow for more sensitivity and control while turning.
  20. I'd like to hear the story that prompted this reaction. Start another thread for it because this one needs to close, now that Mr Spice of Life has been banned. This one will just keep getting bumped by med students and pants salesmen.
  21. It would make sense that pulling on the back side of the steering wheel would give you more sensitivity than pushing on the front, since pulling is done with the more sensitive tip of the fingers as opposed to the less sensitive base of the finger and palm of the hand you'd use to push. I wish Mokele, another of our Mods, were currently available, he does a lot of work with muscle groups. Mostly in reptiles, but his knowledge is much more technical, just what you're asking for. I'll keep looking though.
  22. My pants make more sense than you do. Salt doesn't absorb liquids. Salt helps the body maintain fluid levels, but it's the kidneys, not the blood, that regulate that. Besides, where does this new line of reasoning fit in with your "spices burn disease" premise?
  23. This is really bad reasoning. First, there is no evidence that people who work with spices get sick less often (sorry, a "poll" won't cut it). In fact, the anecdotal evidence seems to indicate that kitchen workers get sick quite a lot (I know some restaurant owners who keep extra staff because of the daily "call in sick" experiences they've had). Second, you fail to draw a correlation between "rotting smells", use of spices and getting sick. I can't even begin to unravel that. And third, trying to "reason this out" by assuming spices in general burn diseases is bad logic, bad science and bad gastronomy. Spices, blended correctly, aid in flavor and digestion, but they don't actually "burn" anything. The sensation you get from capsaicin is because of the molecule's ability to slip through cell membranes to bind with receptors, not because it "burns" the cells in any way.
  24. You didn't seem to get my point the first time, so I clarified it. I don't mind you speaking up about it, if you truly think you were in the right. Neither post was about berating you, just pointing out policy. I was careful to say that a lack of citations made it *look* like you were stealing, not that you *were* stealing. I'm sorry it doesn't seem to make sense to you. This post is not about berating you either. It's not taking a shot at you, not an admonishment, not a slap on the wrist. You're new, you're not the first new member to do this, and you've got a dozen other posts that make you too interesting to ban. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Most of the ergonomic sources are for much more heavy work than turning the wheel of a car. Those seem to favor pushing, but I can understand where you're coming from. Pulling would seem to allow for more of a "feel" for what's going on since it's restricted to fewer muscle groups.
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